You have 10 minutes to catch up on seasons 1-3 if you haven't already seen them GO

11 years ago*

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Hells yeah! Wonder if it goes live for us in the UK, too.

11 years ago

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Apparently not. : (

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Just did! Just finished the first episode. :)

11 years ago

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this was 11 mins ago, man ive been waiting so long for this.

11 years ago

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This is the story of a wealthy family that lost everything...

11 years ago

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Their life got flipped. Turned upside down.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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i tried to watch s01e01, but i didnt like it...

11 years ago

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I didn't quite catch on the first ep but watched the second and it all went from there. I'm hooked

11 years ago

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I watched 5 episodes and called it a night. You don't realize it right away but all the episodes begin to weave together and episode 4 and 5 are where it hits a stride and it all starts to become clear.

11 years ago

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So, how is it? Bring on the reviews!

11 years ago

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It's great. The first couple episodes are solid but the full on laughter started for me a few episodes in. There are some really negative people who I think are dead set on hating the new episodes, citing things like the callbacks to the early series being "forced" (callbacks and running gags were a defining characteristic of the show), the cast having aged (what do people expect?), "excessive" cameos (another defining characteristic of the show- it's always had a ridiculous amount of notable people), some less than stellar green-screening (it's not pretty at times but it's an internet comedy series, not a James Cameron flick) and other contrived nonsense.

11 years ago

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Nice :)...waiting to watch it with some friends during a Memorial Day cookout. Have to do our our own interpretation of a chicken if we want to eat.

11 years ago

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Finally ! I loved that show !

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Can't wait to watch them all again and catch some of the things that I missed. It doesn't seem as dense as seasons 2 and 3 (where you'd have six jokes on the screen in the span of 6 seconds). Plus, the way each episode focused on a single person really limited their interactions. Also plus, you don't have parallel stories in each episode that complement each other.

That's not to say that it won't turn out to be as dense as 2 and 3, just that it doesn't seem that way right now. That might also be related to the much longer running times for each episode. Broadcast episodes were 22 minutes each. These are 30 to almost ~40 each, nearly twice as long. So even IF it had as many jokes as season 3, they would be spaced farther apart.

And it needed more Maeby!

I'm not going to get into the production values. Way more narration (talking over dialog), weird audio mix (music up WAY high, obscuring dialog). Strange audio glitches (Facebook notification sound in at least two episodes). But I consider these to be minor problems.

Overall though, I'm so happy we got more of these (especially episodes 4 and on). And there appears to already be a plan to tie up the loose ends (Season 5? A movie?), so there will be even more in the future!

Today was a good day.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So you're saying there's gonna be a movie....

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Waitwhat. Why are they releasing the whole season when it hasn't aired on TV o.O

11 years ago

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because fox canceled it and netflix agreed to keep it going

see i know more about the show even if havent watched a single episode

11 years ago

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Ok, three episodes in and im not really sure what to think about this. I dont understand the idea of focusing on single characters in first episodes (although i heard that after ep4 everything returns to normal format). Lots of empty talk and side characters that i cant really connect with + this is the first season where i honestly find the narrator annyonging (c wat i did there). Lack of production value is definitely present but thats not much of a problem for me, i just miss that old feel of watching AD and be completely immersed in it, you blink for a sec and theres a chance you missed like 3 deep jokes and one foreshadowing. I just dont feel that anymore, everything is so straightforward now

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by revco32.