Aw, I was interested in that one since I've yet to find it for my PS2. Never saw a decent sale when I looked though.
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Must have been during the time I was with family. Bah, humbug.
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Oh. I would have assumed an 80% sale be something on the front page. I tend to look at that stuff only during the sale events.
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There are always some games with offers like that, for example on this sale Lost Planet: Extreme Condition and the Bionic Commando games are at 80% for the whole sale and while not exactly 80 the Pac-Man games are at 75%. It's why I like visiting Hidden Gems threads during the sales, there are always a few good games with very good sales that never show up in the front page.
Although this time (or maybe always but I hadn't noticed?) below the "Popular New Releases" and "Top Sellers" area there's an area called "From My Wishlist..." and it's where I saw the offer for this game.
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Oh I didn't realize that. I usually don't look at non-front page games until the last day.
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Sad, I was hesitant to actually buy it because of the mixed reviews for it, just hoping that it gets re-added to the store in the future.
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Given there is little reason to not have a game in the store (look at all the companies who will release broken games just to make a buck), its removed because they have to, or some other reason that can typically prevent a return of the title.
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I missed it the last time it went on sale, now it looks like I won't have another chance.
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You can also do what I'll do and just keep looking on PS2. :P
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Except the part where I don't own a PS2. It's Steam or nothing for me!
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PS2 is ****ing awesome. Get one. It has thousands of games. You could build a library of hundreds of great titles.
I recommend hunting down an original model system, with a network adapter and decent sized hard drive, then load it up with as much as you can. That will even let you bypass the region lock. The system has some great games you would enjoy on it. Like the King's Field series, Eternal Ring and Shadow Tower Abyss, all games the Demon's Souls / Dark Souls devs used to work on before their recent games. You would almost certainly enjoy them.
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I'm very much against emulation. Even the official emulators never tend to have the right feel, because they can't bring over the original controllers and often have other differences. There are only a few I'll accept, like PS1 / PS2 Classics on PSN (since the Dual Shock hasn't changed significantly over the years) and some Virtual Console stuff on Nintendo systems.
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Wasn't aware you were a local (you know of TradeMe anyway).
I tend to avoid buying such items online. I already have one that broke within the first two weeks. >:(
Besides, PS1 emulation had other problems when I last tried. ****ing plugins.
I'm not going to be convinced. Original consoles is my choice, every time.
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I emulated Persona 3 FES and 4, but I really have no time for that when I have a 2000+ game backlog on Steam :P
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I have a similar backlog on Steam, I still have hundreds of consoles games. Now comply with my demands.
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Without most consoles, you have already failed.
With just PC, there are still games you will lack.
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Pirate copies doesn't make for a collection. :P
And emulation is awful.
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I'd rather play on the system than emulate. Its a nasty icky thing, even when official. Its very rare everything is right, down to the controller.
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Emulation doesn't require theft. You can stick the disc in your PC's dvd drive.
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Not all systems have a disc. And not many people are in the habit of actually buying the games they emulate.
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Well the one example game in this topic can, being on PS2. However it does technically require a system BIOS as well to operate. There are only some older console emulators that don't require a bios file.
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A known reason. They used battery back up saves. Batteries go flat. You need to replace them to make the games work again.
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so that's why gba games' saves go bad... interesting.
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Only the early GBA games used batteries, that was around the time they started moving to flash memory saving. Bootlegs still use batteries though.
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i thought bootleg is something nerdy i didn't hear before. apparently it means fake essentially. i knew there is something funny with some of my cardiges. so long secondhand gba games. never ever.
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It happens. Over here it is easier to notice because bootleggers base them on US copies.
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I'm betting it got removed because the license on Jean Reno's face expired.
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That could actually be correct. Would be a hell of a reason though.
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It was Capcom. And those were lisensed games, this was an IP Capcom owns itself.
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They wanted a cool French man.
Go ahead, make a list of them.
Also, the main characters in Onimusha tend to be modeled after real people. 1 and 2 anyway. Not sure about 4.
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No, 4 did not continue this trend. It was actually a much simpler- but longer- game than the first three, being more of your typical twitch-style beat 'em up instead of the thinking beat 'em up that Onimusha had been known for creating. This was largely in response to the popularity of simpler brawlers like God of War and Devil May Cry being more successful in the market.
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Jean Reno was a popular action hero at the time in Japan, so they wanted to cash in on his success.
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Hope it'll be back (Jean Reno's awesome), but in the meantime, in my paranoia of it possibly never coming back, I've now made my first purchase from one of those somewhat shady key seller storefronts. Received it as a Steam Gift. Since it's not for sale anymore, I assume they already had it in stock, so that kinda decreases the chances of it being revoked, I think/hope.
Thank you for the heads-up on the removal! I'll probably/hopefully feel like an idiot for overspending on it in a few weeks though if it returns.
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Game had some technical problems, hence the removal. Shitty port.
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Of course not. It would have been removed years ago. It's Jan. 1st, some deal ended with the end of 2014 is what happened.
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I hate how this often happens during sales: like a lot of other people, I usually wait until the last day or two to scour Steam for any "hidden gems". When they remove games mid-sale, I don't see them even if they're games I want at a decent price. :(
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Is that good news or just a normal process?
9 days ago · December 14, 2019 – 08:52:58 UTC
Changelist #7368572
Added review_percentage – 59
Added review_score – 5
Changed changenumber – 6820079 › 7368572
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It's just sorting/filtering support for the new library UI, lots of games have been getting these updates/
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91 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by SoulNibbler
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73 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
29,691 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MyrXIII
This is the community app page, but there's no link to the store anymore. Seems not many cared since apparently it's was removed about 22 hours ago and there's still no thread here.
I got it on the first few days of the sale now I wish I had gotten extra copies.
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