I love looking at the stars. Kinda wish I had a telescope though.
I don't particularly like this star, so here A_A

Do you live in a place where you can easily see stars in a clear night sky?

1 month ago

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I've never lived in a place that wasn't plagued with light pollution. Maybe one day I can go out to the middle of nowhere and see the stars proper

1 month ago

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Do you live in a place where you can easily see stars in a clear night sky?

Not even close. Between the light pollution and the actual pollution, it's a miracle to even spot the brightest ones, sadly.
I was happy to be on vacation in a place that was remote enough to be able to see the Delta Aquarid meteor shower a couple of weeks ago though so that was cool and it will keep the stars in my eyes for a bit

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday ;)

1 month ago

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Nah, barely. Too many city lights. And air pollution I guess.

Thanks for the GA! :D

1 month ago

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meh. you can see a few. nothing special. none of that sense of being overwhelmingly small you get from nice clear skys on a hill

1 month ago

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There's no denying that the further away from the city, and the higher the elevation, the more dazzling the view 🌟😊🤩✨

1 month ago

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Sadly no, the light pollution here is simply too great, hells, I struggle to even see the Southern Cross on a cold clear winter's night anymore. On some clear nights I can see Jupiter reasonably enough but otherwise not much, I may sound old but I definitely remember seeing more stars in the night sky as a kid, ironically in a much more built up area. Only once did I ever see just how many stars there really are in the sky, and even a subtle glimpse of the Milky Way, but it was a school excursion to a regional town about 5 hours inland. Never seen anything like it again since. One day I'll go to one of those dark sky places again, let my mind be blown away like the 11 year old me who saw the galaxy for the first time 🌌

1 month ago

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When I was a kid, my Mom would sometimes take the family to the planetarium, and after coming home, she and I would find the clearest spot in the backyard to stare up at the stars through binoculars. Such fond memories ❤️

1 month ago

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I do. My house sits at 10230 feet altitude. All I can see is stars, mountains and forests (plus the town I live in).

1 month ago

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I’ve heard that Colorado is quite picturesque.
I have friends that live there, so maybe one day I’ll find an excuse to visit.

1 month ago

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I get a passable view of the stars from my backyard but I live too close to downtown to get a good clear view of the night sky, in here there's enough light pollution to give the night sky a red-ish hue.
Some years ago, probably over a decade ago at this point, I was traveling by car past midnight in the middle of nowhere with a perfectly clear sky and for the first time I realized that having lived my whole life in a city meant that I never knew how the night sky is supposed to look like. Up to that point I legit didn't know that the milkyway is supposed to be visible to the naked eye.

1 month ago

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1 hour to go bump.

1 month ago

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