Will you go out in the open world or stay hidden in the basement, playing games all year long?
Even if buying on Steam, the game still uses Uplay and Denuvo https://store.steampowered.com/app/460930/Tom_Clancys_Ghost_Recon_Wildlands/
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Kind of. But you also can't launch the game on uplay without using Steam, so not really.
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but you own it on steam, then you have to start it and it want to be activated on uplay. and Bam you have it on 2 plattforms. never said you can play it without steam :)
just now you have the game 2 times. steam and uplay.
if you got it via uplay, you dont have it on steam.
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While that's technically true, when you buy it from Steam, it's kinda like a Steam special edition. Doesn't work without Steam.
But on Origin, it used to be exactly like what you said. You could've activated your Steam key on Origin and it would be a different launcher's game. I got my Alice Madness Returns on Origin like this.
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Well depends what you mean by worth it. It's a fun game and the sales price is still over 10 bucks at the lowest so if you're interested in any of the other games, yes it's worth grabbing T3
If you have a Uplay launcher allergy though, well, can't help you there. Maybe there's a cream. Ask your doctor :P
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yeah, because no one is buying the garbage T1 so the average is the same as T3.
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They hid a uplay key between steam ones. Clever girl, humble.
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Damn, first time where i own the majority of the games in the bundle.
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List of subs:
AER | https://steamdb.info/sub/54073
Hurtworld | https://steamdb.info/sub/75357
Supraland, https://steamdb.info/sub/248660
Yooka-Laylee | https://steamdb.info/sub/64503
Kingdom Come: Deliverance | https://steamdb.info/sub/227168
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced | ?
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Isn't Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced: https://steamdb.info/app/729040/?
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Or maybe it's this: https://steamdb.info/sub/212504/
Honestly I have no idea how steamdb works XD
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I left the question mark because as noted in the OP I have no way to know which sub is given to countries that are not in Asia / LATAM / RU/CIS / NA without a purchase. There are 2 possible packages, and I am hoping that someone will confirm one of them or bring more info.
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Bought the bundle in Latam and I'm getting a very large list of countries the game can't be claimed in. Most of them are African, Eastern European, and Asian countries. I won't activate it for I already have this game.
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The list in the notification doesn't reflect what kind of key you get (ROW / locked). We'll have to wait until someone confirms the sub, but it should be https://steamdb.info/sub/212504/ ROW without Venezuela.
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Yes, but keys activate packages (not apps) and we need to know the exact packages allocated in order to list the correct region locks.
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9% will buy this bundle (given most will get the top tier). Something tells me that Humble really only cares about Choice and nothing else.
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lol straight trash, and i usually defend these weak bundles
also fuck kingdom come and its douchebag devs
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dan vavra is a chud who responded to (mostly false flag) accusations about kingdom come being whitewashed by going on rants about "muh historical accuracy" and "its all because of liberal bias boohoo #gamergate"
dude is literally one of those neckbeard europoor viking larpers who never shut up about how all medieval media needs to have a cast as white as the light of the sun
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gee i wonder how you ended up on my blacklist already, hmmmmmm
and no, cuz its all about representation or really the incredible lack thereof. there's literally thousands upon thousands of various media about white people. it's almost like historically and systematically white-centric even
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your troll devil's advocate arguments are so boring. go outside.
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I'm attacking him? He's literally trolling, but okay. How many stories about Africa in mainstream media have there been compared to stories about white people, whether fantasy or not? And why's that? And why would you replace people of color with white people in an already diminished and systematically pushed-aside demographic? Gee, I wonder.
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Look, I really hate this dividing people to "races", for me everyone ("black", "white") are equall. What is problem - maybe I'm wrong, but it looks you think everywhere is too much of "white". I have two examples. In my country, 99% of people are white, so we can't have more of "color people" in medias etc. and it's OK. If you look at USA - around 73% of people are white, 13% are black and 5% are Asian. "White" are more common in society, so they are more common in medias. It's logic consequence and it's OK. If you want more of "black" (over this ~15%), you are destroying this system. And if is OK to have more "black" in medias in USA and Europe, so it's OK to have more "white" in Africa - it's exactly the same case ;-)
Mainstream media - 45% of news are from my country - it's most important. 35% are from Europe and North America, because they are most close to us. Remaining 20% are from South America, Asia and Africa, this news have usually only smaller impact on us, so they dont have big coverage. Again, it's logical, you need to know news that are close to you; another army coup in "far African country" isn't important for you
PS: I'm from same Country as Vávra, so I have some informations from first hand. I think he is good developer, but his personal opinions are often really, really stupid...
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The issue here is representation. Nobody has trouble believing there were white people everywhere, any time, because that's what the white dominated media have been selling us for generations. So it really doesn't matter if they are represented in sub-Saharan settings.
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Eh, I mean, I'll take historical accuracy over forced representation. Set in africa? Afrian cast pleast. Set in Medieval UK? medieval england cast please, make them as dirty as possible and smelly too, for accuracy's sake.
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"People of colour" is a contemporary problematic American construct. I don't think it is valid to apply it to other regions and time periods.
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"Medieval Europe" is 1000 years of history and 10000000 km2 of geography. Treating it as an uniform and homogenous entity is just wrong.
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Took you one week to come back with "the world is a big place" argument? :P
Look, I get your point but let's also admit that it's not a good enough reason to claim "accuracy" when games do choose to show only white faces because it didn't even occur to them there might be others, or worse, because they want to cater to a certain crowd that gets butthurt whenever they see anything but white faces in games.
Representation matters. If only because of the inaccurate impression that a lot of people have about "Medieval Europe" being some sort of utopian white place.
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It's not "the world is a big place" argument, I was giving you an a hint to recognize the fallacy of division you were commiting.
Example 1: Some Spanish are singers. Pedro is Spanish. Thus, Pedro is a singer.
Example 2: There were non-white people in Medieval Europe. 15th century Bohemia was a part of Medieval Europe. Thus, there were non-white people in Medieval Europe.
This whole "diversity" thing is largely an attempt of Americans and, to a lesser extent, European colonial nations to reconcile with their history of racism, colonization and exploitation. In my opinion, if Czech work of art, a part of Czech culture, also inspired by the events from Czech history, must be Americanized to fit US contemporary agenda, it's not a diversity, it's literally the opposite of it.
About historical accuracy argument. Don't you think that in "Gone with the Wind" whites and blacks are overrepresented among slave owners and slaves respectively. Wouldn't making some members of the O'Hara family black and some of the slaves they own white diversify and improve a novel/movie?
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This whole "diversity" thing is largely an attempt of Americans and, to a lesser extent, European colonial nations to reconcile with their history of racism, colonization and exploitation.
It certainly is but not only. Mostly it's an effort to correct over two centuries of whitewashing moving image media that, like it or not, shape perceptions and unnecessarily (and unjustifiably) prolong centuries of racism, colonialism and exploitation.
People believe what they see. When all they see are white faces, they believe that it's because it's "normal" and that anything else is "woke" and pushing agendas.
It's been proven by many studies that people who are part of so-called "minorites" (and are actually not statistically minorities) grow up with less self-confidence, a lesser value of self and less self-acceptance of who they are because they don't recognize themselves, or even see themselves.
In my opinion, if Czech work of art, a part of Czech culture, also inspired by the events from Czech history, must be Americanized to fit US contemporary agenda, it's not a diversity, it's literally the opposite of it.
Alright, sure, but I wasn't talking about this game and this particular location at any point. I was talking about the fallacy that "Medieval Europe" was "of course" all white. As you said yourself, it's a big place what's true of one game is not necessarily something to be embraced as a generalization (and people bitching about The Witcher having black people for instance make me laugh out loud; fantasy is fantasy, I don't give a damn it was written by a Polish writer)
Don't you think that in "Gone with the Wind" whites and blacks are overrepresented among slave owners and slaves respectively. Wouldn't making some members of the O'Hara family black and some of the slaves they own white diversify and improve a novel/movie?
You really don't understand the representation problem. You probably should read about it.
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How did you do a magic trick with selecting my text?
"It's been proven by many studies that people who are part of so-called "minorites" (and are actually not statistically minorities) grow up with less self-confidence, a lesser value of self and less self-acceptance of who they are because they don't recognize themselves, or even see themselves."
Wasn't stereotyping a cause of described effect?
"You really don't understand the representation problem. You probably should read about it."
That was an irony.
I'm not against representation per se, even if I'm sceptical about its ability to achieve proclaimed goals. I just think it should be done appropriately.
"I was talking about the fallacy that "Medieval Europe" was "of course" all white."
From your point of view, who else were there? I'm genuinely curious. I can think only of some asian nomads on the East.
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do this
>do this
From your point of view, who else were there? I'm genuinely curious. I can think only of some asian nomads on the East.
The Ottoman empire that stretched to today's Hungary, and often were raiding even past it. Janissaries were the backbone of their forces, who were "recruited" from any conquered lands by taking away young children from their families, having loyalty only to the army they served it. They may have stayed, left their children... with how countries were back in the day, most of the common people wouldn't know if a few villages away half the population was half arabic or something. People weren't moving much.
Considering this and the generally active trading with the east, Europe surely wasn't 100% white, but that's an unrealistic expectation anyways. Question is the percentage of POC visitors, whoever stayed, their descendants if any, and in a way, how much of the country ever seen them.
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Thanks for the tip and for the conversation. I explained my position and it looks like we've arrived at some sort of consensus, so I guess I'll stop there. Have a nice day.
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Only interested in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands so I will pass
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The only one of these I don't own on Steam is Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands, which is $12 right now on sale.
If I wanted to buy that game now, I'd want it on Steam, not UPlay.
Good enough bundle overall, just already owned since I'm a long time HB Choice subscriber.
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Personal preference and industry biases. I'm an older gamer. Been gaming for over 40 years and have seen many marketing trends come and go...
For me it is about wanting to keep my libraries more centralized, which is becoming harder and harder to do.
I also don't want to use/install multiple game launchers for a variety of commonly known reasons.
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Borderlands 1 in the highest tier of a humble bundle in 2021 LMAO.
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Yeah, it was available in $1 tier along with other games in October 2017.
The Humble Endless RPG Lands Bundle
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That was the original one, not the enhanced edition. But tbh, the handsome collection goes on sale so often I genuinely think it's probably worth a dollar either way
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I got enhanced edition for free when it was released, on top of the original one.
And yes. Better to get the handsome collection on sale. It was also free on Epic Store last year.
I don't know if it is worth including in a bundle anymore. Specially the oldest game in a highest tier!
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Same. The borderlands games in general aren't worth very much in terms of pricing at this point due to the constant sales, even though they are pretty good all things considered. IMO even the handsome collection would be a somewhat odd choice at t3, I can't see any borderlands other then 3 being there and actually making some sense
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Kingdome come is a pretty good and actually historically accurate with combat that must be learned and skills that actually matters (Like you can't read if you don't learn... pretty good!).
That said, you better wait for summer sale and buy Royal Edition.
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Humble Out in the Open World Bundle
3 Tiers, 7 Items
11 Jun 2021 -
25 Jun 202102 Jul 2021View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
Uplay keys are usually region locked, and it's very unclear what the regions are. What kind of regional activation Humble Bundle delivers is unknown.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands is an UPLAY key (non-Steam!!!)
Kingdom Come: Deliverance also activates the free DLC Kingdom Come: Deliverance – HD Sound Pack
12 USD
Retail (Steam):
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