Went through


today, and was thinking... we should use this as a base for a fun topic.

Let's make up to 3 predictions each, for the next decade (technically, it should be 2021-2030 but I see no one is being technically correct any more so let's just do 2020-2029 instead, or whatever 1 year more or less) about games, gaming, gaming trends, gaming culture, gaming technology, whatever...

5 years ago

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Half-Life 3 will be rel...nevermind

5 years ago

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I think that cloud gaming will fail near 2026, cause we will see that there's of energy and cloud gaming is a waste of energy.
I think that MMO will decrease after few years for the same reasons
And last, I think that power of calculation won't be as increaser as that they were in the past.

Bonus; I think that mining of money as bitcoin will be declared as a waste of energy too and regulated.

5 years ago

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VR is not the future and we will mostly play games the same way in the future as we do now (as we did 10 years ago and 10 years before that).

Game streaming services will die off and no one will remember them.

Games as a service fad will go away and be substituted by another fad that it's impossible to predict right now (the same way it's impossible to predict what genre or type of game will be the next massive hit).

5 years ago

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I'd like to believe VR is gonna take hold... but as a new thing, not replacing gaming as we know it. The reason is that I don't want to play 90% of the games in any sort of 3D/VR, I like the restraints of the screen as a working area / painting canvas for the game. But I'd like to try some new types of things in VR that would feel better in VR than without it.

5 years ago

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I'm wondering if VR arcades will become a less niche form of entertainment, that people go do together in groups, while regular gaming continues as usual at home. Which would be a bit of a shame, as that would lock VR into simple, gimmicky games forever.

5 years ago

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What about potential pinkeye epidemics?

5 years ago

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From sharing headpieces? I'd assume any place that does this would sterilize them between uses. I know some "VR experiences" already exist, and they don't seem to have caused any health crises.

5 years ago

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I'd assume any place that does this would sterilize them between uses

You haven't attended many nerd events where you can play vr games, right? Anyway, vr headsets don't touch your eyes, that would be terrifying lol

5 years ago

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  • 2nd indie golden era will come after the zombification and overpopulation indie market is going through now. Probably marked by 3-5 really big titles, then another fall. I'd say not before 2025, as this fall now is not done yet. I hope it's gonna be on PC though, might not.
  • Revival of some more "advanced" genres from yesteryear but remade for new audience and maybe consoles/stream-watching audience, so maybe some Commandos clones in a new clothing, new themes and stuff.
  • New ways of monetization for games, maybe something mixed with streaming, like green screen billboards in racing games that get real-time populated by ads for viewers during stream, definitely some of the "google assistant" virtual intelligence AR BS.
5 years ago

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AAA & large indie Single player games will be subscription based (Game pass, origin, Stadia etc) & all multiplayer free to play using battle pass/skins to get the revenue

5 years ago

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We number decades the way we do because it's easier to refer to 1990-1999 as "The 90s" than to call it the 200th decade.

5 years ago

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According to my dad, 36 is is already "forties".

5 years ago

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Technically the first decade should have been years 0-9. That's where the problem is, not in doing it right regardless of that mistake of there being no year 0.

5 years ago

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The Mark of the Beast.

5 years ago

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Whenever I see an expert predicting the future, they're always so sure about it and they're always so wrong :P

My expert predictions:
– people will forget all the Epic drama and will treat it as a regular platform (if Epic Store will still exist, that is),
– Rockstar will decrease,
– VR will be dead.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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we finally getting those porn gaming-specialized electronic dick pumps

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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  • epic will stay and become a normal thing
  • battle royal will go but some other massive multiplayer will come
  • return of the singleplayer
  • at least on console cloudgaming will become a thing by the end of the 20s
  • vr will not be the mainspot
  • valve will stop key-activation, end of steamgifts (sadface)
  • we will see epic bundles on humble
5 years ago

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That is accurate af.

The only thing i would change is VR. I think it will be mainspot but with different hardware. Something smaller/easy to use.

5 years ago

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Someone in the thread mentioned VR lenses. Sounds more than possible, with almost all technologies needed to make something like this existing already, just need further development/miniaturization. I'd assume some sort of AR Lenses coming first, like instead of mobile phone, you put a lens and use holo-phone in front of you... and maybe later full VR.

5 years ago

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I imagined something like glasses. (your example is pretty much close to that tho)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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In about 5 years we will get a breakthrough in VR technology, improving the visual experience and movement controls, and in 10 years the equipment needed will cost no more, than an average monitor, and as the result at least 30% of games played at home will be played in VR mode.

By 2030 we will also have 1st games using mind contol as part of their interface, and possibly also projection into mind of some stimuli like smell, but this technology will still be at very early stage and very expensive.

Social sciences research into impact of computer games will accelerate, and the industry will be subjected to quite a few restrictions, like prohibition of different mechanics creating gaming addictions, which are being presently used.

Last, but not least, the industry will accommodate much further the omnipresence of mobile equipment, developing a new gender of "social games", involving competition between large co-op groups of players, which will also function as social hubs, played continuously with low activity input and required short high activity periods set individually by each player. Those games will be slowly getting accepted by then in corporate environment as a way to lower the stress of workers, and as social platforms will directly compete with platforms like FB and LinkedIn (or get incorporated into those platforms, generating a significant part of their traffic).

5 years ago*

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  • Continuing a lot more AAA ports/remakes in comparison to 'new' releases. Specifically old playstation.
  • Near the end of the decade there will be a Civ game with a more competent, predictive AI that will take note of previous actions you and others have done to solve each 'task' and predict your moves based on previous turns (notice patterns).
  • JRPGs will continue to rise in popularity, as one of the top genres.

Besides the typical ebb and flow of genre trends etc I don't expect too much different compared to the past year, to be honest. I'm sure battle royale will die down some by 2029 but there's so many other possibilities for takes on the genre (such as Tetris/Forza now) that I think it's here to stay (in some form), for some time.

5 years ago

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-Too early for VR implants, but VR contact lenses must be a thing!
-huuuge advancement in AI (about effin time!)
-CDProject Red buys Epic

Will eat my dick live on TV if predictions prove to be wrong ;)

5 years ago

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These 'smart' contact lenses have a built-in display for augmented reality

That was quick!
x-ing my fingers for AI next, wheeee =D

5 years ago

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-In 2022 police starts to catch more criminals as unexpectedly, as few tries to build buildings while trying to run away. Fortnite generation reaches the age where they can now be jailed.
-In 2023 Google goes bankrupt because of the failure of Sadia + the falling of YouTube and mainly because of new Chinese alternatives as they will offer fewer regulations and slowly becoming more popular.
-In 2024 Disney will purchase Steam
-In 2025 Disney will announce that they will release a new Portal, new Half-Life and new CSGO+DOTA game every single year.
-By the end of 2026, I expect a zombie "MMO" survival game where ~1million players playing together on a single server, on the exact real 3D scanned area of an existing country. Each server will be permadeath and last 30days long, at the beginning there will be a lot of survivors and as the days passing you will find only zombies... if you are still alive. Let's say it will happen in the UK, the outbreak happened only on the island, so at the end of the 30days if you are still alive you will see some ICBM action by UN so the server reset. Some reward if you managed to escape the island. As it is a permadeath game you can't create a new char after the 5th day passed, but you will still be able to play on the server while commanding a small horde of zombies.
-As an alternative to the previous, in 2026 Blizzard will launch the World of Starcraft MMO.
-In 2027 a game of the year will be a strategy game that has an excellent AI. It is not cheating anymore, it beats every single player only by outplaying humans.
-In 2028, first gold medals will be awarded in some kind of video game category, on the Olympic Games.
-13/04/2029 Friday: Apophis will pass Earth so close that its course will be influenced by the gravitational power of Earth and after that experts will know if it will impact in 2036 or not. Let's hope for a clear sky, it will look as big as 1/4 Moon because of the close approach.
-In 2030 the amount of produced video games will drastically decrease because of the European Civil War
-In 2031 the USA selling Hawaii to China and Alaska to Russia. The Russian leader is still Putin and there will be 5000 video games released about these sales. 4000 will be from the merged Blender Games + GhostRus megacorp.
-By 2032 only 10% of the released video games using the English language. Gamers everywhere on the globe learning simplified Chinese so they can play newgen AAA games.
-In 2033 it will be leaked that Apophis will hit Earth on 13th April 2036, no one will care about gaming anymore.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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I shouldn't have shared the plans of Illuminati. Now I am fired from the council:-(

5 years ago

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I'll be able to run Crysis

5 years ago

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  • At least one of the big 3 console manufacturers will roll the dice on a low-powered cloud based console. "Like stadia, only much better because we know games". It will fail. It will not be their main console though, so they will be ok.
  • Xbox and the Windows store will fold together completely as a platform. Xbox consoles will still exist, but more as a low overhead gaming machine with hardware very close to some low level APIs. All xbox games will work on PC and games developed for PC will generally be able to work on the xbox with minimal conversion
  • With rising costs of AAA game development due to 8k+ textures and the size of teams needed for development, only the very biggest publishers will still be making third party AAA games come 2029, and there will only be a few 'big' releases each year. At least one of the big companies will have folded or been bought out by this point. However, the ease of development for mid-small size studios will mean there will continue to be a steady flow of good indie and so called 'AA' games.
5 years ago

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I think Keanu Reeves will star in every single game releaseed

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Not every single one, indies won't be able to afford to hire his post-mortem-hologram. But every AAA game, extremely likely.

5 years ago

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With technological advancement and its speed, I think its impossible to even predict what will happen next year in the technological department ..

But some things that come to mind would be :

  1. Services such as Steam, Origin, UPlay will either start doing something new or will lose to some new big player that will revolutionize the way we buy and play games. While improving in different aspects these services have been around for a long time and I think 10 more years is a huge time frame for software service providers to continue doing the same thing and still hold the market share they have. I couldnt imagine what could take place of these game "providers" but it feels like something could

  2. Contrary to some other users, I will say that cloud gaming will not die off, but gain popularity. If 5G becomes more widely used (or even if the existing network system gets improved and we get better speeds and more stable connection) the cloud gaming would definitely be a better alternative for average gamer. Lets be honest - average people dont give a fuck about their game library size. You dont play a game for 2nd time anyway most times. Why would you have it sitting there in a library ? I love to see achievements and time played and it gives me some kind of satisfaction, but I completely understand that its not a case for most people and they would rather pay a subscription fee - have the chance to play the game without buying or downloading.

  3. And again I have to disagree with others - I dont think VR will fail and wont be used. I see it more like a technology that will decrease in price overtime and be somewhat a regular thing for gamers to buy. For racing games and some FPS games. I do think it will lose its popularity and wont be an object of admiration and fetishes as it is now (and that place will be taken by some new technology everyone will obsess about). But the market for it will stabilize more so the average gamer can afford it

5 years ago

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  • Graphics will continue to plateau. Not from a technical level tho, they'll actually keep getting better, but the differences will become less and less noticeable and stylized approaches will be more used in order to prevent budgets from skyrocketing out of what's actually feasable so devs stop going bankrupt after a single flop.
  • Two of the big publishers will merge, we'll get less games than before out of them somehow.
  • Nostalgia is gonna consume it all as people start to feel nostalgic for the games that apealed to nostalgia in the past... prepare for many big franchises to get caught in an endless loop of remixes. It's gonna be great tho.
5 years ago

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Games as a service will evolve, subscription based services will increase, perhaps Steam will create their own.

New game mechanics will be few and far between, improvements in AI and user experience are more likely.

New interfaces will surface (such as mind control or XR)

5 years ago

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New Nostradamus is real.

1 month ago

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Kingdom Hearts 1+2+3 in PS5

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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sword art online is real :D

5 years ago

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