The rules to enter are simple. Answer the question in the comments.
The question is: "How do you cope with boredom/apathy and/or depression (apart from gaming obviously)".

After that join the giveaway.

3 years ago

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Luckily I don't suffer from depression. But when I don't know what to do and the weather is right, I take my camera and go for a walk, looking for good photo subjects.

3 years ago

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+1 walking is good for everything, you can walk, you can ride a bike or you can go for a swimming.

3 years ago

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True, and it is very relaxing.

3 years ago

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With reading and writing. Once you begin writing you always have someting to think about when you're not doing anything.

3 years ago

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I started to learn how to play guitar.
It was good for me trying something related to music.

3 years ago

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How serious are you to change things? Have you asked yourself, "Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?" What was your answer? Because being stuck in your head is the worst place to be.

To answer your question, the answer is simple... put your hands on the edge of your desk and push! It is even more helpful if you have a goal, or something you'd like to accomplish, and get out there and do it. (For me, it was going to college and doing something with my life that involved helping others.) No amount of sitting around and wishing will make it happen. It takes action. You just have to want it bad enough.

3 years ago

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When the weather allows for it, my #1 way to deal with any of those states is to get out for a walk in the woods. Reconnecting with nature and putting a little space between me and modern civilization never fails to reset me (and if I am lucky, I might stumble across something tasty to bring home (like the wild raspberries and gooseberries I found this weekend). If I can't do that, then falling back on one of my hobbies usually does the trick: cooking a good meal or watching/working on my aquariums.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

3 years ago*

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reading or audiobook well doing stuff

3 years ago

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eating better and exercising was key for me. Also setting up goals that can be achieved and progress tracked helped. But very importantly ask a professional!
Good luck and lots of strength!

3 years ago

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Only games and new wonderful worlds usually help with this! πŸ’™

Occasionally, some serials or movies can help to distract me... But at the moment, almost always these are games, a fail-safe option πŸ™‚

3 years ago

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By Eating Ice-cream....provided its not winter.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Video games! But when things get bad, I remember that every storm--no matter how heavy or how long--will eventually clear up and the sun will shine again; I just have to wait it out.

3 years ago

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For short while with doing nothing is
Thinking about philosophy, thinking about my relationship between my friends/friend group,try to guess what kind of thought they're have at the moment,thinking what kind of people hiding behing online peoples/accounts(example here,discord etc),stoping thinking, randomly thinking (example a few seconds of low pixel transformers breaks the wall etc.) ,Thinking about stability/probability/requirement of having incredible power/speed etc,thinking about logic/stability of book character,world , thinking about does physic in anime about high speed,power etc.(ex anime character destroys the whole building with a punch and don't fly but in real world he has to fly because the gravity/(the power of the thing(i forgot the name of it)
For long while with doing something
Reading novels(thinking about logic/stability of book character,world , thinking about does physic in anime about high speed,power etc.(ex anime character destroys the whole building with a punch and don't fly but in real world he has to fly because the gravity/(the power of the thing(i forgot the name of it) , playing games, watching anime(also listening the Japanese sound and check the stability/accuracy? Of the subtitle), do some sport, study about lessons (also thinking about possibility about high power at biology and thinking about throwing things simulations at physic etc.), checking the beauty of the view(includes home,sea,clouds etc.)
For whole life
Thinking this is the only chance for living that moment and try to enjoy as much as i can do (that might can be reason why i think a lot tho πŸ€”)
Or things like these

3 years ago

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"How do you cope with boredom/apathy and/or depression ...

Well, what I do is-

...(apart from gaming obviously)".

Huh... errr.... hmmmm.... nevermind.

3 years ago

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Video games, ice cream, netflix, etc.

3 years ago

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Only games help me T_T

3 years ago

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i like thinking about stuff, keep my mind busy

3 years ago

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I don't, I take antidepressants and I still feel horrible and very tired, I guess what helps is walking my moms new dog (so have something to do AND outside), talk with my mom, with her help I try to do some stuff, I also help her tidying her house, etc. But everything costs energy I don't have, motivation I don't have, etc. Sadly much more I can't say about it, it's freaking hard :(

3 years ago

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Dogs can be a great help with depression. They literally force you out of your apathy because they need you and because they are very sensitive and empathic creatures.

May I ask when you started taking anti-depressants? If it's been a short while, you need to keep working with your doctors to find the dosage that's right for you, or the molecule that works best for you. If it's been a while, you may need to reassess your dosage/molecule wit your doctor (or a new doctor if the one you have is unable/unwilling to give you the proper treatment)

3 years ago

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Technically I started with the meds 17 years ago, just that over the years I tried different ones, am now on my... 4th or 5th one, sadly because my depression is mostly caused my by autism, meds don't really work, the one I take now I have almost a year now, tried different doses but all they did was making me feel empty and emotionless and almost unable to sleep, a month or so ago my psychiatrist told me to just lowering the doses until I didn't take any since they didn't really work anyway but when I lowered 1 doses, after 2 weeks or so I noticed my stress was coming back a lot and I can't handle that right now so we decided to stay on what I take now to be able to handle it so yeah, depression is so annoying!! I never got treatment for it besides the whole 'do more fun stuff' and things like that well, and talking about how my week went which was useless to me.

I love that dog and also my cat, they are both great help with it, sometimes I can even sort of enjoy the walk with the dog :)

3 years ago

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I found counselling to be very beneficial also try preoccupying your time with an activity that can help when you have something constructive to focus on

3 years ago

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Gaming is a great remedy to mild depression symptoms or temporary apathy but they also require some energy and the will to do something so if your depression goes deeper, they are not a permanent solution.
IF you do have some energy and just feel bored/empty, volunteering is a great way to find a better outlook on things. I know it sounds clichΓ© but helping others is a great way to find some self worth and to get busy.

If your energy is very low, that might not be the thing for you although there are ways to volunteer that don't require much. I used to record books for visually impaired people when I was in Canada. I know there's a website for it. You literally only have to record and read out loud.
When I moved to Paris and I was looking for work, my mood wasn't great. I volunteered with an association that provides kids in hospitals with escapism through any means possible. I played video games for hours with kids. Also did a few "cooking" workshops.
It really helped with being homesick, depressed and lonely.

So look it up and find something you can do that would be of service for others. It will help others but also you.

3 years ago

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I'm not sure if gaming is a way of dealing with depression, but it sure helps me to not have any time to get depressed.
It also helps me not have any time for more important life commitments. I guess that's why I'm single. Oh, now I'm depressed (joking).

3 years ago

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youtube videos, occasionally twitch streams or actually going to bed ;)

3 years ago

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Most of the time books that have a touch of humor. I recommend Terry Pratchett's books. : )

3 years ago

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