It was fair?
If you wanna give it away that badly, there's a thread in the forum for 'orphan keys' you can drop it it. It should make SOMEBODY happy
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Maybe you stop trying to make free game giveaways.... etc
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It's different. In that case I just accepted that I was wrong (And it was the first time facing something like that). but the scenario is different. With AsteroirsHD you had more than 10.000 keys.... In this giveaway less tha 1.000 (Some user in reddit said that)
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Well, that's not the only time this game was given away. I myself got it on a different a few months ago.
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Firstly, if you find it that ugly then why did you grab a key from that promotion? (unless you of course got it from a bundle instead).
Secondly, it's against the rules to give away free games. But! You can drop the key in your thread here or wherever (preferably in the orphan keys thread).
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It was fair regarding how the support thinks. The way they think is wrong tho, it's not a free game, it's just a game that was given away by its developers and never reached the F2P phase.
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A large number of copies were given away for free. The point is to prevent people from racking up CV by giving away something they can easily get for nothing, as well as limiting the stress on the server. I remember the site almost crashing due to the huge number of giveaways for free games before they enforced that rule.
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You can still give it to anybody. You can paste the key here and I'm sure somebody will take it. So what's the problem? Oh right... you wanted to gain something from it. You see, that's the problem. When there's something for free and you don't want it - you don't take it and leave it for people who actually want it. You took it just so you could regift it and get something from it (CV, karma etc.) and that is behaviour we find unethical. And you feeling mistreated whining about it just makes it worst. You could read about this in FAQ but you rather went for the forums to whine. You did everything wrong today. But there's a silver lining. You can learn from this right? Can you?
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Was that why you decided to take a few keys, and make a giveaway for 3 copies on this site?
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So you took a key for something you didn't know what it was? Why even bother then? Sure, few copies might mean you're out of luck, but googling the games litteraly takes 5 seconds. Your argument is pretty weak here. And you can still give it away by copying the key to this forum. And that won't be problem to you, since you obviously don't want to gain anything from it...
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I can follow your thoughts and I agree to your logic that you should be able to give away free games. Maybe one solution for it would be to give contributors of free game giveaways simply +0,00$ CV. As already mentioned he is not interested in gaining CV via his deleted GA, so wouldn't this be an viable option how you can handle free game giveaway instead of just deleting them ? In this way contributors of free games and receivers of steam keys of games that were once free but were not able to get a key for themselfes would both be happy :)
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this has been discussed in numerous topics but u would end up in getting pages and pages of freebie giveaways wich u could hide in settings but this would create more stress on the site iirc ;p not to mention the increase of work for the mods and support
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Allright, as a newbie to this site I did not read about this topic earlier and I accept the higher workload as a good counter argument to this suggestion. But just dropping the key to the forum in a first-come, first-served manner maybe not the best solution, just saying :)
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you were not able to get a free gift copy, so you can give the game to others. so every giveaway is guaranteed to be a paid copy.
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i don't see how anything you said matters for this. the point is, after a game was given away for free with thousands and thousands of copies, you can be sure that 99.9% of the giveaways created after that have a free key. people didn't pay for it, so they should not get CV for it.
a game that was activated for free on your personal account, with no possibility to give it to someone else, is a completely different story and has nothing to do with our problem here. don't you agree?
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It's actually the same case, if you look into it. The developers of the game wanted to give away few keys, they made a giveaway and that doesn't mean they want their to be free. I bet %101 that if they owned Steam, they wouldn't give away keys. No company would ever do that.
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Let's suppose the developers gave away 1000 key. Let's now suppose that only 500 activated their key, which leave us with 500 unactivated key for either regifting or trading. Let's suppose again that 100 keys were given again in SG, according to the rules if you win you MUST activate the key and you must not have the game in your library prior to joing the giveaway. That leave us with only 400 keys. Simply the amount of keys in the market will keep descending until there are no keys remain from what the developers gave away The game is also still paid for in Steam, which makes no sense why they removed the game from being gifted.
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You couldn't gift L4D, so just stop complaining all.. Rules are rules.
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First of all, how you created a giveaway for a game that was free a lot of times and are not on the giveaway list for a long time?
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Oh, sorry. My bad. I mistook it with "Woodle Tree adventures"
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Personally I don't like how the site bans free games. Just make them 0cv and be done with it.
In games with lots of keys, ban them for a while, 6mo to a year.
It makes no sense to me to ban them forever over a small giveaway, or even a large giveaway.
I mean I keep hearing of the site being flooded, but if you got no CV out of it, I doubt it. Also, even if it was, so what? Don't want the game, hide them. Also the site recently got a nice upgrade, so I don't think the load would be massive. I mean sure, if they were all removed today, ya, we'd have a few weeks of a shitstorm, but in a few months once things settle down it would be much better. And still allow people who want those games who missed the giveaways to have a chance of getting them.
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So this game "The Adventures of Tree" was given away for free by gleam few days ago or what?
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The rules are what the rules are and in this case it's against the rules to gift free games.
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May I suggest, that you read the FAQ & guidelines carefully (again). You should keep in mind that Steam's API does not report DLC properly, so you have to take care not to join DLCs you own already.
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Already responded: "First of all, I saw the link in reddit and the creator said that there were few keys so I just wanted to be fast and complete all the steps. Once I finished, I searched for the game in google and then I found that the game was ugly...."
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Yeah, he found out the game was ugly yet still took the steps to steal himself three more keys lmao. Amazing.
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Just a bunch of salt that people can't raise their CV through a bunch of keys they got through these giveaways in here. Follow the rules and put some money down on keys that aren't given away like candy every day or gtfo.
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Yeah, just a bunch of greed all around. I give away keys I have leftover from bundles happily and the CV is a side benefit, in the old days when you were able to give away free keys the site was flooded with nothing but those. It was a necessary rule to make sure the site isn't a complete joke flooded with Particula and Dead Bits keys every single day.
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ITT: Google's hard to use and I want CV for games I paid nothing for.
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I understand the rules, I just don't agree with them.
Making sure they get no CV, I agree, great thing. Shouldn't move up on free games. But denying everyone who missed their chance to ever get those games, short of Paying or Trading for them, imho, not good. There has to be a happy medium somewhere.
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So.... My giveaway was removed....
I wanted to give away my personal key for "The Adventures of Tree" (Yes, a free contest that lasted like 10 minutes or much less, because there were few keys) because it looks kind of ugly and didn't wanted the game.... But it was removed!
Isn't the purpose of the whole page giving unwanted games? I don't care about contributor level, points or recognition....
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