I wish they make another kickstarter for an Anarchy Reigns port :(
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I'll wishlist it as soon as it shows up on Steam, which it doesn't yet
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Oh nice! I remember seeing the trailer in a movie theater years ago. Hope it's a great port.
Edit: wow time flies by quickly. It came out 2013. I thought it was recent lol
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I like Platinum games in general, but this doesn't look like something I would ever play.
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april 2020 for release ? it's fast ... it's just a remaster but it's a little strange
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What the actual shit is Platinum doing. They keep making console exclusives (to either one or the other) while saying they "would love to bring all their games to pc", and now they're doing kickstarter campaigns for ports? And the first and only not astonishingly high goal is for a Nintendo platform, which is hilarious because the game was already exclusive to a Nintendo platform to begin with. And 250k for a pc port? Really? There are games asking for that budget to be made in their entirety, and they ask it for a port. Platinum produces average games but great deceptions. Their success only shows how dry the market for good hack and slash games is. Not a single one of their games managed to get even close to the Devil May Cry series, but it doesn't matter because the money just keeps on rolling. They don't need microtransactions, loot boxes, live services or any other predatory AAA money-grabbing scheme. Give a license to Platinum and they'll vomit another average hack and slash. And because there's high demand but not enough supply, the crowd goes crazy. A lot of times their average games are better than the ones that came before in said franchise, which also helps.
I have nothing against their games. They're enjoyable. I am against, though, making the same thing over and over again, never striving to improve while taking projects left and right, applying the same formula to them and shitting out exclusives while raking as much money as possible with the far and between ports, when they happen.
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You don't need publishers for Steam. And neither for ps4. And, yeah, neither for Switch. Whatever money they spend porting the game (which most likely almost surely isn't 250k) they can make it back later by... selling the game. But in a stroke of genius, they get the community to fund the port and also the marketing, because that's how community funding works, by the community spreading the word. So even if they sell zero copies, they lose nothing. Of course porting the game expecting to make the money back by selling it is a risk. But that's how making games work. You make a game based on the expectation it will have enough appeal for people to buy it. But that's Platinum we're talking about, and they don't take risks.
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Platinum Games put up a Kickstarter today to re-release The Wonderful 101 on modern platforms. The initial goal was $50,000 for a Switch version, but there was also stretch goals of $250,000 for a Steam version and $500,000 for a PS4 version. And the stretch goal for the Steam version has just been met.
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