No, I don't want 1070 :) like I said above. I don't know whether 1060 would suit my current config :\
Noise is not from the fans. My HDDs sound like giant mechanisms that scratch metal :D
It's like a self-trolling and playing on stereotypes. Girls know nothing in hardware.
it's fine
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If you only play stuff like CS and your old one was kinda good enough, 1060 seems overkill.
Could get yourself one of those $500-600 pc's and save yourself some money too, yes that's the smart girl in you, and heck you can buy a nice dress too. :p
Depends, if you can really afford $1000, but if things are always tight, be happy with something smaller, i would.
Are you sure the western digital is noisy too? Never had that issue before, if it's just one them you can still use that in your new one.
You will definitely want one for the space.
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So, what graphics card would you advice then? if you could advice a dress too it would be awesome :d
$1000 is like my x3+ salary =_= I wasn't planning to buy a new PC soon, it's unexpected :c But I can forget about it if I renew some parts.
I don't know which of HDDs is so noisy. Maybe both, lol. But I checked them recently and I found some bad sectors :\ So I'd better buy new.
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My dad recently bought a prebuilt pc for about 600 euro, it had ssd, hdd, geforce 960, that's more then enough and still gives you a nice boost compared to what you are used to now.
I myself only got a geforce 430 and a frankenstein pc with lots of replaced parts (even had to just buy a new monitor :x due this)
Sure if i'd enough money i would get myself a nice 4500 euro pc i have my eyes on, that has 2x1080, prebuilt thus more expensive but heck it comes with a free! vr vive set.
But you never know when you might need money for other stuff too (and stuff always breaks when you can't afford it) i would save some money if i were you.
Simple is to just unplug either and try, but yeah bad sectors are bad, better to just buy a new one then, though you can still use them for data you don't care about if that gets lost like installing your steam games.
I am not sure where that rumor came from that i supposedly know about dresses, but it's false. >.<.
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I recently bought a GTX 1060 3GB (I bought the MSI armor edition, which was slightly cheaper
than the one by Palit and because people here seemed to agree, that MSI is generally a good brand)...
and so far it works good ("Rise of the Tomb Raider" looks really cool with all its fancy graphics effects) and it's silent as well.
Since you mainly play stuff like CS you might consider a 1050/1050 Ti, it's quite a bit cheaper and should work well for you.
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Freezing can occur because of dying hdd(s), test them with a program like Victoria or similar. 3 GB version of this card is not going to last more than 2 years, go either 6 gb 1060 or 8 gb RX480. Install more ram, 16 gb for example and no need for expensive sticks with fancy radiators. That psu is overkill, i believe, your fsp maybe good enough for new pc.
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If you have freezes because of faulty sectors, turning off page file swapping should help. Also you could try repairing the bad sectors with Partition Guru as a temporary solution at least. As for the upgrade, it depends if you think you actually need new computer. The current one should be enough only for CS. Just get GTX 1050/1050 Ti or RX 460 and exchange your 1st HDD (probably the noisy one, as the 2nd one is one of the most silent mechanic drives) with an SSD. Preferably 500 GB one but I wouldn't get smaller than 250 GB.
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Well, fast and silent is not really sounds like reality, if you need silent - it needs to be somewhat slow. WD Green or Blue series for example, Hitachi tend to be loudy, Seagate's is kinda silent. Just don't buy extra large hdd's cuz they tend to be pretty unreliable.
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it would okay, but i'd drop some of that fancy stuff for some regular/value stuff in order to get more bang for buck.
ambiphonic above me has the right idea, drop the radiated ram for some value/norm ram in larger size. and imo i'd see if you can shave a little $ off here and there to go 250gb SSD to install your fav games on as well as OS to play off of.
and as others have said 3gb will work okay too, and probably last 2-3years. but the 6-8gb card options would last closer to 4-5years. (assuming nothing super drastic happens in that time)
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well you'd be pretty well future proof too (3-5years worth), not just fine is what i mean.. to be perfectly honest you should already be beyond just fine for CSGO though. i think your hard drive sectors is what's causing the issue currently really.
basically if all you're looking for is a fix for your CSGO issues, i'd say the SSD alone would do the trick.. but in order to also futureproof your machine for current and upcoming games, you could still upgrade the ram & vid card. xD
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oh sorry, i forgot it died. it's really upto you on its replacement. the 1060 3gb version would be just fine for that game and even all the current games too, but not so futureproof at all. newer games are really starting to hog that video memory so 6-8GB is almost needed for the future of gaming. just depends how long before you don't mind replacing it again really.
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GTX 1070 would keep you going till you go for 1440p or 4k and even then should work. 250gb+ ssd for os and game or few you want faster loading times. If you want save bit you could go for Crucial instead Samsung for ssd. Hard drives will always make some noise. WD Black should be good choice for gaming hdd.
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Not much difference in the speed of those CPUs? Buy a video card and SSD hdd now and replace your CPU when it dies.
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Game freezes could be a number of things, so I won't even speculate without sitting in front of it. I started to list them off then deleted it, realizing it's not really going to help you if you need to try 7263657 different fixes. It could literally be anything from a corrupt OS to drivers, from a bad memory controller or RAM stick to a bad GPU. Lots of possibilities :X
Your "ideal PC" looks pretty good, actually. I'd go with a 256GB SSD or better though. The only time you want more HDD space is when you don't have it. I'd also probably go with the 6GB 1060 over the 3GB if possible, depending on how long you plan on using the card, and what games you play. If you want more RAM, you can always add it later.
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120GB will surely get you by for the OS. Assuming this is your first (and if it's not, then please disregard the rest), once you start using an SSD, you're going to want to put more and more apps and games on it, and will want more space. :X
I'd feel bad if I didn't suggest larger, just so you're not sitting there wishing you had more space later (which might still happen with a 256GB anyway lol) :3
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I did the same thing early on and learned the hard way.
SSDs were a lot more expensive back then, too. :X
At least now they're more reasonably priced and not just for "PC enthusiasts"
I think I paid $90 each for my current SSDs on sale, and today I saw them on sale in an email for ~$60 each (less than half what I paid for my first 120GB SSD). cries
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If you only play CS, a simple AMD RX 460 or 470 would suit your needs, and they are cheap enough, yet powerful for that game.
Problem with the 1060 3 GB version is the "3 GB" part. That edition of the card is some sick and twisted joke from NVidia, as it sits perfectly in the range where it is too much for old games anyway, but way too little to use for anything demanding. There is little reason to buy anything under 4 GB of VRAM nowadays, no matter what you need it for right now.
As for your PC? it is good enough right now to only replace the GPU. You can safely wait and gather more money to buy later a new one.
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Your CPU is fine IMHO. Get a 500 GB SSD for your OS and most important games. If you don't have a lot of porn that may even be sufficient for everything ;)
GPU wise: Don't get a 3GB 1060, only consider the 6GB version. Or get an AMD 480.
First thing I would do is install your OS on the SSD and the GPU on your old motherboard/CPU without the old HDDs. Use the new sata cable that comes with the SSD. Then see if you still have freezes.
Check the temps and dust buildup inside. If you can't find any particular fault it may be an issue with your CPU or motherboard.
Then it's time to consider getting the rest.
Edit: If you use a 1920*1080 resolution save some money and buy a 1050Ti or AMD 470.
Remember to read reviews on the specific models first as some may have some idiosyncracies concerning fan noise, fan speed profiles, coil whine etc..
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Case по вкусу. если нужна тишина, то можешь присмотреться к Fractal Design серии Define.
Graphics card лучше взять с 6-8 гигами
RAM 8Гб х 2 не игровой серии без всяких радиаторов
Motherboard что-нибудь подешевле
SSD я бы взял на 250 гигабайт
WD20EZRX если до сих пор парковку головок не отключила, то советую это сделать. Винт проживет гораздо дольше.
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SSD Самсунг EVO или PRO.
По деньгам выберешь объем и серию :)
Чем новее, тем лучше. 950, 960 там ваще космос по скоростям (на M.2, в старую материнку не встанет) :)
У меня 850 Pro на 256 гиг.
(ниже 850-й серии не бери, там у эво были проблемы)
Оперативку бери саму дешевую хайникс или самсунг без всяких радиаторов. Только смотри чтобы напряжение и тип соответствовали.
Материнку хз. Но асусы игровой серии всегда были неоправданно дороги. По моделям ничего сказать не могу. Лень искать :)
с видюхой вроде определилась
не бери на 3 гига. Уже все написали это.
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ino 120Gb isn't hardly enough.
get at least 256Gb.
and if you play on gaming on that SSD get the 512Gb.
movies, songs etc are great for HDD ;) not all games, some need a faster drive
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Тебе нужен норм корпус и вентиляторы чтобы не спалить чё нить опять. Советую: Corsair Carbide Series 88R + докупить 4 вентика.
Из ссд советую Samsung 850 EVO. У самого такой, другу посоветовал. Супер качество, скорость итд.
Ну а по видюхе и раму уже определилась я так понял. :)
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GTX 1060 for the GPU seems like a no brainer, the rest should be more than enough for playing CS. Since you are doing SSD+HDD, I would get any 256GB for the system, and any HDD with enough capacity to store your files and games (I assume you back up your data somewhere else as well). Freezes could be something overheating or a bad part somewhere. I would make sure you have enough air flow in the case and that the thermo paste on the CPU is still good (and that CPU cooler is sufficient). If all the temperatures are within norm, the only way to find the cause of the freezes is to replace parts one by one until the freeze goes away. You can also try to reinstall the OS to see if it's a driver or OS problem. Hope this helps.
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At first you no need new PC
Buy new GPU :) and SSD
You have i5 2320 is decent and still good for gaming also can be OC on you motherboard use Enhanced Turbo + 400mhz ,and from Fsb OC +175mhz = 3675 Mhz, and you will no need change CPU for next 2-3 yeas :)
GPU = GTX 1060 is ok :)
Buy economy class SSD * For example I swap from HDD to cheap SSD ADATA SP550 OS loading time change from 2 min to 12 sec on Samsung 850 Evo 250GB OS loading time will be probably 10-11sec
About Issues:
Anyway my cheap 200 £ second hand PC can give around min 80+ FPS in CS GO
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Hello guys!
Last Sunday - November, 20th - my graphics card died. Four years together, thousands hours of videogames and other stuff. RIP, my dear friend.
And now I'm a little bit puzzled what to do next. I need a new graphics card ofc. But should I buy a really good one or smth a bit better then my old one? Should I buy a whole new PC or just upgrade some parts? And what segment should it be?
I'll try to explain my thoughts. Like a typical girl I'd like to buy really cool and beautiful PC you know :D But like a smart girl I understand that I play CS only and I don't actually need smth like GTX 1080, lol. My current PC is quiet good (except freezes and noise). Also it doesn't really make sense to buy smth so-so to change it again in 2-3 years. Really weak place in my current config imho - 2 old HDDs. They're noisy as hell. So my minimal must have is graphics card and SSD+HDD.
A little note about these freezes because I don't really know the exact reason. Most painful freezes were during playing CS. It's like when you face your enemy and start shooting aand then your PC freezes (sound too) for 1-2 seconds and then you find yourself dead because you weren't actually shooting during this pause. It was f-cking annoying. I thought it was because of a high load but I noticed freezes even while playing a little flash game. What could it be?
And here's what I want to change:
What do you think?
hey guys im girl and i suck in hardware what should i buy to play cs again and get rid of that awful noise? xD
Oh. And I promised a couple of GAs. Here you're. 1 2 3 4 5 RU/CIS
P.S. Sorry for such a higgledy-piggledy topic and bad english.
UpdateSo. Things are getting more clear. At this point I decided not to renew whole PC but graphics card and SSD+HDD.MSI GeForce GTX 1060 Gaming X 6GB should be fine, shouldn't it? And would my current PC unlock the potential of this card?
And I still don't know what SSD(Samsung 850 Evo 250GB?) and HDD(1/2Tb) to choose.
Update 2.1
I convinced myself that
750ti1050ti will be enough :) Special thanks to Bentosan.Comment has been collapsed.