Check this out.


Led by former Ubisoft and Electronic Arts developers Julien Cuny and Louis-Pierre Pharand, Pixyul is using drones to map the Earth one section at a time and transform real-life environments into 3D objects.

Pretty ambitious?

1 decade ago*

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Pretty ambitious indeed. But not the entire world will be released at once? Not sure if that's good (you'll be able to meet people "right at the beginning") or bad (the premises of the project it's an open world Earth, but not really at the beginning)...

1 decade ago

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TOO ambitious - probably impossible to pull off well. How will they scrub out advertisements/personal info (like Google Streetview), or static people, animals, and vehicles so it doesn't look like you're hiking all over a picture? Same with dealing with things like forests or anything that obscures the ground. Not to mention the vast amount of restricted airspace and top secret locations.

It's a game that no doubt will let many down. A+ for effort though.

1 decade ago

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Not super impressed. I'd just as soon have a massive, realistic "fake" world than pay for all the effort they're putting into bringing the real world into a video game. People just take realism way too seriously for me...

EDIT: Oh and even with that said, it really sounds like these guys are shooting way higher than they can achieve. Reminds me of the expectations and hype versus eventual reality of games like Fable and Spore.

1 decade ago

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Too many survival games.Dayz, Rust, and now ReRoll. I play games for the story, not to simulate my life


1 decade ago

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But this one could be good

1 decade ago

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They seem to want to crowd fund it. So taking into account the millions of dollars spent on traveling and visas, technology, and a team to parse and program everything... And considering not even Google has done this particularly well... And considering the huge amount of 'uninteresting' earth such as farmland, deserts, water, and tundra...

Smells sort of like a scam.

1 decade ago

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not bad, If they have the system to automatically generate 3D terrain from those 1000 pictures easily on the engine. Then I can see this being possible.

But I think this is only possible to open areas just like what they shown in video. How about urban areas where there are multiple layers of the ground? You could map it in the air sure, but what if there's a long covered pedestrian pathway is in the way? A huge tarp covering a wedding reception?

1 decade ago

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I can't even begin to imagine all of the DLC this game will have. Minnesota $10, Washington $20, Delaware $1...

1 decade ago

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Just looking at the shop, it already seems pay-to-win with massive DLC costs.

1 decade ago

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So you get a huge world that takes up all the budget and no gameplay mechanics to have a reason to play?

1 decade ago

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They can map all of me anytime ;) My cavities are all ready for this.

1 decade ago

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Cavity search SIMULATOR 2015

1 decade ago

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would be perfect for the new bundle stars simulator bundle :)

1 decade ago

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lol Dentist simulator...Rotting Your Teeth Simulator...hmm ideas...:D

1 decade ago

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Just hope they don't piss off any governments with their drone and land their asses in some prison like the Arma guys.

1 decade ago

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Does anyone understand Julien Cuny? I understand him about 50% of things he says.

1 decade ago

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by "the entire Earth" they wanted to say the USA and some part of Europe, right?

1 decade ago

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lol probably yeah!

1 decade ago

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Pay to win plastered all over the place, It's funding yeah, but eh....

1 decade ago

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Good luck mapping North Korea.

1 decade ago

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Don't forget about Greece lol

1 decade ago

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Why Greece? don't get it :-/

1 decade ago

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A few years ago two guys from Bohemia Interactive went to Greece, got arrested and charged with espionage because they were caught taking photos near a military installation.

1 decade ago

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Good point. Interesting how they will figure out problem of army restricted locations.

1 decade ago

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I just want to know at what grounds are they asking for a reroll, has the winner of the giveaway not commented on it?

1 decade ago

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Wahey! Galindo everybody

1 decade ago

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Thank you, Thank you! You're far too kind! xD

1 decade ago

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Hmm, very interesting... but yes, also very ambitious!
btw, the game will be MASSIVE in space requirements! Even if there aren't super nice textures etc...
Oh and something else, I'm pretty sure some countries won't even allow them to do this in their country.

1 decade ago

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I think this raise the privacy question. Can a company scan your property with drones and sell it in a game? For some it might be obvious to say no but some with dollar signs in their eyes might argue with this ethical question. I see it as a waste of time to scan a big part of the planet for a single game that might not even succeed. They should concentrate on scanning a specific region, let's say 250000 square kilometres (500x500km!)and have a go at it. From what I've read they are planning something like this for what they call Brick1. It's already difficult to gather with your friends at DayZ on a 15x15km map, now imagine the fun on earth scale. I'd prefer a smaller environment in which we could fly/dig underground with a geological system deeper and similar to minecraft, rather than running non-stop on the whole surface of the globe in a game where we can't even fear other players as it's not a PVP game, for best and worst.

1 decade ago

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This is pretty interesting stuff. I'll looks forward to what comes out of it.

1 decade ago

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This will never work xD Lets be realistic here 1st off how much space would all those HD pictures take up?, How do you make a 3D model only using pictures from the air? what if trees are covering the ground? will players in the game have to walk on top of trees? , There are a lot of places you won't be able to map, people and animals will be in the pictures and your character will keep playing while you are not on? How many servers do you guys have? 1 million? You will have to keep track of every single character in the game even when no one is playing them and all around the globe if this somehow ever finishes which is unlikely.

But yeah it is a good start to something big but its not quite there yet, maybe they should have started off with a GTA sized game first.

1 decade ago

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looks promising, will keep an eye out, thanks for the info.

1 decade ago

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Wasted money. I don't play games to be on earth once again..

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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I know this is like 10seconds of game footage but it doesn't look very impressive at all if you watch at 1:46 its just a photo of a location taken from one of their drones with some models thrown in, with an isometric view.


wonder how it will be marketed seeing as their current asking prices are ridiculous also seeing other things like "character slots", I'm starting to think they are going to charge you money for every damn thing (a posher warz?).

I also hate this pre-order nonsense. All anyone has seen is 10seconds of gameplay (barely even gameplay) and they say its out mid 2015... why pre-order? it could be shit and there is no definite date to when it comes out.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by SymphonyARG.