im confused,
if i just built a new pc am i being forced to install drivers from another pc or buy a wifi usb stick?
am i able to just stick a ethernet cable in there to get the wifi working even before motherboard drivers are installed?

7 years ago

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If you plugged the cable in your mobo, you wouldn't be using wifi. A desktop needs a special kind of antenna to use wifi, if I'm not mistaken. But yeah, if you plug the cable there it should work without any extra driver installation.

7 years ago

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There's a good chance your Ethernet card will just work with the drivers that are included in the operating system.

7 years ago

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Everything works to start with just by putting the hardware pieces together (well, assuming you made sure the pieces were compatible with one another- PcPartPicker is a fantastic resource to reference when building your own PC), as Windows comes with plenty of generic drivers pre-installed. Of course, an anti-virus pre-install is a consideration for those who are extra cautious about security.

After you install, you'll want to immediately update your motherboard's audio/network/chipset drivers and your graphic card's drivers, as you'll typically be lacking a lot of basic functionality [eg, certain screen resolutions] until you do. While you can do this after hooking up the PC (and in the case of the graphic card drivers, there's really no reason not to, as your motherboard can handle your graphics just fine for basic use) motherboard updates are, as I recall, usually no more than a few MB, so they're quick and easy to preoload on a flash drive.

Another preload consideration is a browser install, so you don't have to use IE/Edge to start with.

(And, as noted above, WiFi (that is to say, wireless internet) requires a WiFi PCI card installed on your computer, or a USB wireless adapter. For standard ethernet cable internet, you can plug that directly into the motherboard without concern.)

7 years ago*

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Unless your motherboard has built in WiFi, you'll need a wireless adapter. If it has and it doesn't work, then connect it via Ethernet and update the drivers for the Motherboard.

7 years ago*

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Closed 7 years ago by SpiritOfTheGods.