Which one out of these options?
since you are german: https://www.computerbase.de/2016-10/geforce-gtx-1060-partnerkarten-vergleich-test/5/
this maybe will help you
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Yeah I've already read that review. Their test is for the "Gaming" model by Gigabyte
(also illuminated, yuck) and I kinda refuse to believe that the KFA2 card is really better
designed than the one by Gainward. That's why I thought I'd also ask for opinions here.
Thanks for mentioning this test though.
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Interesting. In all the reviews/tests I read that EVGA is the worst when it comes to noise.
XFX is not available at my vendor right now. And both MSI and and ASUS come with
LED illumination, which - even if it can be turned off - is just ridiculous. Also they're like
€50 more expensive and I'm at my limit even now.
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all of those reasons imo are not good reasons when choosing a product.
by noise i assume u mean fan runs fast and slightly noisier then others, which i don't see how it's a bad thing to have a better fanspeed.
if led's a problem, don't have a windowed case. windowed case when you don't wanna see stuff imo is ridiculous.
and if you can't afford a good gpu, don't get one till you can.
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i understand that, find a diff models fine with me to. i said many others, but the poll choices are like picking the lowest favored 4brands, and trying to decide which is better.. sure in the poll hands down it's the gigabyte, but that only imo makes it the bottom 20% of the ~100ish diff brand choices in my book.
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XFX does not have a contract with Nvidia. They used to sell Nvidia GPUs time ago.
If you consider AMD at some point the XFX RX 480 GTR is a great product. DX12 is way better and future proof. You should confirm Linus support with newer products from AMD, but probably you´re right.
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I can vouch that the ACX cooler for EVGA is pretty much dead silent on the 1000 series.
My CPU is custom water-cooled, and I installed my 1070 (with ACX cooler) while I was waiting for water-blocks to be released for it, but after using it without a water-block, I decided not to even bother getting one -- it's so quiet that I sometimes check to make sure the fan is even running.
The sloshing of the water in my reservoir is the loudest thing in my PC, even when gaming (and that's QUIET) :X
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Hmm there's an 6144MB EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 SC Gaming Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16
with only one fan, which probably results in faster fan speeds and more noise. Not sure if you can compare that with an 1070 ACX model.
And an 6144MB EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 FTW+ DT Gaming ACX 3.0 Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16 which is kinda expensive.
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The SSC gaming version has the ACX cooler.
The 1000 series run incredibly cool, but I can't speak as to how loud the stock nvidia fan would be. I imagine even that would be quieter than normal. With the ACX cooler (and a decent case), my GPU hasn't gone above 56C yet. It's leaps and bounds quieter than my 970 with the ACX cooler.
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Hmm they only seem to sell the SC Gaming version (with one fan) and the FTW version here.
I checked both at the retailer where I usually buy my stuff and Ebay. I have to be able to buy
it over here in Germany, because of tax deduction (and because it's a lot of fuss to buy
hardware from abroad).
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Just a heads up -- I wasn't trying to convince you to buy EVGA lol. I was just refuting some of the things said in this thread with personal experience with their 1070 SSC ACX card.
Any 1060 with a dual fan is going to run super cool and quiet imho. I'd just go with whichever is cheapest and has a decent warranty policy. I stick with EVGA solely for their excellent customer service and fast RMA service. That's how important warranties are to me, though.:X
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Be adviced that EVGA GPUs from that series (GTX 1060-1080) have VRM temperature issues and the company is giving thermal pads for free so you can add them or they can do It for you, so It´s something to consider. Only the blower fan models from EVGA dont have this problem. Aftermarket coolers on that series have the VRM Issue.
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My current GTS 450 is a Gigabyte. Apart from the noise (the fan requires a driver to be loaded
or it's load to rival an aircraft turbine - which is particularly annoying during bootup or in BIOS) and that
a GTS 450 isn't quite up to date any more, I'm quite okay with it. Then again, you can't really compare a
several years old card with a current one.
So what would you recommend instead? I am aware that spending more will also get me something better,
but even those listed here I'd be already spending like €100 more than I really want to.
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Hmm a 3GB model despite that every review says that you need at least 6GB
so that the card isn't slowed by the lack of memory and that even a 1050 model
with 4GB may be better than a "cut down" 1060. Don't get me wrong, I value your
advice, I just read a lot of reviews that say otherwise. Also the 6GB version by EVGA
would be an option, just that all the reviews say that it's got horrible cooling.
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Hmm still the 6GB model is like €50 extra ... considering I'll probably ant to keep it as long as my old GTS 450.
Unfortunately I can't get it nowhere near as cheap as $200 anyway ... the 3GB is €220 here, and the 6GB
is €270. I've read that both EVGA cards don't have a silent mode with the fan off.
Maybe the white version by MSI, as has been suggested here?
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Even 10% slower is probably still much faster than the GTS 450 I have now.
The question is just if I'd be saving money in the wrong place. I'm kinda hesitant
to pay €50 extra just because the card's MSI or Asus when there's other 6GB
cards as well, but I would consider €50 extra for the full memory.
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and here is two solutions to turn off leds = official way & unofficial way
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Apart from the price (over €300) ... I just don't want to endorse such stupidity as LEDs on a video card.
I may be stubborn on this, but I don't want to to encourage them to build stupid gimmicks when they should
be doing their job and design reliable and silent cooling fans. Even if it's only a few cents spend on it.
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i admit i'm a little out of the 'desktop gpu game' (if you get my drift), and i'm certainly not for any kind of brand loyalty. but i still just have to say the brands you have chosen are cheap for a reason, and the ones that are more expensive are that way for another reason. there are several i didn't list too, and i didn't even realize till combing back over this thread xfx doesn't even do nvidia gpus anymore, but just about any other brand would be better then the poll choices (again imo).
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I am aware that I included mostly the cheaper ones in the poll, but hey, those also happen to be the top sellers in
the hardware shop of my choice, so I also put up this discussion of my question was also to find out, if cheap is cheap
because they lacking stupid gimmicks like color LEDs or because of other reasons. Hence also the "Other" option
in the poll. In any case, I appreciate the input.
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i genuinely don't understand what you mean on this part:
"if cheap is cheap because they lacking stupid gimmicks like color LEDs or because of other reasons"
they are not jacked up in price simply cause of their leds. they're higher in price because they are higher quality. 5cent bubblegum is not nearly as good as 25cent bubblegum, but it certainly sells far more for kids. just because a product sells hotter in your area doesn't inherently make it a good product.
very few people want to bother commenting and explaining or argue their points, so they simply choose the lesser of the 4 evils.
and again with the whole led thing though, it can be turned off. nvidia thought of that and implemented it. if you want to blame anyone and use that as an excuse to exclude card types then you should be excluding all nvidia cards.. some manufacturers are trying to save that 12cents worth of leds, so yeah there will be some without it, but most will have it.
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Agreed, I probably should have put more options in the poll, as people just tend to choose from what is in front of their eyes.
But then again, I'm more interested in comments and feedback than the outcome of the poll. As for those gimmicks, there's
plenty of examples when nonsense like that is included in a product to make it appealing to a certain group of buyers who
are also willing to pay a higher price for it (because it looks so cool). That doesn't necessarily make it a better product. Under
that aspect I think it's fair to consider the cheap options at least.
As for the LEDs ... it's not so much if they can be turned off or not, I doubt that I'll see a lot of them in a black standard case
behind 2cm of noise absorber mats, it just annoys me to condone a product that comes with an obviously stupid feature with
my purchase. Yeah, I'm stubborn like that. I also didn't know that this nonsense was implemented by nvidia. And yes, it would
be a good argument to buy an AMD card, if it wasn't for the linux driver issue.
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don't get me wrong, i understand your point about leds too. i have a bluetooth speaker that works great and i have no complaints except every time i turn it on i have to go thru 4modes of leds to turn them off. i honestly think they are stupid as hell as well. at the same time though its not not something they (nvidia) actually invested r&d costs into or anything like that. its a pretty bare basic feature they added that's controlled with their geforce experience software.
i wasn't really meaning to actually consider amd, but not that i have issues with them either. i just meant the blame on that technology isn't so much on the manufacturers (evga/asus/msi) as its on the developer (nvidia). though yes, some manufacturers cut every penny they can to keep the cost down, and not necessarily in a bad way. if i were forced to choose the lesser of evils from the 4x, it'd be gigabyte. but i'd rather even drop down to a 1050 if its all about the cost tbh, or save. just to go with a better brand (of the many diff choices).
again i have no brand loyalties to any of them really, i have ofc a bit of a preference order, but i leave those personal opinions aside entirely. i do however have a distaste for certain brands, and pny imo is the worst of them all. gigabytes stuff's just okay in my book, not extremely terrible, but there are far better choices imo.
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I'd ho with KFA2 or PNY only if they are a lot cheaper.
Gigabyte is not bad, but apparently there are a lot of people complaining about coil whine.
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Definitely Gigabyte. I heard that Windforce is the least problematic card of this generation so it should definitely worth your money !
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As far as I know, MSI and ASUS also have non-illuminated cards such as the blower-style fan for ASUS and the white version for MSI :) Might be worth looking into. Also, you didn't seem to include the other brands like EVGA or Zotac?
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Hmm previously I only found an 8pin "Armor" version of the MSI probably primarily for VR.
Now I checked again, and there's indeed this "6144MB MSI GeForce GTX 1060 6GT OC Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16 (Retail)"
That the one you mean with white version, right? And an "ASUS Asus GeForce GTX 1060 Turbo Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16 (Retail)"
that only seems to have one fan though. And yes, EVGA and Zotac would go under "others",
because I read that Zotac is mainly good for extra small versions and with the EVGA the fan is always on
(no idle mode). So maybe the MSi one?
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Yep! It's that one. The card you choose actually can also depend your computer case. Was your system a pre-built system? May I know what kind of case you have? You usually get cards like the MSI Armor Edition if your case has good airflow since it dissipates heat through the orientation of the card's fans (towards a downward direction given that the card is usually oriented downwards) while you get the ASUS Turbo Edition, a blower-style card, which dissipates heat at the back of the card where your display connectors are (hdmi, vga, display port, etc) where this card is more suited for cases with little to no case fans.
Recently EVGA had some issues with thermal throttling due to missing a component in their graphics cards, while Zotac is a decent brand actually. My friend owns one and is currently enjoying using it :3 Depending on the model you get, the size and cooling varies.
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I have a Sharkoon Big tower case which I also refitted with noise absorber mats.
The airflow isn't entirely bad though because the air can be set to pass throws from
the front to the back. I deactived the front fan though, to reduce noise further. It's still not
ideal, because my current GTS 450 card is so loud.
I couldn't find much information about the armor edition, exept that it needs an 8pin power
connect instead of the standard 6 pin one and is primarily considered for VR use, probably
not the noise level being their main concern. So at basically almost the same price I'd
rather go for the white one. ASUS ripped me off with my BD-writer, so unless there's a very
good reason I'd rather not buy anything from them ever again. The Zotac card is actually
a bit more expensive than the "white one" by MSI, unless I'd take the mini edition, which has
bad reviews because they reduced the cooling efficiency with the card size.
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Hmm. I'm just wondering why the case fans are noisy enough to be disturbing to you. Are you sensitive to noise or are the case fans really loud? This might mean that your system is really having a hard time with keeping your system cool.
As for the armor edition, https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/4ovvis/msi_1070_armor_impressions/ the design/aesthetics may vary for the 1050 edition but in terms of noise it should be the same :) If you have a bad experience with ASUS, then I won't force it hahaha. At the end of the day your purchase should be what you're comfortable in spending :)
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Nice review, I would also appreciate something that looks more like a video card without that fancy led stuff.
I just checked and made sure, that my PSU has one of those 8-pin PCIe power connectors, so that shouldn't be an issue,
but I still wonder why the same type of GPU sometimes requires 8-pins and sometimes 6-pins.
And yes, I really dislike pc noise. Ideally I'd go with passive cooling all along, but of course with modern GPUs
and processors that's impossible. Actually my system cooling concept is pretty good, I originally designed the front fan for the
harddrive ... but I found out that I don't really need it, the fan at the back is more than enough, because the case has mesh
tiles on the front allowing the air to pass through.
Still, as you already mentioned, a card where the heat dissapates to the back seems like a better solution to me.
My current GTS 450 also has that concept. I just don't want to buy from Asus again, after they've left me in the rain
with a BD-drive that's basically a relabeled LG without critical firmware updates. But maybe I just choke it down and get
the ASUS 3GB model, after what folks said here and after reading this test, picking a 3GB model, might not be so bad after all.
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Each to his own, right? :) Personally I prefer cooling and functionality while aesthetics is sometimes a plus.
As for the power connectors, don't take my word for it but I've read in some sites and watched in some reviews that it supposedly increases the OC potential of your card. Since having more voltage means you can draw more performance at the expense of heat.
Initially my case only had the back fan turned on but seeing that I could improve it, I attached one more case fan in the front and it decreased temps by at least 5c lol
If you're not going above 1080p, the 3GB model is more than enough :) If I wasn't so nitpicky about getting a 1070, I'd have settled with a 1060 3gb as well.
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Personally I prefer cooling and functionality while aesthetics is sometimes a plus.
Personally I prefer cooling and functionality as well, which is exactly the reason why I
don't like LEDs on a video card. I just can't shake off the impression, that those gimmicks are
only to appeal to certain customers who are also willing to pay more for the coolness factor.
Leaving aside very cheap brands like KFA2, Gainward and so forth ... and comparing just the
"white" model or the Armor edition of the MSI card with the illuminated "red" model, I very much
doubt that the latter really has a so much better cooling concept (if the cooling concept is any
different at all, between the "white" and the "red" card) to justify the €50 price difference over here.
And no, I'm not going above 1080p ... so it's probably just a decission between choking down
my distaste for Asus or that Armor Edition MSI. Oh, well, let's see how the election turns out tonight,
in case the USD drops against the Euro as a result, I might even get the 6GB model cheaper.
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XLR8 products by PNY have lifetime warranty for what I know. It would be good to confirm that. I mean, yeah I would go with Gigabyte before Asus or EVGA, but If PNY gives lifetime warranty on the 1060 I would go with them.
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Nope, just checked XLR8 products and now they have a Limited 3 Year Warranty... basterds.
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Team Red! Nvidia sucks.
What appears to be a childish comment is actually a boycott stance against Team Green's unfair practices. ;)
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Quite honestly it doesn't matter which of these you take, most of them will perform the same and the small differences you wouldn't really notice. On a sidenote, if you are playing on FHD Monitor, you will get pretty much the max fps at ultra settings as the card is already ridicolous powerful and i would even say, you don't need any better card for FHD.
As soon as you enter higher resolutions the thematic becomes more complicated and at 4K it becomes weird in my opinion.
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There's nothing wrong in any of those card makers but I'd go for Gainward if given the choice used them since AGP days. You can't go wrong with Giga-Byte either over the years I've had both makes and would recommend them to anyone altho I'd still choose Gainward over Giga-Byte. I know alot of people don't really look at what type of pcb a graphics card has when buying a card they just look at specs but I've always prefered the black pcb's which Gainward use just like when I buy my memory as they're better than ya average green pcb's altho Giga-Byte use blue pcb's, white pcb's are best but they tend to be a bit rarer. I have a Giga-Byte 760GTX 3x Windforce in this PC but I my other pc I still have a couple Gainward 460GTX Golden Samples running in SLi going strong but showin' their age a bit now.
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Gainward was my first choice, of the ones in the poll, it's also the one that's
sold the the most at the vendor where I'm going to buy it. I'm just scared that the noise
would be awful. I'm really sensitive when it comes to fan noise or coil whine. And most
folks here seem to think that all those brands are really bad.
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It all depends on the model you have, standard reference cards are noisier than tweaked cards. The Giga-Byte 760GTX 3x Windforce I've never any noise from it, more noise from the 200mm case fans in my Corsair Graphite 600T Limited Edition.
I'd have to disagree with those who say they're really bad, I've never had any problems with Gainward or Giga-Byte in the past 18 years of building PC's I'd certainly recommend Gainward.
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Actually, I did have a problem with my current system and a Gigabyte 1GB GTX 650 OC Windforce something.
It would just reboot the system when I tried anything more challenging than watching videos or desktop
applications. Now it's a long time ago, cards are probably different today. It's also not necessarily Gigabyte's
fault because the card ran fine when I stuffed it into an intel core i3 pc, so that our houseguest could play
csgo with it. I never found out what's the problem though, whether it just wouldn't work together with my
amd cpu, if it was the low memory on the card or something else entirely. It was just sad back then, because
it was much less noisy than my GTS 450 and supposedly even a bit faster. Of course I fear something like that
might happen again, but I guess I won't find out without trying, eh?
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You can listen to what people tell you but everyone's got their own stories good or bad, there's no guarantees you just have to take the plunge n hope for the best at the end of the day. :D
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I had the Gainward Ti4600 Golden Sample but gave it away years ago. It's a shame you can't get Gainward over there. :(
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I would go for https://www.msi.com/Graphics-card/GeForce-GTX-1060-GAMING-X-6G.html
For the bunnies btw!
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Had this card for a while before upgrading to the 1070. Really well built card. :)
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A 2GB GTX 950 costs more than a GTX 1050 with twice as much memory
and doesn't even meet the recommendations for newer titles such as "Rise
of the Tomb Raider". For saving money it's either a GTX 1050 or the 3GB version
of the GTX 1060, but considering that I'll probably keep it a bit longer, I kinda
doubt if it's a good idea to save too much.
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I picked up a 950 for 90 bucks...
But yea, if you want something to last, spend a bit more and get a 1060, those sometimes drop in sale price to 160-170.
Good luck! :)
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Aus meiner Erfahrung würde ich Gainward weglassen. Der Service da ist echt miserabel.
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Hmm okay, nicht dass ich in all den Jahren je mit dem Support irgendeines Hardware
Herstellers zu tun hatte. Wenn irgendwas nicht funktioniert läuft's in der Regel eh über
den Händler und selbst das ist kompliziert, weil ich in der Regel Hardware auf die Firma
kaufe. Genau deswegen graust mir vor der Entscheidung, weil ich nur den einen Versuch habe,
wenn das Ding zu laut ist oder einfahc nicht mit'm PC zusamenarbeiten will, war's das ... für
Firmen gilt kein Widerrufsrecht.
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Das stimmt, als Firmenkunde hat man da ein Problem. Jedenfalls benutze ich zurzeit eine Gainward GTX 770, die eigentlich von Werk aus OC ist. Unter Last stürzt das System mit dieser Karte nachweisbar bei mir und auch bei meinem Händler ab. Wenn mein Händler keinen Fehler findet, dann schickt er sie nicht an den Hersteller. Jedenfalls war die Karte zwei Mal bei Gainward, in der Summe 10 Wochen, ohne dass diese einen Fehler finden konnten, sodass ich letztlich eine defekte Karte von Gainward zurückbekam. Diese läuft nun problemlos in meinem System. Aber nicht, weil sie Gainward repariert hat, sondern weil ich ein non-OC-Bios drauf geflasht habe ... kann ja nicht im Sinne der Erfinder sein, wenn da mal kein Endkunde ankommt, der sich nicht gut auskennt.
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Ja, das spricht nicht unbedingt für guten Kundenservice. Wobei, ich das mit "von Werk ab OC" mitlerweile
auch schon wieder ein wenig kritisch sehe. Ich hatte mal kurzfristig eine Gigabyte GTX 650 Windforce OC irgendwas,
die wollte partout nicht bei mir am Rechner laufen. Wenn man damit mehr als nur Videos gucken oder Office gemacht
hat, hat das System einfach rebootet. Ob's jetzt am wenigen Speicher (das Ding hatte nur 1GB), an meinem System
(AMD-FX) oder am OC gelegen hat, weiß ich nicht, nur dass die Karte in nem core i3 für unseren Hausgast mit CSGO
ganz ohne Probleme lief. Nunja, GTX 650 ist nun ja auch schon wieder ne Weile her. Nach allen, was ich hier lese, bin ich
jetzt auch schon fast am Überlegen, tatsächlich nur 3GB zu nehmen und dafür ne "gute" Marke, nur die LEDS auf
den ansonsten wärmstens empfohlenen MSI Karte gehen mir immer noch gegen den Strich - und von ASUS wollt ich
nach der Katastrohphe mit meinem BD-R Laufwerk eigenlich auch nichts mehr kaufen.
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Da ist jedenfalls auch was dran. Ich werde wohl auch auf OC - Varianten verzichten. Bei der Gainward war das noch nicht mal der Fall, dass sie explizit als OC ausgewiesen war. Vielmehr haben die einfach die 2 GB - Variante mit mehr Takt versehen als die 4 GB - Variante. Warum auch immer. Ich habe hier dennoch mal für die Gigabyte gevotet, einfach aus meiner guten Erfahrung mit Mainboards heraus und weil die anderen eben nicht in Frage kommen.
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Die Gigabyte ist auch schon wieder standardmäßig OC, also werde ich wahrscheinlich einfach meinen Geldbeutel
schonen und tatsächlich ne 3GB Karte nehmen, vor allen seit ich diesen Test gelesen habe.
Entweder die MSI Armor Edition ... was wohl so ähnlich wie die getestete Karte sein soltle nur mit 8-pin statt 6-pin Stecker
und ohne die Beleuchtung. Bei MSI scheinen sich die Leute ja einig zu sein, dass es eine gute Wahl ist.
Oder ich geb doch Asus noch mal ne Chance. Da wäre die Entlüftung über's Slotblech, das hört sich vernünftig an.
Auf jeden Fall wären die 3GB doch auch schon 3 mal so viel, wie ich jetzt habe. Ich habe heute zu meiner Überraschung feststellen müssen, das meine GTS 450 nur 1GB hat (ich dachte immer es wären 2).
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My last brand new GPU was some years ago GT 6200 @ bios mod => GT 6600 from this time I always buy used one ;)
Check local gumtree or any similar site and buy yourself R9 290 /GTX 970 for example in UK you can first one for around 100.
Or check on ebay :)
10-20% less performance for less than 50% of price and on i3 you will not fill difference between R9 290/970 and 1060 ;)
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Bin selbst großer Fan der Gainward Reihe (Hatte bis jetzt noch nie Probleme) und habe mir die Gainward GTX 1060 mit 6GB gegönnt und bin sehr zufrieden.
Doom läuft auf Ultra flüssig mit über 60fps. Da ich auch nicht so auf extreme Performance aus bin sondern eher der Stromsparer Typ bin ^^, habe ich mir diese geholt. Vor allem der Preis von damals 300€ empfinde ich als sehr angemessen. Kein Plan was sie jetzt kostet. Vl. unverändert :) Da die Karte selbst unter Last die Lüfter nur auf maximal 50% laufen lässt, hört man sie kaum (je nach Gehäuse, Standort etc.).
Ist sie kaum ausgelastet sind die Lüfter sogar ausgeschaltet.
Kann sie nur empfehlen.
Die "6GB Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Windforce OC" kenne ich jetzt nicht.
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Aktuell kostet die Gainward genau €264,95 ... liegt damit ca. €10 günstiger wie Gigabyte,
€20 günstiger wie die weiße MSI und mehr als €50 günstiger als die so hoch gelobte rote MSI Karte.
Mal sehn, wenn am Dienstag Trump die Wahl gewinnt und der Dollar ins Bodenlose fällt, könnte es noch
günstiger werden.
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If you're not a hardcore gamer, by all means get a Radeon, it will last way longer than a Nvidia card.
Why? Because Nvidia likes to degrade performance on older generations of cards whenever a new one comes out, while AMD ones only get better.
If someone rants about how "AMD drivers are shit", then you know it's a Nvidia fanboy, one of those who switch cards every year just because they can.
Also, DirectX 12 and Vulkan, which should become mainstream in the future, have the best support on Radeon cards.
TL;DR: buy a Radeon Rx 480 (or 470 if significantly cheaper), preferably with 8GB of VRAM, the brand is irrelevant, although I would suggest to avoid XFX, as their support is good only in a few selected countries.
By the way, we should know what's your CPU, to see if there could be a bottleneck.
If your CPU is not a recent high-end one, stronger cards would be wasted.
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As I said in the description, the main reason for not getting a Radeon is the linux driver. While I like to play
games occasionally, I'm mainly looking for a relatively powerful and quiet card for linux, because that's what
I spend 90% of my time with. Before asking here, I also asked on the forums of my linux distribution and while there was
very little input on which card would be good in particular, the consensus seemed to be that Nvidia is to be
preferred because of their propriety drivers - which is in line with my own experience, as my current Nvidia GTS 450
GPU still works with the current linux mainstream driver while I would have been forced into a legacy driver with
a similar AMD model long ago.
DirkectX 12 currently is of little concern to me, as I won't be upgrading my Win7 until the end of it's support in 2020.
After that, who knows... maybe I'll just go on SteamOS for games (which also recommends Nvidia)... 4 years is a long
time and lot can happen with computer tech.
And yes, you're right, my CPU (AMD-FX Quad core) certainly is a bottleneck, but I'm gonna replace one
thing at a time. For now I just want to get rid of my noisy old GPU and from all the benchmarks I read, GTX 1060
seems to be the way to go, because of energy efficiency and because I don't play CPU intensive games.
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Sorry, I must have somehow missed it, I just woke up when I read the post...
I can personally confirm that AMD drivers are subpar on Linux most of the time, although my experience is limited to a Radeon R7 240, and I don't own many recent AAA games.
In that case, maybe you should wait for the GTX 1050 Ti, it could be a better match for your current CPU, and not too weaker than a 1060, while being cheaper.
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Hmm, most of the tests seem to suggest, that the GTX 1050 TI is worse than a GTX 970,
that it's mainly for MMOs and such. I admit, my plan was to get a decent GPU to make
up for what my CPU is lacking, until such time that I can also replace the CPU (probably
waiting on Zen). I am aware that this strategy won't work with games that rely a lot on CPU
such as, hmm ... GTA V perhaps? (which I don't play anyway), but it should work for Tomb
Raider or Skyrim Special Edition, where most of the performance comes from the video card.
And at the time I get a new CPU, I would already have a decent video card and wouldn't have to
replace it yet again. Then again, the 1050 Ti is a lot cheaper, maybe I should consider it.
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30 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Icepick87
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156 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MagnificentOne
33 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gramis
260 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Adamdoodles
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70 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by mirum
336 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Venonat
I need some input/advice for picking a new video card. After asking around and reading a lot of reviews/tests I figured
I'd currently get the best value with some Nvidia GTX 1060 6GBmodel, especially as I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore
gamer, I don't play multiplayer or FPS games, don't need super high frame rates or ultra high settings. In fact, 90% of the
time while I'm sitting in front of my PC I'm working under linux for videos or desktop stuff. That's also the reason why I'm
not considering an AMD card, because the propriety linux driver for Nvidia is generally better and has longer support. In
fact my current card is an Nvidia GTS 450, which still works fine, expect that it's noisy and not suitable for newer games
(while games aren't my top priority I still would like to be able to check out the "new" Tomb Raider sometime, or the Skyrim
Special Edition since I got it free) My main concern is not squeezing out the most of the GPU but finding one that's also quiet.
From what I read in various reviews, the difference between those cards is mainly with the cooling fan and the resulting noise
I've included a poll for those cards currently available at my vendor. Please let me know if you have thoughts/experiences
with one of them. I know there's GTX 1060 cards by ASUS and MSI which I didn't include in the poll, because those cards
are illuminated by LEDs - which I think I think is just ridiculous and plain stupid. They're also more expensive.
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