like the title said, i get blacklisted many times before ( and i don't even know why )
i've fulfilled some simple rules, like:
-not won same game
-active every won game

  • i even say thanks in everygame that i won
    and 1hour ago, i won a game
    that creator still sent me the key and i actived it successfully, just extremely curious about this "blacklisted" problem, even we didn't do anything wrong, some people still blacklisted us for no reason ;(
9 years ago*

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Just accept it and move on. Maybe you can blacklist people too, it's an option available after all. Or you can ask him/her.

9 years ago*

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the funny thing here is that i never blacklisted people, even they blacklited me first, i just found out i'm very generous :lol:

9 years ago

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No point in crying over spilled milk.

9 years ago

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You've won significantly more than you've given. It's most likely nothing personal, people just want to give those who have been less fortunate a chance to win something.

9 years ago

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i'm thinking about this reason many times before, it's the only reason that make sense

9 years ago

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Actually, I kind of understand the logic of the giveaway creator. His/her reasoning could've been that you have excessively more wins than sent.

Also, you should probably remove that link. or face the banana hammer

9 years ago

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People blacklist for all kinds of reasons.

If this is the worst thing that happens to you today, you're doing alright. Just forget about it, don't take it personally, and make me a sandwich. XD

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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152 is way too high amount of winning :P
Could easily be the reason why people have black listed. This is what I think.

Giving away more means more whitelist. IMO

9 years ago

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I've got blacklisted once, then i've contacted the guy who blacklisted me and asked him what was the reason. He told me it was a mistake and he never wanted me to blacklist in the first place - Instead of whitelisting me (because i've won his GA) he pressed on blacklist without even realizing it.

Afterwards he whitelisted me. :)

Edit: So yeah, it would be a really good idea to implement somekind of a promt when you want to blacklist/whitelist somebody. To type in a reason or to just double check it if you really want to do this.

9 years ago*

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Common way of getting blacklisted...

Dont say thank u when you win a game.
Don't say thank u when u enter a GA that require you to say thank u.
Say thank u when u enter a GA that require you not to say thank u
Make a GA of a game that just became free
Do region lock only GA and join public GA.
Fight with people in Forum
Leak GA Link and caught..
Join Leaked GA and get caught...
Having bad Rep in Trading, Steam or SG...
Having VAC ban on record or other community Ban record...
Don't do the task GA created requested.. (posting a picture, say a joke, pray to cat god etc)
Making too hard puzzle that they cannot solve can get puzzle maker into BL.
Being a developer and don't act like one.
Win a GA for a game that you already own.
Win mutiple copy of the same GA yet ask no reroll.
Speaking different language other then english to insult people.
Blacklisting people that backlisted you.
Very bad win/give ratio
Disrespectable Avatar picture or names
Won a GA that someone else wanted.. (that someone else will randomly blacklist you).
Win too many games
If you blacklisted by 1 .. sometime his friends will blacklist you.
Being in a group that some other member did bad things.
Being in a region that some other region member did bad things.
Someone just didn't want you to win...
Because "yes.. just Because.. cause there are no reason"
It's became quite popular blacklisting members who won a game from you, so they cant win it again. They say they want others to get a chance
Bad english that causes misunderstanding

a list I compiled from sometime ago...

9 years ago

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I can only guess two potential reasons:

  • You were blacklisted because giveaway creator didn't like your ratio
  • You were blacklisted because giveaway creator blacklists all his winners so other people can win instead

Do not worry much about that, deal with it and move on, people here will blacklist you for anything. In fact, I wouldn't been shocked if somebody blacklisted me for this post.

9 years ago

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ok then, thanks you guys for suggestion, appreciate it

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by ttailzz.