You don't remember me, do you?
Basically the same as before but with 'game like objects' that make Bad Rats look classy.
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And then it will be removed from Steam as soon as it has finished 'learning about' it - it's a brave new world!
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I'm quite new, having finally caved to buying games that require Steam about two years ago, buying my first steam game off-steam this last January, and subsequently finding Steamgifts. Thus, I do not remember you. ;-)
That being said, welcome back! I hope you enjoy this stay and find more time for gaming!
(Was "Thanks for Skyrim" a thing back when you were here? If so, please explain what it was to this relative newb. Thanks.)
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For a long time (before and after release) Skyrim was the most-wishlisted game. It became quite the common troll to imply that a puzzle had a Skyrim giveaway behind it when usually it didn't. The "Thanks for Skyrim!" became the standard reponse to those posts (even if it did actually have Skyrim).
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GDPR is the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.
Anyway, hi! Nice to meet you.
Had to be reminded of the 'thanks for Skyrim' meme myself but now it's all flooded back to me.
I also think it was a bit of a thing because people used to set up a giveaway thinking they would get given that game, and a lot of people wanted Skyrim, so tons of fake/mistaken giveaways for Skyrim would get created.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Also is that still a thing? Do people still set up giveaways for things they want to be given?
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Thank you for the info regarding GDPR and Skyrim.
Also, hi! Good to meet you!
I seem to remember a mod talking about being pleasantly surprised that he did not have to delete yet another fake giveaway for PUBG, so I guess it is still ongoing to some extent. O.O
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Welcome back Mercer.
Gifting got bad because Valve no longer allow purchases to go to inventory for later. And I can't gift to regions that pay more, which limits my gifting. -_-
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Console game backlog, looking like a Steam backlog at this point.
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That's a helluva backlog!
Good luck with that! I notice you've got Bloodborne in your unfinished? Any reason for that?
That was the last game I truly immersed myself in. Loved it, platted it, first game since To the Moon that made me wish I could erase my memory of it and go back and do it again.
Oh and congrats on the promotion to mod!
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I used to be terrible with Soulsborne types. I ended up with Dark Souls: Collector's Edition sat in the plastic wrap on my shelf for a fair few years. Bought it for myself, tried it out elsewhere and just couldn't get on with it. Everyone was telling me to go in blind, just see what happens etc. and it just didn't work. Then I watched friends play it, watched videos, did research etc. and when I finally came back to it I found it a much better experience.
After that I got hooked on those types of games and to me Bloodborne is the peak. I hope you find it gels a little better with you when you get back to it. It really does feel like an accomplishment to finish it, at least for me. If not, just watch some videos on the lore and stuff, because that's what really kept me in it. It's a messed up trip!
If it wasn't for the fact I know our timezones are so different I'd be tempted to finally get PS+ and be your summonable assistant through the game!
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I don't pay for Plus anyway. Don't care about online all that much, and would prefer to own games permanently, not just while I subscribe.
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Granny smith's can be quite tangy. Or just munch a good old british Bramley without cooking it! Or a crab apple.
In fact there's lots of tangy apples, thus I refer you to your own image.
Plus, if I were to include any quotes from Fawlty Towers in my poll they would be "cloth-eared bint," "I know nothing" and "If you don't like duck, you're rather stuck!"
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"When one critically breaks down a narrative structure, or 'plot', of an example of media, one must be considerate of the fact that without the prerequisite bewbs, can one actually consider it to have a plot at all?"
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I assume there are a ton of new people about?
Hi, I am new! :D Just wanted to say hello
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That's okay and thank you.
Hope you followed Steamgifts guidelines and either;
A) Enjoyed the game,
B) Intended to enjoy the game but got it stuck in your backlog
C) Redeemed the game and left it gathering dust in your collection like a piano black PSP in a woodworking warehouse.
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Frankie Muniz doesn't remember anything from that show...
Also hi, welcome back. I'm a nobody here but I did have one thread that got some activity that was "nice" and showed me that a group of folks on here are a little judgemental and continue to be, but other than that folks on this site are still super nice and overly generous!
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So I guess the only line applicable to him from the opening is 'can you repeat the question?'...
...Thank you for visiting Mercer's Comedy Club, I'm here all week telling terrible jokes demonstrating how bad of a person I am!
Anyway you're not a nobody here, and you were nice enough to stop by and say hello so you can't be all bad. Nice to be e-quainted with you.
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Seems similar enough; endless reams of trashy gifts with the odd amazing one, people spreading mean comments interspersed with the odd scattering of goodwill, a whole lot of love and generosity.
It's the spirit of a good family Christmas, but 365 days a year!
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It was a great tradition. I seem to recall people giving away multiple copies of Fortix before ever winning one of their own.
And Fortix isn't terrible.
Need to find a way to revive this noble tradition. Not sure of the easiest way to do so.
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With all the horrible game that makes it on Steam these days, Fortix is really not that bad...
I think Christmas would be the perfect time to revive an old tradition, we do need a SG tradition..
That would be great, and I still don't own Fortix :D
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That sounds like a great idea. The 2018 Christmas Fortix Giveaway Extravaganze, brought to you by Nostalgia!
There's probably a lot of people who don't own Fortix if that tradition died a death, so the old rules could still apply.
Either that or we pick another good, low-priced hidden gem that almost nobody owns but deserves a handful of meme-generated sales.
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Hey, I remember you! You won my Gamemaker, Game-maker event from wayyyyy back when!
Looking back, it's kind of hilarious how all of those prizes are bundled games now 😝
Edit: Actually wait, I think you won this film quiz instead. Eesh, memory is hard.
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I've been seeing that in the bundles. Always brings back memories seeing something that was Steamgifts gold back in the day in the lowest tier on some bundle site.
Not sure what I won but since I see you pop up on my Steam notifications from time to time there was definitely something. I do remember winning an RPG Maker but not sure if that was yours.
I never did make a game with it, but I did try.
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Welcome back, Mercer!
Been around here for a while, but I don't seem to recall your name. Anyways, you seem like a nice person. Not much from what you remember is still as it has been. In fact a lot has changed. Point system, the way gifting works on Steam, privacy settings and makret restricitions, we have SGTools now and tons of support members and a space kitty to rule us all. People come and go. Games get hyped and then bundled and forgotten, idled and sometimes even played.
We're still having fun around here tho, e.g. you came one month late for the last big community event which was the Community Train 3.0, which was one hell of a train ride featuring an unblievable amount of 4500 carts (yeah, you read that right), introducing the depths of Pete's sofa.
So, enjoy the party :)
And yeah, potato was forgotten in your poll. That meme is a zombie.
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Hey, thank you.
Yeah, Delta mentioned something about Steam inventory changes, and gifting rules etc. I'd like to start gifting a little again once my money is in better order but I assume the easiest way to go about it is to buy keys from bundles these days? Or is Humble Store a good place?
I am, however, sorry I missed one hell of a train. I always loved the crazy events! Those and Mew's puzzles...Dear God, those puzzles!
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Humblebundle and Fanatical are both good places to buy keys, but a word of caution with Humble: MAKE SURE you use the "gift link", not "reveal the key and give that here."
Humble has become...less friendly (towards users of this site) in the last while than I hear it used to be.
Some users like Indiegala and GreenManGaming (legit again/finally), but I have not yet purchased from either.
I do not know why Potato is a meme, but it is, and a wonderfully funny one, too :D
Archi still has a spring event. Student123 left and maybe came back for the Community Train as IAmNew. LostSoulVL was permanently suspended. I am sure that (from your perspective) there are many new users, and some of the legends that you maybe knew have left, but the community is still quite friendly, and the spirit of gifting is still very strong.
There are wonderful people here, and some of my best internet friends have been met through this site. Some of the funniest internet moments I have experienced are tied to this site or the people I have met here. :D
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Thanks for the advice.
Seems many places are averse to people buying games to give away to other people, even though that makes no damn sense and a partnership with a place like Steamgifts would be lucrative!
Even being defensive of protecting corporate interests (which I'm not) the random-draw nature of Steamgifts makes it hard to exploit, say, buying games in cheaper regions to distribute elsewhere. Just stupid businesses being stupid for the sake of stupidity.
I have now seen potato meme in action, I will ensure the include more potato in my polls henceforth.
I, too, found some great people through Steamgifts. Many things pulled me away from it but that period on here, shooting shit with strangers, getting involved in the mad puzzles and events, getting to know great people and (being afforded the luxury of disposable income at the time) giving away quite a lot of stuff...I had a great time. I'm glad others are still getting the same out of it.
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Not a problem. I'm just glad that I was in some way helpful to you.
I don't understand myself why Humble would consider SG a "trading" site, and I totally agree with you regarding businesses being less-than-smart.
Long Live Potato! :D
Whatever the reasons that pulled you away, whether you currently have disposable income or not, if you give away stuff or not, I hope you find as much or a whole lot more joy and have as great (or better) a time here than you did some years ago!
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I remember you, Mercer, welcome back! You wrote a brilliant essay on the Final Fantasy series and how it correlates with your love life (at least that is the way I will choose to interpret it :) and I haven't forgotten that, so it's good to see you around.
The days of Fortix being the ambrosia of Steamgifts are sadly over and we have no real equivalent. You can give away bundled games now (remember when bundled games were strictly verboten??), even if they have gone for free, Dota 2 no longer costs 50 points to enter (and you can't give it away), I don't think you can give away Battlefield 3 and Minecraft anymore... and err, Steam axed tradable giftable inventory copies of games (and you can only directly gift to people on your friends list, but not if you live in a cheaper region than them, basically), but it has refunds now. So gifting is practically all via keys now. Also whitelists and blacklists for your favourite and least favourite people on SG are a thing, and there's always drama around that. Speaking of which, internecine drama hasn't gone anywhere.
Thanks for Skyrim.
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Hey, thank you.
I probably did do that. I love the Final Fantasy series and could certainly essay on it for lots of reasons. Was this something to do with character naming? I have vague recollections of a discussion about how I used to name love-interest characters after crushes and things.
I think blacklists and whitelists came in just around the time I left. According to the stats I'm on someone's blacklist, no idea what happened there!
Also, not sure if I actually gave you Skyrim or if this is a meme...I feel like an old man at a reunion!
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I guess you've figured it out by now but "Thanks for Skyrim" is an old SG meme that's still spoken of in the occasional whisper or murmuring of past times :)
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Well call me the T-Rex because that was one of the main things I remembered. It was like this whole Steamgifts metagame, it was awesome.
Seems so with Delta, I checked out that backlog. Amazing collection of games. Might have to catalogue and upload my own someday but I don't really intend to play most of them, never mind finish them.
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well don't worry I'm a Triceratops myself, it was my favourite joke/event/whateveryoucallit too
and so true, seems that most old faces has lost fight with their backlog so now there is more and more giveaways, events and groups intended participant to play their wins
oh and I haven't seen "thanks for skyrim" for sooo long
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I think I get emails from your secretary on a regular basis, they just never make it past my spam filter. I'll be sure to reply to all of them from now on.
Also, you wouldn't happen to be that Nigerian Prince with an amazing business opportunity I keep hearing about, would you?
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Well, I've got all my money together ready to send you (via your secretary) but it's going to cost you £455 administration fee for the Western Union transfer. So if you can get that to me as soon as possible I'll get you all my money over to your offshore account as you've requested, and as is your right as owner.
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Time being as time art, a moment's a lifetime to the unfortunate. If't be true one spake as one speaks t's all the same so long as said speech is pure of heart and the discourse true. Speaketh anon with nay countenance f'r style - but find good sport in it - but f'r sincerity hold ye it dear, else men art naught but beasts in cloth rags.
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Cliff notes:
In this Scene (Act 1: Scene 2) of the play "T's Been a While" by Mercer Eightyeightspeare, Mercerio is chatting with Yingunius about whether or not they know each other.
They do not, but Mercerio recognises Yingunius' dialect and asks if they always talk like an actor in a play, to which Yingunius replies that they have their "periods, nay, moments," Mercerio finds this correction interesting.
A period could be considered longer than a moment, so being the pseudointellectual he is Mercerio offers his thoughts.
He suggests that since time acts as it does on the human condition a moment could easily be a lifetime. Because of this he suggests to Yingunius that they should talk however they like as long as they remain moral - "pure of heart" - and honest -"the discourse true".
He then says to speak without regard for how you speak - "with nay countenance f'r style" - though one should enjoy how one speaks, but instead to speak with regard for the sincerity of your speech, because without it human beings are baser and more animal - or "but beasts in cloth rags."
Many believe this line to be a reference to one of Eightyeightspeare's influences, Bloodborne, but certain scholar's suggest he is actually aping a similar passage in coincidentally named Shakespeare's play King Lear.
Original Eightyeightspeare folios omit this entire play on account of the fact that many believe it doesn't exist.
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I was an active member of the Steamgifts community about...4-5 years ago. Then I sort of disappeared.
I'd like to say I journeyed pioneeringly into the realms of being busy and successful, and in some ways I did, and in many ways I just had one too many breakdowns, then my gaming laptop broke and Steam and all its games kind of became a second thought. Then Steamgifts became version 2.0 and somewhere in the transition I just fell off.
So, what's new? Who's around? Any old faces still here? Does Delta still spend the equivalent of a small South American island nation's GDP giving away games like some Steamgifts Santa? I assume there are a ton of new people about? Seems the site has expanded quite a lot since my day, how's the scene?
Is it still a custom that one must never have Fortix activated on their steam account unless they have won it here? If not can we revive it?
I've also included a poll because when a form asks if I want to include a poll the answer is always yes.
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