Done, thanks for Skyrim! Congrats for the 1000, btw. Now go for 1000 comments!
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Needs more solutions! No worries people, take your time. Well... actually don't, since in theory if it took you 5 seconds for every attempted code, you'd need more than 52 days to brute-force everything with the information you currently have and you only have about 7 days. So, get to it. :D
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first question is difficult to answer... as there's no definitive answer
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Congrats, I guess....but I don't get it....what questions are people talking about? I see nothing.
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Wat.. how.. you are here shorter than me and entered more giveaways? :O OK hmm gratz on yer milestone, now let's see that puzzle of yours :)
The code has exactly 2 capital 'N's next to each other in it. That leaves ONLY about 907,924 possibilities
If what you say is true, then I'm afraid your math is wrong there. It should be 930,370 if my math is correct O_o
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It is. I'll even tell you the solution. It has 916,132,832 steps where you try each possible combination for the giveaway. Maybe less if you get lucky and hit the right one. No decoding, no nothing, just entering giveaway codes. Can't get any simpler than that. And the hint makes it even simpler. :D
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I get that you don't really want us to bruteforce it.. but i still don't know what i'm looking for.. a few random numbers.. those are the key to something.. but i don't understand how to use them :D
Edit: Okay i saw it.. now i only need to figure out how to get there... inb4 solving the puzzle :P
Edit: Nevermind lol, that totally went in the wrong direction...
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Well, I'm not completely sure if I need to post the solution, but I'll do it anyway. :D
First of all, if you even for a moment though that this is a huge trolling and you'll need to brute-force the answer then you obviously don't know me. Look at the source code and you'll find a link to a quiz right after "HINT": It's a quiz about Bulgarian history with some really easy questions. Still, 19 people DID get stuck there, so I'll post the answers here:
1)When was the First Bulgarian Empire created?
A: 681.
2)This guy was awesome. He made a cup out of his enemy's skull- how do you get more awesome than that... Who is he? (include title)
"Translation": Which Bulgarian ruler is known for making a Skull cup?
A: "Krum the Horrible.", "Khan Krum." or combinations of the two all worked.
3)Whose reign is considered the (first) Golden Age of Bulgaria? (include title)
A: "Simeon I the Great." or "Emperor Simeon I the Great." both worked.
4)Who is the Apostle of Freedom?
A: Vasil Levski. (this one is REALLY easy)
5)Which is the shortest war in Bulgaria's history?
A: Serbo-Bulgarian War. (You might also notice that it's the 4-th shortest war in history.)
6) Seriously? Go read the question.
Anyhow, when solved it leads here
I think I made it obvious enough that that isn't the final giveaway. ^_^
When you check the source code there you get this quiz: NOTE: Anyone who solved it in the first half of the time will notice that that quiz wasn't there. I put it in later to show that sometime leaving everything for the last moment isn't a good idea. :P
The questions are about C++ and programming algorithms. I won't go in depth but the answers were: "Binary Search.", "Depth-First search.", "Breadth-first search.", "Priority queue.", "Algorithm.", "Cmath."(just "Math." worked there too) and "Aho-Corasick.".
When you solve it you get a link to this quiz- which was what the EDGE giveaway originally linked to.
So, that final quiz... all you have to do it identify some quotes... from Zero Punctuation. With a special surprise in the end for anyone who used Google up to that point- it doesn't help much with the last question. :D
The answers for the first 8 questions are: "Zero Punctuation.", "Painkiller.", "Portal.", "Gears of War 2.", "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.", "Far Cry 2.", "Rise of Nightmares." and "Just Cause 2.".
As for the last question, there are several ways to go. The most simple one was to just watch the videos until you find it... yes, all of them. Another possibility is waiting for the hints to show up. The hint for that question says that the video it was in was published on 11 January 2012 which more or less tells you to go and watch it. Another other possibility was to maybe get tipped of that Google doesn't work and the last 2 were from videos that weren't about a single game. So, yeah, this "quote"(in reality it's like an "award" that is given for the game) is from the "Top 5 of 2011" video. And the answer is "Portal 2.".
After solving the quiz you get here:
So, at this point it looks like it's all done... well, not really. The hint I have here is that the giveaway code has 2 capital 'N's next to each other in it. Well, this one doesn't. So check the source code again. :P
This is the "real final giveaway"
Or at least it was then. As a way of checking if people are paranoid and if they check puzzles that they already solved I added 3 days ago something to the source code in the "last" giveaway that wasn't there originally. This link: The real real final giveaway. :D
Oh, also, for anyone still paranoid, that one hides a link to a Paste bin that assures them that: yes, that was the last one.
Well... that's it. Hope you liked it or at least hated it in a good way. And that someone actually reads this. :D
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So, yeah, I recently hit 1000 entries(yes- entries, not comments). And in only 2 months with less than 200 comments to boot. So I guess such a low entries to comment ratio officially makes me an elite leecher, yaaay. :D
Anyhow, I'm giving away some games for it, since everyone seem to do that at some random point they decide is significant. You'll need $27.98 of indie-key-free(as in I'll get a re-roll if it's not) contribution to enter.
And I'm not gonna give you the giveaway code...
Have a nice time brute-forcing it! There are 916,132,832 possibilities. Your time left.
Oh, and no hints, no sharing the answers, it's individual! And no adding me to ask for hints!
Good luck!
Ok, ok, so maybe I should make it more specific:
HINT: The code has exactly 2 capital 'N's next to each other in it. That leaves ONLY about 907,924 possibilities. Good luck. :)
6 people have reached the TRUE final. :)
Inb4 rage comments.
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