I think that I hit around 130K and then suicided...I've played it lot testing it, so I bailed at that point. :D
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Weird...has to be an enemy frequency calculation problem...but I'm wondering why it would hit right then. I originally had this issue at around 30K, but thought I'd put code in place to prevent the problem from being able to happen. I know that one player hit over 200K, so you would think that would mean this is an anomaly. Huh. I may have to jump into an epic game later today and see if I can reproduce the issue.
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Yeah, the way GameMaker works is that repeating events are based upon "Alarms," which are essentially timers. The frequency with which I spawn the new enemies is based upon a calculation so that they come more frequently as the score goes up, but it shouldn't ever be able to hit 0. There is also a check to see if the player has recently died, which causes a delay of spawning new planes for a few seconds. I wonder if there was some odd alignment of events that caused the "death" flag to get stuck. Any chance that you had just died right before that happened (doesn't look like it from the 5 extra lives, but of course those could have been picked up after the enemies stopped, so I thought I'd ask)?
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I think that I figured out the bug. It was definitely in the enemy frequency calculation.
I reproduced what you saw at just a slightly higher score than you (and I mean just a few hundred points). Then force-added a small value to the calculation for the alarm (because I suspect that with the crazy division, it was either rounding to zero or actually going negative), and things were fine...up until just over 200K, then the problem came back. So now I've added some bracketing logic and looks for that calculated value being completely out of range, and if that happens, it's defaulting to another set value (i.e., it should bottom out). I took it up to almost 250K and all still looked well.
Also, I added a fire-lock so that you don't have to hold down the fire key. Toggle it with the L button. :)
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Well done, this was actually better than many Steam games I have played so far… :-)
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Yeah, at some point, you've kind of seen everything. If I were trying to go for something that would be released on Steam, I'd add in some specific events/waves/bosses/etc.
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Hi, I'm sorry...not sure what you mean here. Let you know what soon?
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Oh, gotcha. The trains end on February 10th at 4:20PM (joke intended :D) Central Time, US.
Thanks for wanting to add more GAs! When you have whatever you want to link to the end, IM me on Steam so that we can keep the links private. :)
Does this means that I get to enter a couple of GAs in my own event? Awesome. :D :D :D
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Think I found an issue. I was up to 35k points with all 5 lives and I died. Then I saw myself respawn, but then immediately got a game over screen even though I had another 4 lives. I think the issue is that one of those big green planes was coming up from the bottom of the screen and it was over the respawn area so I kept respawning and dying for all of my lives in a matter of a split second.
Not a big deal though, I had fun. Thanks!
Now to check out the trains :)
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Ouch. I've never had that happen. I've lost 2-3 from a bomber being in the area, though. I guess it's because the jets move fairly slowly. I may have to add in some respawn invincibility code, although it'll be a lot of work because it'll have to be added to all of the various collision routines for every object that can hurt the player. But I may take a run at it later today and see what it'll take.
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It's not a big deal. It's not like you are selling the game and it probably won't happen to many people. A majority of the people that are going to see this thread and play the game have probably already played by this point, so it's probably not worth putting in the time unless you really want to.
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Thanks for the GA this is actually better than most shovelware that Is on steam right now, I suggest that you continue the development of the game, add more powerups, enemies and remove these illegal kamikazes lol
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Lol, I'll think about it. Or I may just do some more advanced training on GameMaker and see if I can build a game that is intended to have a little more variety from the start.
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It's supposed to be. 😁😈 That's the fun of writing the game.
You: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ (ง •̀_•́)ง
Me: 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Yeah, I saw. 🤣 Thanks for that, BTW...can't tell you how many re-rolls I've had to do because of stuff like that.
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Welcome to my new event, the PEW PEW PEW Trains❗
[For updates to the game, please see my first post below the thread description! If you want any of these features, you need to download the latest version and install it over the top of your current version!]
Hi, everyone! I've sent out all of the keys for wins where the player code was valid! I have also tried to reach out to each person individually that did not have a valid code to explain what's wrong (e.g., the player never added their player name and code at all, the code is the default one for "player" [this happened a lot], etc.) and to please fix it ASAP. When you update your invalid code with the correct one, please send me a SG message or IM me on Steam, and I'll check it and get your key sent out as soon as I can (I'm going to be in a training class the next couple of days, so will only be online in the evenings).
If there is an issue with a key, please agree to delete the GA, and I will find an alternate prize for you!
Congrats to all of the winners!
This event is all about action games! All of the games in the GAs for this event include one of three things:
Or, preferably, ALL THREE!
When I thought about how I wanted to do an action-game-based set of trains, I thought, "why not make it so participants have to actually play an action game and get a decent score to enter the trains?" Yeah! But where was I to get a game that would let me insert links to trains in it? Well, I looked and looked, but couldn't find anything that would work. So, there was only one answer: I'd have to make one.
That's right, people, I MADE YOU A FREAKING VIDEO GAME!
I think that this is the first time we've done this on SG, but I could be wrong. Either way, I wanted to do something new and different for this event.
[For the mods: yes, people are going to have to download something that I made. No, I do not make money from this in any way, it includes no advertising nor any type of promotion, and I do not intend to sell it in the future. In other words, there is no personal gain of any type for me in this. I developed this strictly for a SteamGifts event to give to the community. Just wanted y'all to know that I always try to follow the rules. 😁😎👍🏻]
Please read everything that follows! I know that it's a lot, but it's all important (plus, I took the time to write it 😏).
So what is this game?
The game is called 1954, and it is an endless, RNG-based shooter that
heavily rips offwas inspired by the classic 80s video game, 1945. It started out as me doing a tutorial for a very, very crappy version of that game, and I thought, "man, I can work on this and make it way better than this garbage," so I did. I found a guy who created a sprite sheet that replicates the graphics from 1945 almost to the pixel, and he was offering it as full public domain for use in anyone else's project. As I'm not any kind of real artist, I grabbed it, thanked him, and used it as my inspiration to create this game. All sound effects were either from packs I own or came from Freesound.org (I will be adding credits to the end of this thread later).Hey, that's super. How does the event work? The trains, man, the trains!
Ok, there are two trains in this event. The first one contains 82 carts and the second one contains 83 carts, for a total of 165 GAs. They're running from today until mid-day (CT US) on February 10th. To enter the trains, you must play the 1954 video game and achieve a good enough score to expose the 5-character code that you can type into the URL of the first invite-only GA of each train (if you don't know how to do this, I or many others around SG can help you understand how to make it work).
First things first: you need to download the (very small) installer for the game from HERE.
Then, play the game. Be sure to change your player name to your SteamGifts name! You need to score at least 10,000 points to get the code for the first train. You need to score 25,000 points to get the code for the second train. As you would expect, the games in the second train are of higher average quality or are more rare/unique/etc. The second train also includes a couple of non-bundled GAs at the end.
You will see the train codes on the Game Over screen after you game ends if your high score is qualifying (meaning that if you are trying to get a higher score and don't do well on another game, you'll still see any codes that you qualified for from previous games). They will be clearly labeled Train 1 and Train 2. You can use these codes to enter the trains by replacing the ????? in this URL: "steamgifts.com/giveaway/?????/"
Also, don't try to hack the saved high score. It's encrypted. You'll likely fail. Just play the game, Cheaty McCheaterpants. 😜
So what's to keep people from just giving the codes to their friends so that they can cheat and not even play the game?
Hey, I'm glad you asked! So, the other thing you'll need to pay attention to is the winner code that follows your name on the Game Over screen. When your game is over, in the middle of the screen, you'll see your score, the high score, your player name, and finally your winner code under that (see attached graphic at the bottom with this and the train codes highlighted in green boxes). This is why it's important to enter your SteamGifts id as your player name. The code that is generated is completely unique to your player name and is generated using a terrifying algorithm that I created. If you're a cryptologist, you might be able to break it in a few hours, but it would be a lot easier just to play the game.
So, when you're ready to enter the trains, go right ahead. But, the other thing you need to do is update this Google Sheet with your player name (SteamGifts id) and the generated code. I will be checking all winners by running their SG name through my algorithm, and if it doesn't match, I'll be contacting you to prove to me that you played (in case you just made a typo or your arch enemy changed your entry or something). But anyone caught cheating will have their GA re-rolled and they'll go straight on my blacklist for life, so please just play the game that I took the time to make for you, ok?
More about the game
The basic instructions are included in the game (just click on the question mark on the menu screen), but I also want go over some things here as well as provide some more semi-spoiler-level stuff for those who are curious about where/how the difficulty ramp-up works.
Controls are simple: you move your plane with either the WASD or arrow keys. You shoot with the space bar (you can just hold it down) or the Enter key. Press the pause key or the P key to pause the game. No, I didn't make reassignable keys (it's actually a big pain in GameMaker Studio...you should see the code that I had to write just to allow you to enter your player name and save it), but at I did try to include two sets to support both righties and lefties. 😎
You can turn the music on/off by simply clicking on the musical note on the menu screen.
You can resize the game window, and the game should scale appropriately. You can also switch to full-screen (and back) by using alt-Enter. For ultra-wide-screen gamers like me, it should letterbox things appropriately in full screen.
Shoot everything that moves. At first the game starts very slowly, but believe me, it will eventually get close to a bullet-hell game. Be vigilant about picking up power-ups...they are your key to survival when the difficulty ramps up. At very high scores, power-ups will be very frequent and practically litter the screen. Grab everything that you can...they're worth points, plus caching as much of the spread-shot power-ups as possible is key to carving through a screen full of enemies.
I've tested the install on multiple PCs, and everything seems to run ok even on a fairly-potato computer. Oh, and sorry, you need to be running Windows to play the game. No linux distro (I'd love to, but no time for the extra build and testing). No Mac (shouldn't you be running Parallels, anyway? 😜).
Notes and tactics
Important note: lior9905 has added 29 new carts to the end of the first PEW PEW PEW train! If you haven't already found them, go back and enter some more GAs!
If I missed anything or anyone has any further questions, ask away.
Ok, I think that covers everything! So play the game, which I hope is fun for you, and best of luck with all of the PEW PEW PEW GAs!!!
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