cant be bought (for the better) but Clive Barkers Jericho. Oh god, that game was bloody atrocius beyond words....
Also perhaps Counter Strike Nexon Zombies, game used to be at least remotely interesting but good ol Nexon succesfully made the game less and less free to play friendly
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It's a fairly decent game actually, I played it some 8-9 years ago and had a blast. I have no idea why so many people hate it, but hey, let them have it their way. Calling it one of the worst with the existence of utter shiteballs like Air Control and its ilk is just plain idiotic.
Staying on topic though, my personal picks would be, even if not necessarily the worst for some of them:
Shred! Downhill Mountain Biking - some Android port of a Trials clone, this one had me and a pal having a laughing fit. They included a first person mode for Christ's sake... That, and out of kicks, we tried to turn off the graphics to absolute minimum because the game was kinda ugly anyway, so we wanted to have a laugh. Imagine our faces when I shit you not, the game looked even more acceptable with derp graphics...
Air Control - not on Steam any more, I don't even know how anyone could count this as a literal "videogame". It looks like some 12 year old did his stupid memes by assembling a bunch of assets and tried to sell it. There's many like it nowadays, but it stands out even today by how fucking inconsistent it can be. Like, you know how most of Digital Homicide's games follow a theme at least? Yeah, try and search for one here.
Postal 3 - forced trash humor that goes in your face, as opposed to the pretty much deadpan delivery of the previous game in the series. There are open worldy bits, but you always have to follow some objectives, without the game leaving you to play around in town and cause you psychotic childish mayhem, and have a laugh. Postal 2 was one of the most addictive mayhem generators out there, I'd always pick it in favor of any GTAs, but this one makes causing mayhem and killing a barely functional activity that feels like a chore. Someone shove a shotgun up its ass and use it as a silencer please...
Two Worlds - didn't get to play it that much myself, but this sounds like my kind of trash to try. Once again, a pretty funny crapper, that a lot of people told me horror stories about. One tidbit of a teaser for what you're in for: you can actually invest in a skill that involves better accuracy from a horseback. Yeah. Too bad you can't ride horses in the game, but don't tell that to anyone.
Unearthed: The Trail Of Ibn Bathamaralama Kukimuki Harakiriwhatever - Imagine an Uncharted wannabe in the Middle-East, made by game devs who have no idea how to make games. Every game mechanic and the controls are just plain broken, and it's full of funny moments because of it. One of those games I played drunk with friends and had a blast with for all the wrong reasons.
Twin Sector - Wow. Birdemic leves of voice acting meets gameplay that gives me anal cancer. What a cocktail.
The Flock - one of the most spectacular fails at trying something in multiplayer, one to overshadow even Battleborn. The games gimmick is that once a certain number of players died, the game will be over for everyone, and the story will be over. While it's a sweet little game at its core, really, at launch I failed to find barely any people to play with, and I can't even imagine what it's like today. This was not because people were not interested, but because of server issues. The game being bug-ridden, badly optimized and even the menu causing it to crash certainly didn't help either. Shame, I actually liked it when it, you know, fucking FUNCTIONED
Sakura Santa - don't know what the others in the series are like, but man, how do you fuck up a fan service type game about dating anime women in a visual novel? Making it boring, making all the females want your dick relentlessly and without any opposition or struggle, and making the main character unlikeable and unrelatable as all hell, that's how.
Turba - can't put my finger on it why, really, so I'll just sum it up with one word: Turda.
Airport Simulator 2014 - I managed to flip the docking thingy into the building so well that it was unrecoverable and as such all the passengers on that plane probably died of starvation as I couldn't get them to depart. You know what, this is actually kindo brilliand if you set your own goals.
Ehh, that's it i suppose. Some of these aren't that bad, but still pretty entertaining in their crappiness. Fun times.
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Unearthed: The Trail Of Ibn Battuta - one of the best - bad games. Almost everything works but in a laughably inept way - I genuinedly had more fun with it than with some supermeh generic but "better" game :) Absolutely agree with the superfun if drunk/playing for the lolz.
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Fair enough I suppose. As I said, I never played the game itself more than an hour, so I'm just relaying one of my friends' opinion there who played it, apparently incorrectly. Was a fair few years ago he told me about it so there's that.
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Which is that skill of Two Worlds you're talking about? I have 60+ hours played, and the 2 skills which involve the horse are to dismount enemies which are riding a horse and to determine the damage dealed from an attack made while you're riding a horse, either with a sword, a mallet or any other weapon of single hand.
Did you even play the game? Because you CAN ride any horse which have a mount.
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Drive By Hero first of all and Abandoned Knight could be
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It is called BOLD NEW WORLD ,worst game i've ever seen on steam. It doesn't have any story, any mission or a point. Made with paid (nope i think the assets are also free) assets and made only for profit.It has also fake award pictures on its store page.
Hahaha pity. I hope Lord GabeN will remove this game and dev from steam store permanently.
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haha it's not worst but a little overrated game if you ask my opinion
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The problem with being "overrated" that many people just don't know if they even like the genre. While players who love it always recommend it (and blame goes for any online article / video as well) to call it a "must-play" while it's unenjoyable if you don't like competitive shooters, and many people fall for the best-game tags. It's very, very likely the current best Battle Royale type of game, but that's all, it's still far from being best game or even just inclusive.
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Uriel's Chasm is... pretty bad... and is on many lists of the worst games ever.
But I have to give a shout out to Umbrella Corps, the worst multiplayer game I've ever seen, and the player base for which collapsed within just a few days after it was released.
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Eh, DOTA 2 is quite well balanced, as is evident by the fact that most characters actually see use in competitive play. If it was not well balanced, then people would just gravitate towards the same small set of characters, and none of the others would ever be picked.
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zonitron still better.. the just spam so many cheap games for profit..
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Valve should be ashamed that they let this product pretend to be a game and sneak into their store.
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It's supposed to be like that but it doesn't even make it that far. You move left and right with the mouse but that doesn't always work. There is no fire button, your gun just continually spews out bullets. The best part is that if you go to the options menu, you have to close the game and restart it to go back to the main menu. There is no back button.
Randomly selected sixth graders programming a Vic-20 in 1982 would produce a better game than POBEDA.
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The easy answer would be to just point at something that just does not work. Followed by one of the many asset flips that make what DH made look like high art (like the Achievement Hunter series).
But if we ignore the things that are just flat out broken or just some asset pack that's been thrown up on the store, and look at games that attempts to actually be something... then something that Eternity's Child would be pretty high up on the list. It functions, it's just hampered by so many bad choices that it's no fun to play at all.
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If we ignore games that are bad on purpose, $1 games, or achievement games - then I'll go with A Bird Story.
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have you try this:
or this:
or this:
maybe that's the reason why valve have overwhelming negative,, for those kind of games.
Should read the review 1st before buying
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Well currently I'm playing Moonstone Tavern, a fantasy RPG maker management sim/adventure game, which has Mostly Negative reviews. It's really not so bad though, once you remap to a controller and turn off effects it runs pretty well except in the larger fights. I haven't yet played Stardew Valley or Starbound so I've nothing better to compare it to. So far it doesn't seem to deserve all the hate it has gotten.
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The game I bought that I have been most disappointed by was Elite Dangerous. The worst game I actually played was Fidget Spinner Simulator.
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I've never played it, but Alpha Zylon looks like a contender.
Seriously, just watch a minute or two of the trailer and consider yourself fortunate that you don't have to play it, yourself. :P
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FlatOut 3: Chaos and Destruction
The first 2 games (and Ultimate Carnage, which is an updated version of 2) by Bugbear were really fun arcade racers. And then the publisher decided to whore out the franchise to a different, and more incompetent developer.
How incompetent ? Well, Alpha Zylon, which CallMeKap pointed out just above, is their best-reviewed game on Steam.
And Wreckfest / Next Car Game, currently isn't looking any better, despite being made by Bugbear and being marketted as a spiritual successor.
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There is no way to accurately explain how bad Dark Years actually is without suffering through it yourself. I won it here and I was glad to win it because I thought the concept sounded great and it really couldn't be that bad but, it is.
It's so much uglier and clunkier than the screen shots show, it has the worst script I've ever heard, the voice acting is somewhere between abysmal and unintentionally comical (for all the wrong reasons), the audio is very poor quality (and the levels are all wrong, the voices are much lower than the music), the subtitles and voice acting don't even slightly match, there are so many translation errors sometimes its impossible to figure out what was even meant, it crashes all the time, things despawn randomly and the AI is completely broken. Movement is laggy, the graphics aren't aligned quite right, everything flickers and clips. The achievements also don't work but I've heard its dumb luck if you can even finish the game because its so glitchy and quests won't complete and needed items just aren't there. I could go on even more if I thought about it a bit... basically every individual element is poorly done and barely functional. The music is the only thing passable and even it suffers from the audio quality/mixing issues.
I did have a great laugh at one point though, when I parked my car in apparently the "magical spot". One NPC got stuck on it and the walking animation was so silly I watched for a minute. Then there were 2, then 3, then 4, then 10... within maybe 5 minutes the entire street was filled with NPCs that couldn't get past the car and eventually blocked me in. At that point they started stacking on top and through each other and built this monolith of walking-in-place NPCs that was dozens of feet high, reaching to the skies and filling up the entire city. I watched in amazement until there were so many dudes stuck on nothing that the game crashed lol.
The real kicker? Unlike a lot of 2 bit junk that deserves to be on this list, Dark Years is $14.99 on Steam.
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Strongmind. Doesn't even qualify as a game. It's some kind of awful scam. A quiz game with FOUR (yes four) questions. You answer, and thats all. No good or bad feedback, no gameover, no nothing.
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I want to know which are the worst games on Steam, can be something you've played and thought was garbage, something with mostly negative reviews, shovelware, asset flips, games that seemed good but were actually garbage... just hit me up with the worst games you can think of that can be bought on Steam. (Not necessarily bought, Free to Play is ok too)
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