
Alright, it's closed. Well, not completely, you still may post whatever you want, but the last entry was from kamenipsixi on page 8. Now I need the time to listen to it all, choose most impressive ones, then send the links. I will inform you when it will happen.

My Birthday is near the corner (June 28, isn't it the same day when Summer Sales will begin?) and I'm going to support the old tradition by making some giveaways. But it is me you are dealing with, so you won't get the games so easily. What's the trick?

Post here music track you think / feel I'm going to like, plus choose the game from the list. Once I think that is enough (I will warn you when it's one day before the end, should last about a week), for every game I choose specific amount of users with the tracks I liked the most . As it's done, I create private giveaways and share the link with them. No Contribution amount will be used. Please, don't post anything blindly yet, read detailed rules first:

  • If you are new user of this site, please refer to our FAQ/Rules prior to do anything else;
  • It must be Youtube link only, I won't accept any other link. If you cannot find the track there or Youtube has incorrect version / extremely low quality only, left the artist name and track title instead. I will find it on my own. Make sure you have typed it right! Also, check this topic and learn how to create clickable links. Proper formatting will save my time;
  • Maximum of two tracks per user. You are free to post any amount of music, but I won't take into account more than first two tracks;
  • No more than one post with music + game name. I will check it. Failed to do so is disqulified;
  • Right after two tracks are posted, name one game you want to get from my list below in the same comment;
  • Be certain with tracks. I will check the thread periodically and write down my opinion secretly, and so editing your post might be pointless. You may change game you'd like to get as many times as you want before the end of "contest". Also, don't edit your previously created message to add music or else I might miss it, post a new one;
  • You may talk here freely, but post your entry only as the parental comment, meaning you won't be qualified for posting entry as a reply to one's comment;
  • Almost anything, really. Any length (well, it's hard to rate tracks lasting for less than 1 minute, so try to avoid posting such), any genre, with vocal or without it. Don't however post anything just in purpose of trolling, you won't succeed and will merely make yourself disqualified. Don't post compilations - only separate tracks! And yeah, don't try music from My Little Pony or remixes or anything connected with the show - it won't work;
  • On the rare occasion I might reply to you with "choose another track(s)". Simply edit your post and don't ask anything ;)

If you got the desired game somewhere during all this or changed your mind, just edit your post. If you won't respond to my message (after the end of this little "contest") or won't enter the giveaway near before its end, I will replace you with another user, and thus you will completely lose the opportunity to win.
I will run private giveaways for three days probably, so that's enough of time. If some game won't get enough users wanting it or the music won't please me at all, I won't create giveaway for said game. So don't hesistate to invite your friends to this very thread.
All games are tradeable copies. "Entries" means how much users I will choose for particular game - no more, no less. Here's the list:

This was asked more than once, so let me clarify. My nickname is Hollow Ichigo ---> H. Ichigo ---> Hichigo, and aside from that, you also may call me just Hollow or Ichigo, or Ichi, Hichi, Hich, or even Twichigo. Do as you wish.

As soon as it's over, I can post some examples of music I do like. Are you interested? Say that in your post. This is purely optional and will not affect your chances to win in any way. Please, say yes only if you are really interested.

I once was completely ignored. Ponies do never forget. Say NO to Pony Racism, support Pony Order Never Yield (PONY!) by wearing pony avatar, let pony racists taste the rainbow!

12 years ago*

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John Stump - Death Waltz
Serious Sam 2

12 years ago

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Your last paragraph made me realize you'd probably enjoy the following:
1)Rage - Bearforce 1
2)Queen - I Want To Break Free

Game I have to choose - Serious Sam 3: BFE. Happy birthday.

12 years ago

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Well I think this is up your alley Hichigo. Dat Pony Song Happy Birthday by the way Mister Hichigo: The Support Pony :) Oh yeah and i guess I'll go with the COH complete pack

12 years ago

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Somehow it seems unlikely that you will like my suggestions (selecting from my own, rather alternative tastes is probably a bad idea, not to mention taking two songs from the same band). I hope you do enjoy them to some extent though, or at least don't hate them. :P

Scissorlips by Rishloo
Disco Biscuit by Rishloo

I am only interested in the Sanctum Collection of the games listed.

Thanks a lot and happy almost birthday to you!

12 years ago

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Rob Dougan - Clubbed to Death
Tuatha de Danann - Bella Natura

Company of Heroes Complete Pack

Thanks Hichigo and happy bday near the corner

12 years ago

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Yoshiki feat. VIOLET UK - Screaming Blue
Utada Hikaru - Kremlin Dusk & You Make Me Want To Be A Man
The last one is 2-in-1, but those 2 songs are inseparable from each other in this medley performance. If you consider this as 2 songs, then watch whichever one you want.

Company of Heroes: Complete Pack

Sure, I'm interested in your tastes, especially if I fail in this selection process. :D
Thanks. :)

P.S.: I love it how people are giving their best shots in this thread. It's really interesting discovering new music here in this thread. :)

12 years ago

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Italobrothers - Stamp on the ground
Stan SB - Compromise

Ill take the sanctum collection. :)
Unique giveaway. happy Birthday.

12 years ago

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The Unfallen Kingdom by Gramatik Outstanding track, no lyrics. Make sure you listen until it picks up though.

Ultimate K-pop Mix Shockingly catchy, even if you don't like K-pop. I DARE YOU! Mix is done by masamixes, more info in the description, tons of artists etc.

If it is anything like the original, I could see playing Serious Sam 3: BFE, or at the very least ask you to re-roll it... wait... what?

No longer count, but totally worth trying out man!

No Children by the Mountain Goats Wonderful lyricism and contradition between the feel/beat of the song and what is being said. Totally worth the listen.

The Glitch Anthem by Cryptex Another mix, if you like dubstep/techno/glitch/whatever you want to call it, it is a pretty good mix of a lot of fairly popular tracks.

Happy birthday dude! Thank you for your contributions of time, effort, games, and support that you give to the community!

12 years ago

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OH! How could I forget you should also totally check out I Say Fever by Ramona Falls I'm told the video can be found strange/offputting, but I think it is pretty sweet.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The Original Halo Theme

Sanctum Collection please.

12 years ago

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1.) Dada Life - White Noise/Red Meat

2.) Super Meat Boy - Spoiled R0TT3N OC Remix

I'd like to be entered for Sanctum please. Thanks! :D

12 years ago

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGM0-G8x_pg - Hara Mamburu:3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD1NTfTF21I - Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Garden.

12 years ago

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2 really good songs I know are both by Linkin Park. First, is Waiting For The End. Second, is Blackout. Serious Sam 3 BFE please!!

12 years ago

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Gladiator - The Battle - Hans Zimmer

Gladiator - Now We Are Free - Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt & Lisa Gerrard Changed to other youtube version.

Serious Sam 2

Thanks for the contest and happy incoming birthday!

12 years ago

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This One

Or This One

Id Like SS3 BFE Please

12 years ago

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Position Music - Tactical Dominance (Orch Hybrid Version)

Audiomachine - The Truth

Game: Company of Heroes Complete Pack

Enjoy the music, I know i did

12 years ago

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Happy near-birthday! Music: One and Two
Sanctum Collection! :D

12 years ago

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This first song is an all time fave.
Shouldn't be a surprise telling from my profile...
This second is from an amazing indie game that I love to bop to!
Bought to you by quiche...
Btw if you want any good music for listening while gaming try the Syndicate soundtrack. All those songs get my blood pumpin!
Thanks for the opportunity and my entry will be for the Sanctum Collection.

12 years ago

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Track 1
Track 2
For Company of Heroes Complete Pack please and thank you :)

12 years ago

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I edited the second song, so please take a look.

N E R D-Rockstar


Company of Heroes Complete Pack

Thanks Hichi! Early happy birthday, also!

12 years ago

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So many comments, will you find me here Hichigo? :(

Here two for you:

Cee Loo Green - I want you

Daft Punk - Digital Love

I am fine with Sanctum, but please do post what you like to listen ^^

12 years ago

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Porcupine Tree - Lazarus

If These Trees Could Talk - Barren Lands of a Modern Dinosaur

I'd like to be entered in the Company of Heroes Complete Pack giveaway.

12 years ago

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<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaWYCr9r8Ks">Smiley-Love is for free</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afyf4Db6wd0&feature=related">Akcent-My Passion</a>

I dont know why dont appear like others the links that ive posted, but copy&paste the link. Great songs !

Give what game you want and even if i dont win, i hope you like this songs. Im sure that you are bored of Gaga and Pitbull ! :d

12 years ago

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do [Example Name] (www.link dot com)

12 years ago

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Pendulum Witchcraft COMPANY OF HEROES !!!!:))

12 years ago

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Check that out.
Massive Attack- Pray For Rain

I'd like company of heroes complete pack! (give it to someone more deserving though! :D )

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Hichigo.