Are you surprised by the exit poll?
Basically, it's as accurate as you can get until you have several hundred constituencies reporting results.....but it is a huge surprise if it's even close to correct.
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There's basically three different polls that are used to estimate the final outcome of an election prior to the actual counting of the votes which can take several hours at the lower end of the scale.
Prior to the day of the election you have Opinion Polls where samples of the public are asked who they plan to vote for. Then on election day you have Entrance and Exit Polls. Entrance Polls see voters asked who they play to vote for on the way into the polling station whilst Exit Polls see them asked who they actually voted for on the way out.
You might not think there's be much difference between the entrance/exit results but there were all sorts of issues at polling stations across the country today that could easily have swayed people to change their vote at the last minute.
Any of these polls are only as reliable as the answers people give and not everyone will choose to answer so you'll never get the full picture but from Britain's first exit poll in 1970 only one in 1992 was wrong.
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As it stands, the exit poll is looking pretty good.
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Rarely a truer word spoken. Divide appears to be along the lines of BREXIT, and if you think about it this makes sense, cos far more constituencies voted REMAIN than LEAVE, but the overall majority vote by vote was LEAVE.
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Can someone summarize it for me? Not quite uptodate on UK politics (or any for that matter, prepping to goto Uni XP)
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Theresa May called a snap election after Brexit among the chaos, in the hopes of securing an easy victory over the opposition, Labour, led by the widely named "unelectable" Corbyn. A guy loved by the people, especially the younger folk, and hated by many among his party and the media for being a more traditional liberal. Everyone before this election predicted an easy win for The Conservatives, then the exit poll suggested a very close election. And at the moment, it seems to be pretty bad for The Conservatives/Theresa May. People are calling and asking for her to resign over this huge blunder, and Labour might even end up forming a coalition government. It's not over yet though, here's a good infographic that's being updated as it goes on and a livestream.
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Thanks ^_^ definitely seems like the UK is having it's own fun with government XD what's with this year?
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Well, we have a weird system for our elections. When we had the BREXIT referendum, every vote counted as it was a simple yes/no - or in/out - question put to the voting population. BUT now the General Election is taking place, the same policy appears to be the main focus of the electorate, BUT not every vote is equal. If you vote Conservative in a Labour heartland, your vote is wasted and vice versa.
Basically, it was always going to happen...just our Prime Minister was too stupid/narcissistic/whatever to take this into account.
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Thank you for this TL;DR, I'm currently trying to follow it and listen to Comey's hearing that occurred earlier.
You're tha real MVP.
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I'm surprised by the labour party results, but even more by the SNP's.
I don't think it'll change anything in regards to Brexit since both labour and tory parties promised to keep it alive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the Libdem actually campaigned against it and for a second referendum. Labour might do a "soft" version of it, instead of the hard exit promised by Theresa May. Btw, her gamble seems to have failed epically.
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Heck I'm in the UK and I have no idea what is going on. Shows the level of shits I tend to give about it all. If you study English politics enough you learn 9/10 occasions you should never bother caring. Though I will say I truly expected our Lord and saviour "Lord Buckethead" to do amazingly.
And no I'm not joking about that nominee. He literally was a campaign choice. Not sure in how many places but we were certainly getting leaflets about him in maidenhead. Didn't actually vote for him but still...he was a choice.
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Was he the Official Raving Monster Loony Party candidate? If so, that is a longstanding electoral tradition.
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Not 100% sure to be honest. His twitter bio (which I so totally did not look up right now for vague confirmations) says he is "running to be an independent Member of Parliament for Maidenhead." So while his style definitely sounds like them, I think he may just have been on his own. No actual party affiliation.
Edit looking at some of his posts. He is definitely standalone and does not seem to be affiliated with them.
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Shame..I always thought they were the sensible party.
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seems almost settled at this point, no parliament majority. you albions are one step from entering the "unelected government club" (dont flatter yourselves about it tho, we italians are still the lead of the group). very suprised by the consent gained by the labour party. now that i look him up better corbyn is quite interesting. he might even be /ourguy/
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the representative republic, yes, before the roman republic crisis and the rise to power of augustus. when it comes to subversion of democracy using crisis as a pretext we are really on the first line lmao. at least we arent pretending we have the ability to choose our government...
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Now that would be interesting.
One twit with bad hair in the US and one in the UK :D
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While all the consequences are utterly depressing, especially now we get the Irish crazy joining in, its been rather funny watching the Tories shoot themselves in the head twice in two years. That it doesn't seem to have harmed their standing with the electorate one iota leaves me crying with equal parts despair and laughter.
Least it wasn't dull, right? :)
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Anything that results in Theresa May having less power is good.
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So, are you surprised by the BBC/ITV/SKY exit poll?
Do you think it's as accurate as last time (2015), and will we need another election before the year is out?
How will it affect BREXIT?
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