From the novies that you guys have correctly guessed in R1 and R2, these are 7 of my favourites . Which is the "Best Movie"?
I'd love to see your list after, might have a lot of great things there.
Lately I've been watching a lot of South Korean movies, really crazy things/ideas there.
In the past I used the 500Best Movies website to track my list. It's a shame they don't keep updating the list.
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I might share my list after the event ends 💙
I am dying to watch Parasite, it's been on my watchlist for soo long now... :S
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Sadly, I don't like the Hobbit movies :'(
Also, there is only one guess allowed per member, so... I am sorry.. it was a bad pick.
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Aww.. I'll give you a second try!
Make me proud :D
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Having actually read through all 3 threads, I know this is one that you have watched, though I don't know about time frame:
The Fast and the Furious
Either way, it's been fun, thanks for the 2nd chance! :-)
And you can have a 💙 on my list, though I don't have anything active at the moment... I lost my credit card, and am in the process of getting a new one, so soon it will be active again!
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You didn't dissapoint. Added! :3
Many people hate the Fast and Furious series. I for one, embrace it. It's fun and eye candy, what's wrong with that?
91% on the personal score.
Edit: Thanks for adding me on your WL. Sorry to hear you lost your credit card tho. Be safe!
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Ughh... that's tough!
From the movies already revealed, and excluding the realy popular ones like The Matrix, T2, Mad Max etc... I'd go with some of these:
Just a few of them.. I would feel bad for picking just one :s
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That would had been silly, right?
Congrats! Added :D
92% on my personal score.
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Excellent pick! Added :)
84% on my personal score.
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Congrats! Added :D
I haven't read the book, but the movie was dissapointing for me.
61% on my personal score.
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I feel the same way, I didn't really enjoy the movie as much :/ It was a bit overhyped and there were a lot of mistakes.
But if you have time and like reading, I can really recommend you the book. It was awesome and I read it at least twice. :3
(Its nothing like the movie, I promise :D They share only the name.)
Thank you! Have a WL back^^
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Thank you for the recommendation and for including me in your WL! :3
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Ugh... we have a problem!
Which version? The one from 2004 or 2019? Cuz I've only saw one of them :D
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You guessed it! Added.
The first one is better than the second... and it only has a personal score of 64%... I am not excited to see the new one :'(
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Once I start a movie "series", I need to finish it entirely, no matter how much I dislike or hate the series.
There are series of movies that score an average of 30-40% and it's a pain going through them. But I gotta see them all! Who knows what gem might be hiding between some of them.
I am not saying Hellboy is a bad series.. it's "mediocre" IMO. Watchable! :)
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I love your pick! Pretty obscure movie, but a great one. It deserves more popularity! Added.
84% on my personal score.
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You played it safe. Smart :)
80% on my personal score.
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Can't go wrong with Tom Hanks :)
82% on my personal score.
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One of my favourites as well! Great pick :)
90% on my personal score.
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Another time travel guess from me, The Butterfly Effect.
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A good pick, glad to see it here! Added.
80% on my personal score.
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Ah, yes.. a cult classic! Added :)
75% on my personal score.
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Sadly, the 3rd John Wick is still on my watchlist.
Sorry (it was a good attempt) :'(
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Hello SG community, I want to play a game..
This is Round 3, and FINAL Round, of "Guess the Movie"!
For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, you can check out the previous rounds, R1, here: and R2 here
It's pretty simple. Basically over the last 2 years I've watched 700 movies. Your mission is simple. Guess one of them!
How the game works - Participants will comment a movie they think I've watched. If they guess it right, they will get added to my WHITELIST, which will allow them to enter the Giveaways created. There are going to be 10 Giveaways in this game. I will add a new one EVERY FEW HOURS to keep things fresh and interesting. They will all end at 00:00 my time. (which is 23~ hours from now).
In R1, there were 126 movies submitted. 64 (impressive) were guessed right! R1 Hall of Fame:
In R2, there were 54 movies submitted, 28 (still impressive) were guessed right R2 Hall of Fame:
In total, 92 movies out of 700 were found. That means you guys can still discover the remaining 608!
Here is the list of ALL the movies submitted in the previous rounds: Use it to find out if the movie you want to pick was already submitted or not.
In order to offer you guys more chances of guessing the right movies, I will ocassionally drop a few hints here. After the movie which was hinted at is submitted, I will
strikethroughthe hint so you know that you can ignore it.Medical experiment gone wrong... very wrong.. and gross.(The Human Centipede)If I stop, my heart stops too. So I must carry on with these giveaways! I love the rush of it, the adrenaline..(Crank; Crank 2: High Voltage)There was an obvious hint at the very begining of this post. How did nobody noticed it yet? shakes my head in dissapointment(Saw; Saw II)... and that's why I don't trust A.I.s! But hey.. at least they are good dancers..(Ex Machina)Dude, what does my tattoo say?(Dude, Where's My Car?)Tokyo... such a beautiful city. You can get lost in it and still enjoy the experience.(Lost in Translation)I am not saying there is a "last movie you've watched" thread here on SG, but I am sure I would had submitted the last movie I saw if there was one... only if such thread existed..(Lady and the Tramp (2019))It's Christmas! It's that time of the year for movie-title to be broadcast on TV cable!(Home Alone)Keanu shouldn't have answered the door.(Knock Knock)A rat and a few turtles.(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)Sting - Shape of My Heart.. I'll always associate this song with that great movie!(Léon: The Professional)You really want that nut, don't you?(Ice Age)Move children! VAMANOS!(Signs)Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?(Bad Boys)Good Luck!
edit1: Okay my dudes and dudettes, I'll take a break for now. Probably gonna get some sleep or watch a movie xD. Keep the comments coming, I'll read every single one of them and reply when I get back!
edit2: I am back! <3
edit3: We're in the ENDGAME now boys and girls! Keep submitting your picks. I will continue adding members to my whitelist until the event is over!
edit4: Less than 2 hours left.. Last chance to submit your movie!
**final edit: And that's a wrap guys! I am a bit dissapointed we didn't got the "perfect achievement" by discovering the last hinted movie, but overall I think it was a fun experience! Hope you all enjoyed and maybe we'll do another one in the future! Take care :3
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