Doing giveaways for groups is a great way to giveaway that possible duped keys, since users will have to be fair with your "maybe dupped" warning, I mostly do giveaways for groups /whitelist only and when I'm not sure if a key is dupped and don't have an extra key(sometimes I end buying a second one when this happens), 100% people has agreed to delete the giveaway when the dupe key happens.
Doing it as a public giveaway will probably end in a non received key (if the key is dupped), because of the winner having to agree, so thats why I'm a group man atm.
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use a group like this if you are unsure.
The group allows a certain number of keys to be given away and if they are dupes, the winner by the rules must allow you to delete the giveaway or try to resolve it first.
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Probably best to make group and/or invite-only GAs where you could replace a non-working key if cheap enough or delete the GA. For regular GAs people are not obliged to let you delete the GA so this is too risky.
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if I understand correctly once you could do group GA with special rules as deletion in case of bad key, but afaik it is no longer allowed, even if people still do it (so it's probably tolerated, faq maybe helps).
if you come here every now and then it means this is not your top priority, so I guess both forum drop (no risk and quick, but at least with some ninja/bot protection) and group ga (some small risk and less quick) will do the trick.
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You can also dump the keys on the orphan keys thread.
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The orphan keys thread has a rather negative reputation; It's pretty exclusively for those willing to take an IDGAF approach with their games. There are quite a few specialized threads and groups out there now [though I'm not sure which ones are currently still active], so there should be plenty of options for those who hold their games to some degree of value (or simply still want the chance at CV). Even non-specialized SG-oriented groups are likely to have group rules supporting such giveaways, as well, at least among the more reputable groups.
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I'm going to go totally off topic here and ask what it's like working for a railway? That sounds awesome.
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Its rough. First 5 years you can get furlough and it sucks. Been doing it for 2 years now and had it happen 3 times. I am a conductor and on the extra board until I can get in the yard or few regular routes. I am pretty much on call 24/7 and you only get a 2 days off for every 6 worked. So you could be sitting at home all day without a call and now that counts a day of rest. The whole cycle starts over.
The benefits are worth it and they pay you well for the hardship. Currently making $4900-$5300 per week but it can as low as $3000
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Interesting. Thank you for sharing. How did you get into the profession in the first place?
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Its kinda the same at all the RRs but NFS (Norfolk Southern) and UP (Union Pacific) hiring is a like. You apply and wait up to 6-8 months before even getting notified about going to a hiring fair. There are tests you take online and you wont know if you failed until after the wait.
After you get to the hiring fair, you will sit through death by powerpoint and videos. Its mainly to scare people, as the conduct job is not for the faint of heart and you live by the job. If you are still interested at that point, you will be given a time to come back to do 1V1 interviews or 2V2 depending.
Then you wait about 2 weeks to about 4 months before you hear back if you got the job or not. It took me 3 times to apply and finally got the job. As I use to be a Manager at Starbucks and both companies used the excuse that I was at a job that had good benefits, etc. But it doesnt come with a pension and all the positions within starbucks, you have to pretty much throw someone under the bus to get that position. Dont get wrong about starbucks though. Its a good place to work but the store or district you work in, is what makes your experience.
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HB gift links sometimes have issues if you leave them unclaimed too long after generating them. It's best to always wait to generate them until the point where you'll actually be utilizing them; Humble shouldn't basically ever be giving you a non-functional key outside of that specific circumstance.
It may be possible to get Humble to reset the gift links for you [since it's a known issue] if you're sure of which ones shouldn't have been used, but do be careful not to indicate that you plan on utilizing them for any purpose outside of self-activation or directly gifting to friends. Humble doesn't seem to have the best outlook on SG or trading sites, these days, seemingly being unable to differentiate such sites from for-profit-oriented trading/grey market sites.
You'll have overwhelmingly high risk of issues when asking for respectful interactions on public giveaways or open group giveaways, low risk with invite giveaways where you clarify the context beforehand, lower risk with SGT-filtered invite giveaways where the context is clarified, and all-but no risk when utilizing any specialized or generally respectable SG group.
The risk with key drops is that exploiters will nab them for card-farming; Regifting is going to be impossible in any circumstance where a key can be viewed by multiple users, and by having the individual on your friends list you can confirm that any directly given keys are activated as they're received [and if the user fails to activate, simply keydrop the key to prevent regifting] by checking the game's store page for 'Friends that own the game'.
There's not really any way around the risk of any given-away key, regardless of gifting method, being used wastefully- however, you can utilize an SGT filter to filter the gifting to specific characteristics [ie, the user having the game wishlisted and having a small wishlist size] to mimize risk. It's easy enough to then get the filtered users into a group made for the giveaways, or to gift the games directly by way of utilizing a random number generator as an alternative winner assignment method.
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Ok so I kinda disappeared due to work (railroad is your life when you get hired). So now that I have some time, I came back here. Now the issue I have right now, is I do not know if all the keys I have are good or not.
I have all my keys kept in a spreadsheet and marked when they are given away. I did have issues in the past where keys were good but somehow were dupes from HB.
There are roughly 110+ keys
I am debating on creating GAs but I dont want to hurt my rep, get banned, etc. The other thing I was considering, was just a key dump and just let people have at it but I know they will probably get regifted.
Heres a GA for the help
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