So I won the giveaway and installed it. However the game downloaded and my AV registered the start.exe as a Trojan. note I'm running Symantec CORPORATE. This has NEVER generated a false positive, because if it did, my inbox owuld be flooded with constant notifications from the thousnads of workstations I manage.

I'm exceedingly concerned about this and am wondering if anyone else has installed the game and scanned it?

The folder is also called "Power of Two TestAPp" which made finding teh game assets even more difficult.

11 years ago*

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Which trojan did it register as?

11 years ago

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Symantec reports quite a bunch of false positives, use some other AV.

11 years ago

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I have had false positives with steam games before.

11 years ago

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Note again I'm using Symantec CORPORATE. We pay a gazillion dollars for this. I centrally manage thousands of workstations using this tool. I NEVER, EVER, get false positives with it. This isn't AVG. This isn't Norton. If this tool says it's a Trojan, I genuinely get concerned. It's Trojan.Gen which is basically a generic trojan.

I have NEVER gotten a false positive on any steam game before using Symantec Corporate. And I have hundreds of games. Note the Corporate version is NOT the terrible consumer grade Norton product. Again I manage thousnads of workstations globally with this tool, and ti HAS to catch the bad stuf, but not inundate me with false positives. If it did generate false positives, I'd already be jumping out the window because my inbox would be flooded with junk that users download on a daily basis.

I'm wondering if anyone else has installed teh game and seen the same issue.

Again THIS is why I'm very very worried

11 years ago

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Note again I'm using Symantec CORPORATE. We pay a gazillion dollars for this. I centrally manage thousands of workstations using this tool. I NEVER, EVER, get false positives with it

Now we know you're trolling.

11 years ago

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I use Symantec Corporate (in particular, Symantec Endpoint Protection) as well and I get false positives all the time. Same with a bunch of other people at my work place, so I have no idea what you are talking about. The last false positive I got was for a Serious Sam 3 BFE update.

11 years ago

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Bullshit. I can get a free lifetime subscription to Symantec Corporate Edition. The thing about it is that it detects every generic bit of code as a trojan. News flash bro, the programs shit and switch to a free Antivirus. If you're actually managing a dozen workstations; it's pretty laughable you use an antivirus that's completely susceptible to viruses.

11 years ago

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"Note the Corporate version is NOT the terrible consumer grade Norton product."

Bullshit, they are one and the same piece of crap. After all, Norton and Symantec are the same company.

11 years ago

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They're totally different products using totally different engines. Norton uses system resources like it's going out of style. The corporate version doesn't. Same with McAfee's products, the consumer one is a system hog but he corporate version doesn't.

11 years ago

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Different engines doesn't mean different definitions. Definitions are the true heart of the AV.

11 years ago

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Also with your link, I find a bunch of bullshit false positives. Avast, BitDefender, ESET-NOD32 and Kaspersky all report safe. Even the Microsoft agrees with them. Most if not all of the positives here are bullshit and utterly false.

11 years ago

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Please, tell me more.

11 years ago

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I work the IT department, and we've also deployed this product on our floor for hundreds of systems. It generates false positives all the time. You seem to be embellishing in my honest opinion. You should (with your expertise) be able to use your resources to determine if the file is malicious. I mean, that's what you're getting paid for right? :P

11 years ago

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Yeah, Symantec sucks, big time. The head of IT here deployed Symantec on all of the PC's, and I would love more than anything to get rid of it and use a worthwhile AV. I'm part of the IT staff, by the way, not just an end user.

11 years ago

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Your company is wasting gazillion dollars.

11 years ago

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The virus scan shows that all the reputable antiviruses are right, and Norton is wrong. By the way, in case you didn't know, Norton is made by Symantec too.

I'd already be jumping out the window because my inbox would be flooded with junk that users download on a daily basis.

Oh, so your magical pony Symantec CORPORATE antivirus doesn't find any viruses in all the junk that users download on a daily basis? That proves how much it sucks.

11 years ago

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We're using the Corporate verions of Symantec at work too and I get false positive on a regular basis.

11 years ago

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Have the same issue man. Using McAfee antivirus.

11 years ago

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You're lucky you got a start.exe. My "install" is missing it and I can't even start the game.

11 years ago

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Verify the game cache.

11 years ago

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I've run the game and it seems to be working well...

11 years ago

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404 not found.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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The MSE DB is actually pretty decent :)

11 years ago

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MSE was decent at the start, but they're rated the worst as far as updating their definitions to include newly discovered threats.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Not found because an _ pair in the link caused half of it to be italicized.
That (should) work

11 years ago

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Was the giveaway for a steam key? If the download is from valve, you've got nothing to worry about.

11 years ago

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Bump for solved

11 years ago

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This thread is full of awesome.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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  • PAYS for an AV known for being the worst in existence by people who know stuff about IT
  • Wonders why he gets false positives


Hugs MSE

11 years ago

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Did you even read the OP? He's not paying for the AV

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

11 years ago

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"We PAY a gazillion dollars for this"

The company is paying for it, he has no control over it

11 years ago

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He is unfortunately.

11 years ago

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Did you even read the OP? He's paying a gazillion dollars for the AV

11 years ago

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He's paying a gazillion dollars or the company is paying a gazillion dollars? I vote for the second one, in which case he is getting a "free" copy for his personal computer.

11 years ago

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That is irrelevant. He believes that it's a good AV because it's expensive. Which it's not.

11 years ago

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Reelix: OP pays for Symantec
Me: OP does not pay for Symantec

I'm sorry, but what does your response have to do with this? I'm saying that he doesn't pay directly for the software. I'm not arguing whether Symantec is any good or not or how expensive it is.

11 years ago

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What is this "a program is trying to run" alert? It says it's from a system32 folder but I didn't make that and don't know what it is and when I blocked it my computer started acting weird and the screen started turning blue and I don't know what to do. I think I'm infected. Halp pl0x :o

11 years ago

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Easy. Delete the system32 folder :)

11 years ago

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I too won a copy of Guantlet, tried to install it, Comodo popped up saying it's a trojan. The folder itself if Poweroftwotestapp, and contains another folder Love, which aparently is a physics engine.
May be a false positive, but I'd rather wait and see why on earth it is showing up as a trojan in the first place.

11 years ago

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I use Comodo too and also got that trojan warning!

11 years ago

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Comodo says that every .exe is a Trojan (i use comodo too and hate it), its just only good Firewall / AV.

11 years ago

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Maybe its because theres a dev console attached to the game? A lot of "hack" tools are detected as trojans.

11 years ago

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Maybe you should just send the file to Symantec (and others that get alerts to their AV companies) to actually test the file. Only way to be sure instead of saying it can't be wrong!

11 years ago

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Or he should have used another brand which has NO false positives like Avast or ESET.

11 years ago

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Actually ESET gives me false-positives as well. But this whole discussion is stupid anyway, i doubt anyone could get a virus from using steam.

11 years ago

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Then Avast or Kaspersky?

11 years ago

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Avast is notorious for false positives, actually

11 years ago

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Uh I don't quite think so. I've been using it for a long time from at least version 6 which is the regular to version 8 which is the Internet Security and it once never gave a false AV reading.

11 years ago

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I've use Avast for a long time, and it does indeed give false positives sometimes. In fact, there was an issue not too long ago where it was reporting Steam as being infected. No Anti-virus software is perfect, every single one of them will give a false positive at some point.

11 years ago

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When that happened, about every major brand also had that. Does that mean that it should count to everyone?

11 years ago

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Rofl...if the FP is given out by 21 AVs,but not by avast: "AVAST RULES", if avast and another one is giving it out: Doesnt matter.

11 years ago

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I do care if at least 2 major brands that aren't ESET, Avast or Kaspersky which are available here doesn't give a positive.

11 years ago

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Why the hell does it even matter if they do give out false positives in the end? I'm not getting why this discussion is still going. Most people who are talking in this thread should have enough knowledge of computers to distinguish between a false positive and an actual suspicious file. Especially if it's coming from steam.

This is just the age old discussion of "I'm using this AV and i'm sure it's better than whatever anyone else is using".

I suspect the OP was simply trolling and trying to get an argument started.

11 years ago

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you're obviously a computer expert.

11 years ago

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Obviously since he bought a Symantec AV right?

11 years ago

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I use Avast antivirus. Warnings about the Trojans did not get out.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

11 years ago

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I use the IS version of it and have been using it from version 6; and I can safely back up your statement.

11 years ago

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When I installed it, i got a popup from McAfee saying it is a Trojan and it quarantined it.

Screenshot McAfee (dutch):

11 years ago

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McAfee gives some false positives. Use Avast.

11 years ago

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Just a false positive. You have another huge problem and thats called Symantec CORPORATE. Stop wasting everyones time and start using a real AV software.

11 years ago

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Come on, it's just because of the UPX packer they used. Your AV is getting a false positive from heuristics.

By the way, it does not even ask for internet access on the firewall - either way you are good.

11 years ago

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Easiest way to get your exec qualified as malware by all crappy antivirusware: non-interactively exec an another external exec in the code from your exec, boom, congratulations, you just made a trojan!... not :-P ;-)

A lot of games use a launcher stub application that launches the proper game exec on run (e.g. to detect some hardware or set some options) and they all get classified as unknown trojan horses by heuristics in antivirus apps.

11 years ago

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Love it how the fanboys in this thread bash everyone who doesnt agree with their AV. Cmon,give me your test you pull out that proves yours is the best. Everyone can find one for his AV. (just look at the one for peroxide who makes Symantec one of the best in the test)

Fact is 21/46 give out a warning,which is a fucking lot and every user has the right to be concerned about it,since its not the usual FP that is given by 3-4 AV progs. Although I agree that this is a FP how can anyone here know for sure except he totally checked the file on his own in a professional way? Whole system is based on trust. Btw when a AV doesnt find something it doesnt mean it isn't something...

You think OP is ridiculous because he is concerned over a file that is detected by several AV? I have seen people completely deinstall steam and all games because avira once gave a FP for a steam game that was only detected by avira.

11 years ago

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At least one of the most trusted nowadays ones which is Avast doesn't give a false positive on it. The definitions have been one of the best out there.

11 years ago

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You claim that,I am sure you can find a test on it,too,but as I said,every test has a winner. In peroxides test Symantec easily beasts Avast.

In the end all you added here was "Use avast,your AV sucks"

11 years ago

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Oh please do link where he said Symantec beats Avast easily. I do want to know where it is.

11 years ago

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Oh please stop being so arrogant and look through this thread yourself

if you use SG+...

11 years ago

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According to what I've seen, I will only quote one post in a forum thread I've seen which link I'll put at the bottom for your reading pleasure.

"Gonna have to say what MrXidus said
I generally avoid [product] VS [product] as they're never based on real facts but rather peoples own opinions. So on behalf of that, All these products have cons and pros. So my vote is voided for each one of these polls or threads in the past or future. Thanks."

The link is here if you want to read it.

11 years ago

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So...if you share this opinion,why so much Fanboyism to avast? If you live by that you shouldnt tell anyone what to use.

11 years ago

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I'm just picking out the least false positives AV based on what I've used. So I don't care if you consider the time I spent Fanboyism.

11 years ago

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But when an AV finds something it doesn't mean it is something.

11 years ago

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No,never said that,but if half of the AV find something you totally have the right to be concerned.

11 years ago

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Not if they are "minor" brands most of the world are not using by at least 50% of the countries.

11 years ago

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because Symantec and McAfee are minor brands... I get it,Avast is the only one that counts.

11 years ago

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At least most of the others I have never heard off before. I won't consider Symantec and McAfee minor cause they are pretty used but the rest I don't quite think so. After all in Singapore, quite a bunch of those brands are missing.

11 years ago

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Here are the tests he kept referring to.

I posted it to point out how they don't list MSE as a reliable AV anymore. Looking at the tests where it says Symantec has no false positives out of 700,000+ samples is somewhat surprising.

11 years ago

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Yeah it sure is. Think someone rigged the results?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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I know,but you can't expect every user on the internet to know this. It's also based on your heuristic settings if this is given out as FP or not.

11 years ago

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MSE > MalwareBytes > ??? > Avast >>>>>>>>>>>> Friends >>>>>>>> Symantec

11 years ago

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Well,let's just agree that having a working brain is the best AV.

11 years ago

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Yes,brain is the best protection on the web,not only for virus.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by satoru.