how much giveaway do you won here?
But thus site is there, to bring together the ones who are gifting and the ones that can't afford what is given away.
I don't think there is such a thing as a "leecher", just people complaining about others beeing more lucky while they are not able to ( or willing, noone forces you to give) give as much as said people.
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My leecher comment was because his question obviously implied that if he wasn't winning he would have no reason to be here, which is obviously not true. :/
I never ever said that anyone has to give anything, but to put it as if you don't get anything you have no reason to be here, that is leeching mindset. It's the mindset itself clearly demonstrated that's the issue, not the having gifted or not tons and tons.
That would defeat the purpose of cg's existance, since he only gifts, never enters giveaways, just to point out the easiest example, wouldn't you agree?
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well, i didn`t want to offend you, just said my opinion.
also, his comment could be meant sarcastic.
i apologize if you thought i want to offend you, you are even on my whitelist (don't remember how you got there, but i trust in my past me XD)
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I wasn't offended, don't worry. Not like you said anything offensive :)
I merely felt it wouldn't hurt me to clarify, so i did. ;)
I see no wrong in two people arguing/debating, just as long as things are civil and didn't feel things were less than civil one bit, so, again, don't worry. :)
And sure, his comment could have been sarcastic, but considering some of the stuff i've seen in the last few weeks, like the guy who opened a thread to complain about the quality of the gifts, i guess i've become too cynical to believe it (that one takes the cake imo)... but hey, could be wrong. :)
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Please don't make the atmosphere so toxic.
Also he didn't give away free stuff, he gave away bundle games (mostly) so that's something.
Edit: Ok, I didn't notice the not in your sentence. Because of that I thought you were referring to rodun. My bad.
Still though there are some people who don't have enough money to give away games. SG was meant to be a place to give away free stuff and win free stuff.
Why does everyone always think I'm trolling? ;_;
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Not sure if you're trolling, but i would assume so... :)
Either way, i'm not trying to make anything toxic, considering comments i've seen here, my comment was as mild as they come.
Plus, i already explained the reasoning to my comment above.
EDIT: Taking a closer look at your comment, i think you believe i replied to a different user than the one i actually did. Check the chains to make sure. ;)
EDIT v2 (after your EDIT): It's ok, i noticed this (or at least thought as much) after i re-read your comment more carefully. Plus, it has happened to me as well and many other users. ;)
As for the people not having enough money, i've covered that in depth. Was never the issue, not for me.
Also, it would be quite nice if people didn't assume (not saying it's your case, mind you - i mean it) that just because someone does gift something, that particular someone has to either be loaded or even an inkling richer than those who don't gift. I think some people would be surprised with most cases.
Judging just by sheer real life examples, i see the contrasting examples of completely loaded people not bothering to spare a begging child a dime, and people who barely make it on their own still trying to share what little they have more often than the opposite. Most entitlement issues actually stem from having quite a bit, not the other way around, because those people tend to take things for granted. Which is why the poor card over the internet bothers me so much.
As for the trolling bit, dunno about other people, but in this particular case, it seemed (to me anyway) like the only logical alternative to you having misread who i was replying to. :)
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You were replying to Kamronis, this makes your comment even worse since he never mentioned anything about 'leeching' and even then that's a toxic nickname used for anyone who doesn't 'give back' on this site.
Ever heard of people that actually need money?
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Here come the SJWs with the wrong causes (as usual), to get this out of hand.
I'm sorry, i take no joy in coming off as crude, but some people need to seriously read before making certain statements. There's only so much tolerance one can display.
Oligovore's comment was fine, i still think Psycho was trolling or thought i was replying to rodun, but your comment is just... i'm gonna try not to use adjectives... you'd probably label them as toxic... :/
And please not the poor card again, not going through it over and over and over in every single thread where people play that done to death mother of all fallacies.
This is the internet, not Walmart or alike. If someone needs money, it's certainly for food and other indispensable things, not videogames. Get your priorities straight.
That said, i already explained to oligovore my reasoning, i'm not going to explain it over and over to every other user.
And i don't really like having to write walls of text to explain things that should be pretty straightforward.
I will indulge one last time, try not to skim through it this time.
It's not about giving / not giving. :/
^Emphasis on the bolded part, try to remember that bit.
Take user vesuvia, who replies immediately after user kamronis to same user, user rodun. His reply says "never give up, #BELIEBER". He has never gifted anything as well, yet, he tells rodun to keep believing for it will come, as it has for him, many times actually. Do you see me even remotely hinting him to be a leecher? No. He's given nothing, but that's fine, it's not about what he has or hasn't gifted, it's his attitude.
Take OP, the person who started this thread. He's curious about the statistics, might even be wondering about the legitimacy of SG perhaps, has also never gifted anything. Did i hint him to be a leecher, even remotely? Again... no. It's only natural to be curious to some extent.
Now, to say or imply that if you don't win, there's no point in being here... yes, that's leeching behaviour in my book.
It speaks to also done to death issues of entitlement. And nobody in here owes nobody else a damn thing.
But please, feel free to disagree, and use the poor card again while you're at it.
I honestly find it disturbing how my initial comment came off as toxic at all to anyone, but your comment seems just fine. I must have forgotten my white knight cape.
P.S.: But hey, at least now you can rightfully play the toxic card for this comment. Still not the poor card though.
Also... not gonna start a flame-war over this. I made one simple observation. I even indulged explaining of said observation. Twice. Granted, in a lot less tolerant fashion the second time... because you know, you could have read the first. Not gonna keep at it.
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Hah! Holy shit! SJW? Really? It doesn't even have anything to do with 'social justice'. It's just you using a toxic term. There is absolutely no reason to even use the term 'leech' to describe anyone because that's just foul.
Wow, the poor card. There was no poor card played. Besides it's not like there's lots and lots of people out there with money troubles. Nope, only Africa is a shitty-economy-ridden wasteland. /s
Regardless, it's you that is starting something. I merely pointed out the fact that you used a toxic term, that's all. it's pretty clear you are being pretty defensive about this which is too ironic for the situation. So, really, I'm not trying to start anything. I just feel like the term that is used should change. A leech is a pretty damn ballsy comparison to any human being.
P.S. You should really try not to use the 'SJW' title, which is as offensive as sarcastic/joke titles go, so loosely.
P.P.S. Also, yeah, I posted my original comment BEFORE your 'first' comment, so really mine was the first one. Derp.
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Nice contradictory behaviour by thwarting (and then deflecting) what someone says with 2-liners calling them toxic (every teen out there can do that) and then say one is being defensive just because one tries to explain oneself politely to other users to avoid needless confrontation.
But then you come along and you were confrontational from the get go.
If i take it, i'm admitting by omission, if i rebuttle, i'm being defensive.
Of course, damned if i do, damned if i don't, right? Boy, you love yourself some straw man arguments, don't you?
And yes, thwarting, first by saying that i called someone a leecher because they don't gift. Never did that. Already explained it, first user to misunderstand it got a pass, it seemed (and still does) legitimate misunderstanding, but you keep intentionally ignoring it and deflecting from that to still play the poor card.
And it is the poor card, IF you keep bringing up issues of money to support your thwarted interpretations of other people's posts... posts that never had anything to do with money. Heck, the whole gifts given / not given issue, was never an issue.
I could argue that your description of my usage of the term leech as being toxic... is toxic in itself, but i don't use those fallacies.
I have an opinion, so do you. That's it. You're of the opinion that the term is toxic, i'm not, that's it. It's not set in stone, so don't use false dogmas.
And of course nothing of what you wrote has the least to do with actual social justice. Hence the reason why i wrote SJW with the wrong causes as usual. Again, try not to read digonally. ;)
Don't worry, won't reply again, as it's quite clear you will interpret things as you see fit, regardless of how clear i try to make myself. You're not looking to debate/argue or read/listen but rather to impose your moral high ground as a self-righteous narcisist would, so have a nice life.
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Right, I won't reply to you either because you're clearly the equivalent of an insult-throwing child. None of what you're saying has any backing and it's all illogical assumptions. The smirk on your face is ironic and pathetic.
Just as a tip, don't be too obvious when being defensive and confrontational and then claim you're being "polite". It makes you look like an ass.
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Leechers don't exist. Those who believe they do on a giveaway site are, quite frankly, probably elitists who don't understand how the site works.
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And the gangbang-dogging begins. :)
Did you both agree to post so close to one another, or did one of you just wait for the other? How does that work?
You didn't reply to my post on the thread you made, where i wasted a fair amount of time actually posting something coherent, while you didn't mind replying to users that posted after me that were merely insulting you by insulting them back, because below all your veil of moral high-ground and pseudo-intelectuality, when someone actually rebuttles what you have to say coherently, you cower and bide your time in wait to do this. :)
For all your convoluted dribble, you still can't stand on your own two feet, so you need the warmth of another user's posting to back you.
Such character, such personality, such superior intelect.
Then no wonder that evidently people who have witnessed it, are less than tolerant and are more prone to insult you and set out to be the bad guys, while those who haven't witnessed it, believe your dribble, because they lack the context you conveniently take away from them. You're the embodiment of hipocrisy.
Not even gonna go into the obvious bias (that you probalby think is quite cleverly subtle) already shown by you in the past towards Steamgifts and its rules which you try to forcefully change, because they are not the same of the site you help moderate.
Site the which i have absolutely nothing against, mind you, i just don't go there to try to forcefully change their ways, nor i see any of SG's mods try to do just that (or go and advertise SG there).
Oh and for the first time ever, something i never do on a whim, but am gonna do now.
I hadn't blacklisted you at the time of your whole blacklist-drama thread, even though the part that disgusted me the most was your playing of the poor card, for the reasons i explained at the time, but you know what?
Blacklisted. ;)
"But, but, but is it a valid reason?"
It's because i can. I'm an elitist after all, right? Deal with it. :)
And even though you've been registered here for much longer, considering your huge bias, you're not the person to tell me how this site works. ;)
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I don't know what you're talking about, but I commented of my own accord because I think your usage of the term "leecher" is fallacious and betrays a failure to understand how the site works, assuming you were using it unironically. I'm not participating in your discussion with anyone else at this time.
As for your post in my thread, I haven't been really replying to anyone on there because I've been busy. I'll be addressing every comment in that thread eventually, though, including yours. I don't appreciate your insults, however, and your toxic, douchey behavior just makes me want to ignore you.
I don't really care if you blacklist me. I blacklisted you a while ago for being so pretentious and condescending to everyone. You'll remain there indefinitely, too, for jumping to so many wild and absurd conclusions about me all over a simple comment. Maybe once you begin to act civilly and responsibly, I'll remove you from my blacklist (and maybe even whitelist you). There's no chance in hell that'll be happening while you're acting like this, though.
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The only 2 people that could ever accuse me of being toxic, pretentious, condescending or whatever towards them is you and poster who you sided with in this thread.
Gotta love people pulling the let's play the poor card act and act like saints while we're at it, even though people should know better.
Yep, i've gone full toxic with the both of you, not gonna hide behind semantics like you or him. Flawed or not, people can see me quite clearly i imagine, whether they like it or not. Just as long as it's the befitting consequences of my actions, so be it.
But i merely did it because this isn't the first, the second, the third, etc. (nor will it be the last i'm afraid), that either of you pull out an undeserving white hat. I was completely civil with other users who not only disagreed with me but voiced their disagreement and i bear them no ill sentiment whatsoever.
IF you blacklisted me before, it can only have been from my post on your own thread, not from before.
Feel free to name the post/thread other than this and yours where i acted as you say, to make such a bold and broad statement that i am like this to everyone.
Now you're beyond hipocrisy, that's a flat out lie. You 2 are the only 2 users on this site to whom i have ever replied in this fashion. Ever!
I have each and every user i ever blacklisted on a text file with not only date of blacklisting, but reason, so even if months were to pass, i'd still be able to pinpoint exactly why i blacklisted any of them (and it's a very short list, mind you, very few people made the cut).
So have some inkling of shame left, and don't lie.
And i will call you out every time you try to withdraw context from a comment of mine.
I didn't blow a casket with you, nor let alone assume anything or jump to any conclusions over one simple comment.
Like i've made it abundantly clear, i blew a casket, because you do this on a routinely basis. People just don't have the patience to dog you around doing the same thing you do. I don't lie in wait or fly in circles like a vulture. I have better things to do with my life.
Ironically (and boy, one has to really appreciate this one) your thread was made addressing how blacklisting someone over something written in the forum was not the right reason. And yet, here you are, as usual when it suits you, going against what you stated before with white hat on. Not that big or holier than thou, huh? I mean, you said you blacklisted me before, so if i were to believe that, it wasn't as retaliation for having said i blacklisted you.
The only reason i made the mention "Blacklisted. ;)" was to maybe get you to show your true colours... which you have. :)
It would also be highly irresponsible to play the "don't blacklist users for no valid reason" card and now come up with a very predictable excuse such as "i can't possibly remember which thread or which other users you were toxic to".
Not just convenient, but far too predictable. Unless you mean to say i'm the ressurrected Nostradamus, which i'm under no dellusion of being. It's just the obvious goto excuse i see you using without having something to back you up.
Please keep me on your blacklist forever, i couldn't possibly sit well with getting anything from you as much as i would if gifting anything to you (don't even know why you bother to keep a blacklist for no valid reason though, you obviously can't afford to gift stuff per your own words, so it kinda defeats the purpose).
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Actually, I didn't even bother reading the conversation you had with this other poster (I have never met the person in my life). That conversation was between you and him, and I want no part of it. Instead of having a rational discussion with me, however, you chose to vent your frustrations with him out on me. You didn't even bother to discuss anything with me; you simply presumed everything about me and attacked that effigy like it would do you any good. In the end, it just made you look like an asshole.
I blacklisted you for your original post above and your replies to other users within this thread. Your post in my thread may have been full of shit, but I didn't blacklist you for that because at least you tried to contribute in some worthwhile capacity. I blacklisted you because your behavior in this thread was reprehensible, crass, toxic, and hostile, and you did little other than shit up the forums with your ramblings. I consider you part of the problem in the community because you clearly don't know how to handle people and the only contributions you seem to want to make is to be a blight on the community.
I have no interest in entertaining any further dialogue with you until you grow up and start acting like a civil and rational person. Hence why I'm not refuting every absurdity in your above post; it would be futile and you're too busy trying to berate me to listen to my corrections.
And, lastly, it's spelled hypocrisy. For fuck's sake, does your spellcheck not work?
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Try to enter private (forum and chat) and group GAs! Also avoid GAs with a lot of entries, I try to enter low points GAs and enter +20p GAs only if there are less than 900 entries. That has helped me, but as stated... I have won twice a week and then a month of nothing. Hang in there!
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Took 3 months before I had my first win. I guess I can call myself lucky.
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I've only had one win, and it was from a giveaway of 50,000 copies with a 50% chance to win. So not much to be proud of with my luck here.
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Haha, thanks for the reply! Yeah, I can switch my vote now. The recent flood of giveaways has thankfully increased my luck, managed to win a few now :D
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0 been here more than a year. :( Entered only 214 giveways soo i have hope for the future.
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29 so far.
I've won my first giveaway after reaching 1000+ entries.
After that, I mostly only entered for private giveaways, especially on the forum, and... Here I am.
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