It is time I follow a lot of people (Shadow, GLaPOS, etc) and bid you all farewell. I am leaving SteamGifts on a more than likely permanent vacation. I am done with everything, no one respect each other. It is rare that a day goes by that someone is not trolling someone, someone is not complaining about something and causing problems. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I (along with other people) have come to the conclusion that it is time for me to leave.

Everyday I am on for people from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed, I have skipped schoolwork to help people and watch over the chat. I have skipped out on playing games that I would truly enjoy playing so that I can keep an eye on the people in the chat. I'm done doing that now, I am done with the lack of respect and the whining about "Mod Abuse" and complaining when something does not go your way and the mods tell you otherwise. I'm officially sick and tired of it. I am going to do what I want now(as selfish as it sounds). So, I wish you all the best and I will probably come in the chat from time to time.

Good luck to everyone.

1 decade ago*

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Well, I'm not here in a long time and stoof, but man, I do think that this community will miss you. But I understand that is frustrating to take care of a bunch of people, and alone. Good luck for you man :3

1 decade ago

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I'm actually happy that you made this post, telling everyone that the chat is an awful place to be. I know that myself too, I don't really go in there many times, but when I do it's a nightmare.
Farewell Ellendi, you will be missed! Best of wishes in your future :)

1 decade ago

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Even though I didn't know you, I still wish you the best of luck in the future.

1 decade ago

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Thanks Ellendi, for what its worth I appreciated your effort

1 decade ago

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Ellendi, I do not know you on a personal level, nor have I interacted much with you on chat.
However, it felt nice whenever I joined SGifts chat and saw a familiar 'starred' mod in there, keeping things in check. Other than Loko, you were/ and still are the most frequent mod over there :)
I would genuinely be sad to see you go, especially for the reasons you are leaving. Not just because you were a mod, but you made a presence felt, as a person- and this would now be absent. If it helps, please accept an apology on behalf of everyone who made your job hard and don't let a few bad people ruin everything that the good people here have helped build. Hope you do well wherever you go, you will surely be missed.

1 decade ago

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first cult, now Ellendi... We sure abuse our mods

1 decade ago

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Wait, what? Cult, too?

1 decade ago

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Cult retired the website moderation because he has other, more important things to pay attention to at the moment. He's still around once in a while, though.

Ellendi, however, just ragequit because handling the chat was way too much to be asked from her.

1 decade ago

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I didn't ragequit because the chat was "way too much" for me. I quit because I can't stand little wankers like you trolling and complaining and starting shit. No one listens to me, they cry mod abuse and other shit. I have better things to do than to deal with the likes of you, I could be playing games or doing my school work but no I have to come into the chat and deal with children, especially you.

1 decade ago

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Oh boo-hoo. So you quit solely because you had to do the very basic stuff moderators do? Pffff. Could've at least come up with a more believable, professional excuse other than making up drama and pretending everyone harasses you, when all you do is (barely) watch the group chat and be excessively arrogant on the forums.

Should've thought about what would you go through before you signed up to be a mod. Lokonopa has to go through a lot more shit than you do. I don't think there are many mods on this website and leaving just because you think everybody is a troll and a "wanker" is pretty shit of you, mainly because there's now more work to be done by those who actually care about the website.

1 decade ago

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I do more than that thank you very much but what do you know? You are just a troll, now please. Run along and try to troll someone else. I am also quitting because I have better things to do than to deal with the likes of you. Really child, if you have so much to say about how I deal with things, why don't you pm me? Has your life been threatened by the little wankers on this site? Probably not, you are probably one of those that wouldn't give it a second thought to threaten someones life. Get over it, I am arrogant because someone needs to tell you like it is. You are a wanker, a self-absorbed little shit that has nothing better to do but to TRY and troll and FAIL at it.

1 decade ago

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I am not trolling; I'm just sick and tired of seeing you being such a damn dramaqueen.

You're a chat moderator. A chat moderator. I remember when I first joined this community and asked you how formatting worked, you had no idea, you didn't even inform me about the existence of stickied guides, mainly because you don't know a thing. You don't have a mod status on this website, and you have never done anything in my book other than insulting other users and venting how much your poor self work for this community.

I don't care for what you think I am or how angry you are from having to deal with random people on a group chat, but it's true; you're arrogant as hell and seem to overreact towards the smallest things. I am glad you are leaving, not because your forgettable attitudes will simply vanish, but because there may be someone else more useful and professional than you to take your place.

1 decade ago

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That is your opinion and I told you how formatting worked and if you READ anything you would have seen the stickies but like everyone else on this site you do not read SHIT. You just go on your merry little way.
I do more on this website than a "chat moderator," I've done more than you and people still come to me. I am not insulting, I'm blunt and people take it as being insulting. You have NO idea what is going on, so you have no idea why I would be quitting. You don't come into the chat anymore, you don't do anything. Now you post on the forums being a little wanker. I hope you are never a moderator, you would be a poor choice.

1 decade ago

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I don't come into chat any longer because it is poorly moderated when lokonopa isn't there. I've moved onto private chats.

And please, quit the generic insults. You're only making yourself look worse.

1 decade ago

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Oh really?? It is poorly moderated because I kick people who break the rules? Stay in your private chats, you weren't missed anyways. You really are some kind of new low. The last person who went off and did this when Shadow quit, they got banned from the site. I see how you avoid the truth when someone posts it for you but will continue to try and justify yourself and my ability to be better at something than you.

1 decade ago

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You need about 3 Private Alerts from three different users and about nine to eleven minutes to take action over a user that left a while ago. That is poor chat moderation in my point of view.

Might as well have hired voluntary officers for the chat instead of having to juggle between schoolwork and poor duty work.

1 decade ago

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Oh right, like you would know. This is why I skipped schoolwork, but what do you know. Really? I am literally there watching but you know if I kick someone or do something to one of you, I get "mod abuse" and I don't want to deal with it. I am a volunteer, I do not get paid to deal with you.

Like I said, avoid the chat. It is better for us all if you do. Like I said, you like avoiding the truth. That is why you continue your little "battle" with me and try to justify yourself.

1 decade ago

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And why do you care if you get "mod abuse"? This is not a company. This is an internet community, plus you're a volunteer.

And you volunteered to be a moderator, and now you're quitting not because you want to stop being a moderator, but because "people on this website are fucktards"? Come the fuck on Ellendi. That's like quitting being a firefighter because the cat you saved from a tree crapped on your hand.

1 decade ago

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No I am quitting because this community is turning for the worst because of people like you and no matter what I do and how I do it, it is not good enough. I can't get rid of all the shit now can I? And if I do, they are just unbanned or told "Oh no no no, don't do again" and they are unbanned and they start again. I am quitting because I do not want to be apart of a community where people at like YOU. I've met many great people on this site and they are amazing and nice people but the majority of people are like you. Higher than thou, get away with the crap because no one can say "No that's it, your banned"

Also, Duckie, Firefighters don't save cats anymore, they will not risk their life for a cat. You have to call the SPCA for that and even then they might not do it. They just say your cat will come down when it is hungry or when it wants to come down.

If I had second thoughts on quitting, you made it all too real for me it is becoming the better choice.

1 decade ago

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I suppose it would make more sense to compare you to the SPCA, then?

I could totally see you sitting behind a desk watching puppies in a cell and telling them to shut up once in a while, while lokonopa being the person who gets shit done is out there dragging a puerto rican, a kid and a parrot out of a burning house with a serious look on his face.

The only one dodging the truth here is solely you. You're not the hotshot of this website, and neither am I. Just be done with what you're trying to do and spare yourself some shame because you're just embarrassing yourself by trying to call me names in order to prove your point.

1 decade ago

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Wow, really???? Wow wow wow, actually I get shit done and I take care of animals and I worked for the SPCA in Florida before I moved. It was a great job and I loved taking care of all the animals, playing with them, washing them, etc. I get shit done, I get shit done in ways that you hate. Boy oh boy, you really don't know anything. You stand behind Loko, but you know I am not going to say it.

1 decade ago

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Ellendi how old are you? You do seem to be overly dramatic. If you knew about public sector taking shit all day IS YOUR JOB. Yes I understand volunteering changes everything but not for the people in chat.

So what if some kid complains about something? You deal with the site actions and tell him to fuck off. You don't have to go over your sense of volunteer duty. I mean even the police and ambulance have to hang up on stupid people. It is nothing new that "OHMGHMG THERE ARE ARSEHOLES INCHAT OMGOMG STOP BEIGN ASHOLES"

1 decade ago

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Everyone bloody thinks the main reason I quit was because "OMG there are assholes" NO...I quit because school is more important to me than dealing with you all everyday like I have from the moment I get up to the moment I go to fucking bed. I have been skipping schoolwork and EVERYTHING with dealing with people and I am done with that. I have school, I am going to school and THAT is my main reason why I am quitting.

I told everyone about the assholes because people like YOU and DUCKIE are ruining the community. I will not be here for that either, you people ruin it for a lot of people. Over the past few months this has been open barely anyone from the start of this site has stayed BECAUSE of the community. Cult is gone, I'm gone, GLaPOS is gone, Shadow is gone, many others are gone.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I care more about this website then you EVER would. I've been here a lot longer than you AND was a mod before Loko was. I help by dealing with people DAILY about the site, about the chat, about EVERYTHING. Someone bothering someone else? It is me they come to. Having a problem with a giveaway? They come to me because I am here from the moment I get up to the moment I go to bed. I sit in the chat to let them know I am here to help them, so they know there is at least someone with the shiny little start next to their name ALWAYS on to take care of their needs. Just because I do not have "mod" next to my name does not mean I do not deal with people from the site and help them with the site. Get off it.

1 decade ago

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I haven't seen you much around, so I cannot really judge it, but your chat moderation, from what I've seen, is too light for you to even take issue with it. You seem to take things way too personally, especially "mod abuse" calls - taking those with a pinch of salt and backing your decisions on your good judgment and the rules, you should feel justified and that should automatically shield you from harassment.

I think it is really unfair to blame it on the whole 'rotting' community while all I can read from you is the regret over not getting the gratification you expected from investing so much time in your tasks. Don't get me wrong - despite being new I do appreciate everything you did for the community, but to give up in such a scathing manner will always attract criticism.

I suppose a lot of discontent from both sides stems from the fact that there aren't enough mods to receive complaints and to alleviate others from taking all the blows. Maybe that should be changed, I don't know.

1 decade ago

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School, school, school. That has become important to me. It is time to live MY life instead of living for people who rather not care and act like some sort of important jerk off. After all, according to Duckie, I did nothing anyways. I posted not getting any "gratification" because I want you people to see what these mods do for you everyday. What Cult did, what Loko IS doing, what CG is doing. They give up things to please the community that rather shit on them. That is why out of all the mods there is only 2 left now, Loko and CG.

1 decade ago

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I think it should be obvious that most people in this thread (including me) do value and respect all of your and the other mods' efforts. However you have to realise that some might take issue with your wording. I suppose the main objections are "your actual contributions do not warrant the accusations you're flinging at everyone", "don't blame others if you couldn't manage your own time and set priorities", and others. That's what my objective thoughts tell me.
However, I don't want to play devil's advocate, I am just trying to defuse the situation (in fact I shouldn't even get involved in all of this heh, see I care as well about this shit). Having personal reasons/lack of time is totally acceptable I can totally understand where you're coming from, I wasted my youth caring about irrelevant stuff as well, but overgeneralising that everyone is an ungrateful jerk and that you're quitting over them is not really the elegant way to go either. (And in the end you just gave them haters exactly what they wanted.)

1 decade ago

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Most of the community is full of jerk offs. There are a few gems and I have met a lot of great people it is just the majority beats out the minority. I could care less about the haters, they want to feel good about themselves, let them. I met great people and will still meet great people. It is just my time to give this up and focus on something that is more important like school and maybe playing some games (I only have but like 2+ days in Skyrim because I just stop playing it to help people).

1 decade ago

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Ragequit? Think about what you just said right there. it's because of disrespectful fuckers like you that she has gotten to the point where she can't take it anymore. it's because of people like you who lack respect for themselves and others, and go around and run your mouth instead of keeping it shut. She "ragequit" as you put it, simply for the fact that she is sick and tired of getting threats and treated like garbage for the shit she does. She has tried multiple times to keep the peace, tried multiple times to diffuse situations but because of people, like you, who don't know when to just stfu, and keep the threats to yourselves, or the hateful words to yourselves, she quit. She's done with the disrespect of the Sgifts community. i know theres some here that are good people. But for those who have bad intentions I say to you all, ROT IN HELL

1 decade ago

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Alas I have finally found my samurai...

1 decade ago

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LOL! Took you long enough!

1 decade ago

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Take care :'C

1 decade ago

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oh boy, I'll wait over here.

1 decade ago

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You've dedicated so much time and effort into this community, it'll be sad to see one of the few amazing people here leave. It's always a shame to lose such a valuable member of the community. I wish you the best of luck in life and your future endeavors. Oh and please know that even if we never told it straight to your faces (and perhaps we should have), we appreciate all the hard work and efforts you all put into this community and site.

1 decade ago

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We had our good times, and our bad times. Hope you find the time to drop by whenever you can and get the time to play all the delightful games that are out now :) Thanks for keeping it interesting.

1 decade ago

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I always keep things interesting.

1 decade ago

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Ellendi :c imma miss you <3

1 decade ago

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Welp, I hope you at least got to enjoy Alpha Protocol from that one giveaway I did that only had you entered in it. :P

Another one of the old guard is gone.

1 decade ago

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Hahaha, yeah!

1 decade ago

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I wish you the best of luck. Although I don't know you on a personal level, I believe that no one should suffer because of other people's actions. So, all I will say is thanks for everything you have done for this community. I am sure there are many here who appreciate your work!

1 decade ago

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Rest in peace. Literally.

1 decade ago

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I can't simply say how much I'll miss you. So instead I'll get one of my dogs to express how much I'll miss you through cute gestures by 'em. ^_^

1 decade ago

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Haha okay, I love dogs.

1 decade ago

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Wow, you must have been really devoted to this website to skip school O_O

If nobody else will volunteer, I would gladly like to take your place. Get some rest and focus on school, you can do it :)

1 decade ago

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Haha thanks...School will done till January on Sunday for me.

1 decade ago

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Wanting to enjoy yourself instead of baby sitting the hoards of assholes on this site isn't selfish at all. I am going to miss seeing you on SG, but I am glad that you will no longer let the less than reasonable members of this site ruin your day(s). I hope you will not get to enjoy all of the games you have been missing out on, and that you will be able to get back on track with your school work. And I would like to thank you for your dedication to this website. Whether you were ever properly thanked for it, you did make a difference here.

1 decade ago

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But....but.....what should i do with all these hugs? ;_;

1 decade ago

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I'll take them

1 decade ago

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are you man enough to take all of them?

1 decade ago

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only if you don't pinch my butt

1 decade ago

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goodbye. :c I know we never talked much or at all here, but I really do appreciate all you've done for the community as a whole. We'll miss you. Good luck with everything.

1 decade ago

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goodbye dear elendi and thanks for everything, you shall not be forgotten

1 decade ago

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Goodbye Ellendi! You'll be greatly missed. I can't believe the shit that goes on in this community.

1 decade ago

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People don't know about the hidden giveaway.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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However, and I don't mean to be rude, why not just make the chat mod-only/lock it when things are getting out of hand? I don't see why the chat -has- to be open 24/7 for people to moderate.

1 decade ago

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We did that and they screamed Mod abuse because they would really get out of hand and before we had the ability to kick, we would lock the chat.

1 decade ago

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Ah, I see, that sucks then.

It's sad to see you go because of really immature people. I hope you have fun doing what you want now. Nothing wrong with doing what you want to do!

1 decade ago

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Well, we don't know each other, but I say goodbye to you none the less.
I know first hand how hard it is to deal with sometimes queasy users ^^
Good Luck and importantly fun at the next thing you're doing.

1 decade ago

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Such a shame to see you go away, you will be missed surely.

Good luck!!!!!

1 decade ago

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"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep, that have taken hold."

-Frodo Baggins

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Ellendi.