Any good settings for ASF?

6 years ago

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Use IdleMaster lol

6 years ago

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You won me!

6 years ago

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I think ASF is better than IdleMaster. And ASF settings? Defaults are just fine.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

6 years ago*

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Yeah, I didn't think OP was being serious because of that other thread, so I was just trolling a little bit with my comment here.

6 years ago

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I'd be actually happy to answer it seriously if somebody wanted to achieve some particular goal but doesn't know how. Or maybe even add such way if it's impossible with current means (just like background keys redeemer coming in next version).

Make use of this rare shitpost opportunity and achieve a better tomorrow for yourself :3

6 years ago

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A whitelist idling option would be good. I'm quite sure it has been rejected by you on github, though.

6 years ago

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It was rejected because you already have a countless ways of achieving that.

  1. !play command
  2. Paused cards farming module and GamesPlayedWhileIdle
  3. Blacklist
  4. Priority idling (!iq)
  5. Setting farming order to the one that suits you (if there is one, that is)
  6. And another one coming soon - IPC GUI
6 years ago

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I guess my best bet is play command with IPC GUI, since I'm not running a farm, nor babysit the program to avoid it idling games I may want to play. Just want to get cards from games so terrible that I don't want to play

6 years ago

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avoid it idling games I may want to play

You say like you couldn't play those games once they're idled. What is the problem with that? I'm doing it all the time.

Unless you switched your argument to "I don't want to waste time idling games I'd potentially play myself", and that is a valid argument - I'd suggest proper farming order in this case, since you can farm your oldest/newest games first (for example), and avoid the ones you're interested in (in which case ASF would idle them only if there is nothing better to do). Another good farming order would be to idle games with lowest hours played first, in which case ASF would idle the games you're actively playing only once everything else is done already.

IPC GUI should make this much easier, since it can send commands on your behalf. You could ask on our GitHub for such functionality, as IPC GUI is done by entirely different person and I can't call anything there "out of the scope" :3.

6 years ago

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Well, just a way to keep track of what games I have played without an external website, and also personal quirk I guess. If there is reasonable workaround for idling a small subset of games, stop when done, I'll use it.

6 years ago

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Well, dependend how often you would have to refresh that list...

!owns Botname *
(best in IPC for easier copying)

Take the bottom part (easier) 1/1 bots already own game XXX.
paste this into notepad++ or other text editiors
replace "1/1 bots already own game " with ""
replace "." with ","
remove the games you want to idle
copy into blacklist.

Sounds alot of work, but should actually not take long (hardest part is deliting the games you want to idle).

But if you do not get new games (which you do NOT want to idle) very often this would work.

6 years ago

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Specially for you I added yet another approach to this. Now in addition to using !play command for specifying idling of selected games, idling blacklist for specifying specific games to ignore, idling priority queue to specify specific games to idle firstly, and paused cards farming module with games being idled all the time, you can configure ASF to consider for automatic idling only the appIDs you want to.

It can't get easier than that, now IPC GUI could only show nice interface for inputting games.

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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Definitely offline idling to dont disturb friendlist xD

6 years ago

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I wish I could enforce this on all my friends.

6 years ago

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This is the only setting im currently using

6 years ago

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I have only used idlemaster AND hourboostr/singleboostr.. never tried this one, those two work perfectly and they are constantly updated, i'm using idlemaster right now for 16 new keys from the latest bundles, of course offline in order not to disturb anyone
hourboostr can handle everything I think if idlemaster isn't enough

6 years ago*

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I much prefer ASF over other programs but sometimes I can’t get it to work so I have to reinstall it and my custom settings always go missing so that’s sad.

6 years ago

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Before you reinstall save the "config" folder. (If the problems then continue after reinstalling only save the *.json files or delete the others files instead of reinstalling)

But normally there should be no need for reinstalling. Sometimes you need to change minor things in the config, but the basics stay the same, and even the very old version on my old PC still starts up without any problems.

6 years ago

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Sometimes it works without needing to reinstall everything, but it’s usually my custom config file that messes it up so I just deal with it by reinstalling sadly.

6 years ago

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That sounds very wierd.

I don't really know how a config file that worked once should break ASF anytime.
If it does not work the next time, take the config file, censor password and login and stuff and ask in the ASF thread.

Rule of Thumb:
If it works once, the same ASF and he same configs are working for all eternity (unless steam breaks something) and all newer ASF version do work with the same config files.
There are probably some exceptions, but not on a regular basis.

6 years ago

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