Hey guys,

im searching for a website were they have game lists, where i can see the playtime of a game (if i need like 20 hours for the main game or 100 etc), where i can see the metacritic of the game and if the story is completed or if i need to play the other games from this francise. so i will do an example, what information should be there (the information i will write are not correct):

Assassins Creed 3 - Playtime 30h - Need to Play: AC2, AC Revelations - Metascore 94


Final Fantasy XI - Playtime 50h - Independent Story - Metascore 87

hope you understand what im searching. Would make it a lot easier to see, what games i want to buy/play next.


/Edit: Even a website, where i can easily see, what games have a related story, would be helpfull

12 years ago*

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There's howlongtobeat but I'm not sure if that covers metascore.

Edit: ignore my post, I just read like the first line of your post. xP

12 years ago

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i have 2 points, that i dont like about it: many games arent covered and i have to search if the story is independent or if there is an sequel/prequel etc

12 years ago

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howlongtobeat is very good when deciding what game to play next, especially for achievement hunters like myself, but it has no real info other than play times and platform stats.

12 years ago

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no one, knows a website like this? not even i site, were i can easily see, what game are part of the story progression?

12 years ago

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I like this idea, but play time is so subjective.

12 years ago

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yes, but it gives you some kind of feeling, how long you need for a game. for example, i played bioshock 2 in 7 hours, howlongtobeat says you need 12 hours. but thats ok. it gives you a indication for the playtime.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Kiina.