Have you played the original Hard Reset? Do you plan on playing the Redux version?
Thanks, and I like the brevity of your reviews :) The original never attracted me since it seems to lack character (enemies are “meh” visually), yet after spending some time with Shadow Warrior I kinda want to see what else these guys did, so Redux seems to be a good reason to check it out… if it doesn't cost too much :)
Thanks for the GA!
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I like how they are giving a lifetime 85% off on the redux version for people who own either the original Hard Reset or Shadow Warrior. It's something that didn't have to do, but the fact they did is admirable.
I'm definitely going to be picking up Shadow Warrior 2 when it comes out.
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Thank you for the chance. All depends of the game for example Super Frog HD, Seven Kingdoms HD ware ok, Heroes 3 HD isn't. The redux/hd versions of the game that hasn't been altered greatly, but game is good is a good move, even better if there are some extras attached. With Homm3 without SoD is just a bad move, also optimization counts as well (buggy product is worse then none), for example introduce of Realms of Arkania 1 HD
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Played the original. got stuck at some points because the game is not easy. Got through it eventually, persevering and rethinking your strategy is important here. Good, enjoyable game IMO. Story is ok, nice atmosphere.
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I've recently been playing Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusions Remaster. It's better than the original, It's also better than a full-on remake.
A lot of older games, even the good ones, suffer from problems related to being older games. From drab graphics to bad control schemes, from pacing problems to inane puzzles. A good remaster will improve the UI, control scheme, and graphics, while maintaining that quintessential gameplay that made it a classic. or at least makes the game compatible with modern hardware
Unfortunately, there are plenty of remakes/sequels out there that completely miss the boat on what made the original special. In that case, it's better to let people retain their fond memories
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yes, and yes.
I have no problem with, e.g. rereleasing Colonization to be compatible with modern hardware, but no way that's worth $6.99, especially considering the more recent remake is regularly available for $5 (on sale)
Yes, there are plenty of people who say the original is the better game. That's open to debate, but gameplay wise the games are more or less the same (there are some minor differences, which can have a big impact), but the improved graphics and ui update are phenomenal.
Contrast this with the remake of Railroad Tycoon which significantly dumbed down the game, turning a deep strategy game into a much more casual game. Doesn't matter that the ui and graphics are better, the game just sucks (which might explain the fact that the price is the same as for Railroad Tycoon III
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I wasn't interested in redux version untill I found out that you can use sword in redux xD That might be nice xD
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Never played the original although always wanted to. I joined your giveaway, however, i don't like all these new trend abotu remaster pseudo-old games with only three of four graphical useless stuff. If Ubisoft or EA did this we all we calling them names, Deep silver or some indie does it and everything is cool, fine and its positive :/
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Played the original, loved it but I have no intention of purchasing any redux/remastered/definitive versions of games. I view these versions as a huge waste of developer's time, assets and funding. Use your gained experience and resources on a new title. Make it better than your previous work. That's what I expect and that's what I'm willing to pay for.
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Have you played the original Hard Reset?
Yeah, i have played it and liked it.
Do you plan on playing the Redux version?
The Redux means " brought back, restored '.
The only title among these Redux'ed games that i've played is " Metro : Last Light '
I still don't know why 4A Games spent its time and money to make a " Redux " version for Metro series. It was really unnecessary. Both games and especially the second one ( Last Light ) have up to date graphics and by looking to their advertisement for the Redux version you can't find any important different in graphic compared to original one.
Redux should be happen for good old games from previous generations like 6th generation of game consoles.
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I think we'll see a lot more Redux games in the future. Not because we need them, but because Redux = $$$.
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I read the Steam reviews of the original game since someone mentioned it. The difficulty seemed too hard and the story was pretty confusing from what I understood. I've also heard this Redux version has downgraded graphics compared to the original. Since the original was received so poorly, this seems like it's a new attempt to make money from the same game. From what I understand they added very little new content.
I kind of like remasters of old, classic games, but this seems just an attempt at rebooting a failed game. Can't say I approve of that idea really. They should have just fixed the original game IMO.
I hope I'm not being to forward to ask this, but were you sick or something when you recorded this review? There seems to be a much more nasal sound coming from this video I hadn't heard on your previous videos. No offense intended.
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Yea, I saw some people saying that same thing about the graphics. (I was actually discussing it with someone on my Steam review for the Hard Reset Redux). I've read the developer replies, and seen some of the footage comparisons. The two things that I focused on that they added were the sword and the quick dash. Those 2 features made the game a lot more enjoyable for me (and easier as well). When I got the original it was super cheap in a bundle, so spending $3 for the redux was fine for me.
I would LOVE to see Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines and System Shock 2 with current day graphics.
Yes, I did sound more nasal than usual (especially in the early half of the video). I noticed it too, and no offense taken at all. I have really bad allergies, and nasal polyps at the moment, so I have no sense of smell, and can't really breathe out of my nose right now. Hopefully I will get some good news from my follow-up ENT appointment. I'll try to not sound so nasally if I can, hehe.
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"I would LOVE to see Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines and System Shock 2 with current day graphics."
So much yes. Although I missed 1,and you may already know, System Shock 1 is being remade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okPLF9Ad9ns . I will definitely be checking it out
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I guess the story is nearly always an important factor for me. Your review made the game seem less bad than I initially thought though, but I don't think I'll ever play it. It's probably an OK game if you enjoy casual, fast paced shooting. At least they fixed the difficulty.
I've never played Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. I tried to play System Shock 2 a year back or so, since I'm a big Bioshock fan, but the fight/shoot system kind of threw me off and really I didn't have the time.
Well that explains it, sorry for being nosy (no pun intended :p). Not being able to smell isn't always a bad thing, but I hate when I can't breath out of my nose. When I get a cold, it drives me crazy. I have no idea what an ENT is but good luck with it ;) It's just something I noticed, you can't really do anything about it so don't worry about it. I hope they can find a solution for you, not being able to breath through your nose is the worst.
Edit: huh, I didn't post in reply to you I guess, oh well :D
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Mirror's Edge is one of the very few games which I distinctly remember for having an absolutely terrible story. But I loved the gameplay, so I didn't mind that much. In all honesty I did think of one game series with an even worse story and that's the Hitman series after the first game. I look forward to your review since I probably won't be getting it straight away, unless your review is really positive :D
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I don't have problem with remastered games - if they are old. F.E. I love how they prepared Grim Fandango, and there are a lot of old (really old) great games that are unplayable at this point because of outdated graphics.
Hard Reset: Remastered - it's too soon - when I watch gameplays I don't see a difference.
As I said above - I would like to see how this catana works, but after spending A LOT of hours with original (getting all achievos, completing it in heroic mode). I think that I should finish this game using sword only to not be bored :)
Also.. why the hel not Hard Reset 2?
Story was far from being over and this could be beginning of nice series (I would definetelly buy HR2).
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I've had issues with older games simply not being able to run on a newer machine. That sucks even worse, but graphics are the next issue.
If you do decide to play it, you will find it a lot easier....unless you play on insane and only use the katana...muahahahaha... (although I guess on the bosses you would have to use guns). I would have liked a sequel over a redux as well, but WITH the sword/dash too.
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This one seems to improve everything that made me not want to play the Extended Edition for more than an hour so I'd definitely give it a try and would probably enjoy it this time around.
I think Redux/Remastered/Whatever versions should be given for free to owners of the originals (if you need to make a redux then you probably didn't do it right the first time so people who bought the original shouldn't have to buy improved version), unless a lot of content has been added in which case it doesn't need to be free but should have a huge discount.
Now of course, reworks of really old games would be alright with full price.
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I really loved hard reset. I didnt get that far into it before I got busy, but it was really fun and pretty nostalgic.
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I don't plan on getting it. I absolutely loved Hard Reset, even more than Shadow Warrior as a matter of fact. Even the flaws made it all the more enjoyable to me. It was a rough game, and a hard one. Now the remake... I've seen some comparison shots and from what I gathered, the Redux version actually looks worse than the original. The dash is also pretty much unbalanced as you can spam it over and over with no stamina depletion.
I think the difficulty also got lowered... so yeah, since I didn't have any performance issues with the original I'll stick to it. I just wish I could have tried the Katana, but oh well.
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The redux is easier for sure, but you can always up the difficulty (unless you played the original on Insane mode). I've seen some of those comparison shots, and some small details are missing in the redux, but then other things look better in the redux. The developers also responded saying how they improved redux performance and while moving looks better. I guess it's a matter of preference. BTW, are you going to pick up Shadow Warrior 2 when it releases?
The dash is fun to use. I just enjoy zipping all over slicing up robots. Sure it makes it easier, but since the game lacks cool terrain to jump on and off, dashing all over is the next best thing for me.
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I can see your point. Nah I don't think I'm gonna get SW2. I thought the rather gimmicky gameplay got tiring after a while. You can just tell it was designed with consoles in mind. As for the humor, being a fan of the first one I wasn't able to enjoy the sequel. Claptrap-like humor is not funny.
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Oh, a new game with low configurations, even I could run it on my old laptop. This is realy nice.
Redux/Remastered is ok if game is 10+ years old.
Bump ;)
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I have done a Quick Review of Hard Reset Redux!
I usually don't buy redux versions of games, but the price was too good to pass up, and it's been years since I've played it. So I bought one for me and one for you guys. Here's the giveaway for it, but please only enter if you intend to play it at some point.
WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF REDUX/REMASTERED GAMES? I'd love to hear your opinions about them.
Thanks, and good luck!
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