I think you just suck. In 152 hours of Black Ops 2 I didn't see a single hacker. Stop being butthurt.
Anyways, now that they removed arm's race TDM is boring and as I'm not playing the other game modes I'm back to Black Ops 1.
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Ok, for example my last round of BL2.
Enemy team a player called [BOSS]Phil....
Played 3 rounds in a row with him in the enemy team. His KD was always around 10 : 1 / 9 : 1 Beneath the fact that he REALLY did weird things and had strange forecasts in knowing our movements he was also banned from VAC in steam...And that was not for baking more cookies than you can eat.
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a 10.0 or 9.0 K/D is perfectly normal when you are good at this game. Hell, even I get that sometimes and I'm not a hardcore. If you think somebody hacks, report the player in the lobby or save the replay and write to Treyarch support. And even though I repeat myself: I have never encountered any hacker in 152h of Black Ops 2 nor 268h of Black Ops 1.
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Lol TDM. The only mode I play on that is Domination. And Besides, I carry my team in that by capturing the flags immediately and keeping them. Just the same as Capture the Point in TF2, but I rely on my team to help me after I capture the point,
But yeah, Ithink Free For All is the only good game mode. Gun Game, One in the Chamber, Free for All itself, etc.
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I used to play S&D on Black Ops 1. Was fun because you would play with the same people all the time thanks to the servers. And about FFA being the only good mode: Lol, this is like 100% bare bones, you never get a streak because some douche quickscopes, redguns you or whatever. In my opinion FFA is pretty much the worst.
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-Shrugs- I've only played Domination on Standoff, Drone, Hijacked, Nuketown, and Raid. Standoff and Nuketown have great placement, Hijacked is okay, Raid has shit placement, and Drone is an awful map overall (I hated the Campaign level with that map)
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I was kidding :) but seriously, don't ever rely on your teammates to help you unless they're your actual friends. It doesn't work out too well. I've learned this many times. Instead I just sit there screaming, "I CAN'T CAP A IF I'M KILLING THE ENTIRE ENEMY TEAM OFF B WITH NO HELP, YOU JERKS. CAN SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE DO A DANG SINGLE THING?! NO?! OKAY WELL I GUESS I HAVE TO. SCREW YOU GUYS. I DIDN'T WANT YOUR HELP ANYWAY." Only it's a lot.. less nice.
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I´ve played it almost for 500 hours, i´ve only met 2 hackers and they used a script or something so they shoot extremely fast with shotgun (like a machine gun) , thats all.. But the Treyarch ban those people so fast so dont worry about that :-)
Also ive met camo hackers and shit, but thats just lame :)))
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I don't know about those that shoot with shotgun so fast, but it's quite easy to use macro to shoot fast with pistols and that ain't hack.
I haven't met any camo hackers or I just didn't care enough cause I have everything diamond anyway. :D
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At least u understood how the gaming society works these days.
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"Best anti cheat system"
Hell, if this forum would offer a signature function you would get famous now.
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I bet you don't even lift n00b. Get on my level 'fore I MLG the shit out of you.
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552 hours in black ops 2 (Only 150 are mine, my brother is insane) Not. One. Hacker.
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There're a lot of hacks that are very incognito... Like the gun automatically fires when you aim at certain body parts and so on. These are supposedly hard, or even impossible to detect. They exist in Battlefield 3, and are very common, so I would be very surprised if they didn't exist in Black Ops too.
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OP, I feel you.
I can't believe people are stupid enough to buy the game at full price and even buy the dlc which cost as much as the game itself, with the broken netcode, same engine since mw1, unbalanced weapons etc.
I wish you would have burned those 30 $ (to negate inflation and prevent fagtivision from getting money)
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I guess some peopls are just very good at this game. i have ony cod4 and cod:waw and im one of the worst players ever. xD
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The butthurt is high with this one. Not everyone can be good, just play a game you're used to.
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people entitled to share their opinion dummy, no matter if its constructive or irrelevant and makes no much sense to you. If you don't like it, its you who should ignore that, not suggest arrogant things to shut people up. I was really hoping you would draw the line between your approach and my ironic statement... but hey, here is another more clear one then: you are trying to protect yourself from anything bad people say about BO2 suggesting obvious but impractical nonsense, which slightly reminds me like Justing Bieber imbecilic fan girls bash every bad thing said about him on the internet, using primitive intellectual input if any at all.
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You are drawing unreal connections, I get what you are trying to say (even though you are completely wrong), but who fucking compares BO2 to Justin Bieber and North Korea; And then I am the one who should get "educated" even though you have no insight in my level of education. You assume I adore BO2 and will "bash" people talking shit about it but where do you find evidence of this? Yet you manage to call me a "dummy" and a "limited person". I have not "bashed" on one person in this thread. You are over complicating things and making bad assumptions. You sound like you are certifiable.
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how is he wrong? he used good logic and common sense (something that is really rare these days) and i get that he called you a limited person as even my brother who is 8 would get what he was saying.
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Your interpretation suffers. I do not compare BO2 to North Korea and Justin Bieber. You should really read again what I wrote before carefully, because you are still missing the point. I used analogical examples to reveal vulnerabilities of your initial statement. It was aimed to make you realize that suggesting such things is very obvious but IMPRACTICAL and UNETHICAL NONSENSE. People will continue to discuss BO2 ether you like it or not, but you are trying to shut people up using that arrogant nonsense, and that is EXACT analogy of my North Korea censorship and Justin Bieber fans protectionism examples.
I did not assume a single thing. I'm criticizing your original post and your responses providing analogies and arguments (I never said you "bashed on anyone" directly, explained 2 times what its about already). I don't need to know your level of education, the way you responded and your inability to follow simple logic and common sense - suggests that you could use additional education in that field. Its not an insult, its a genuine concern.
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who said cod is prefect so yes it has problems like every other multiplayer game
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My friends and I pre-purchased MW3, first week was awesome.I was in top 100 and my friends were in 500.
Just one week, everything ruined.Hacks everywhere, every had at least 3 hackers.
Now we never play MW3 because it's like %60 of people use hack.Every time I searched a game, I get a fully hacked server or normal server with 4-5 hackers.
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It's fun for a while. And the zombie mode is great.
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"You wonder why so many people and mainly students run amok?"
erm... what?
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I just wanted to know what u think about this game.
Im sure that 10% of the people in this game use hacks or stuff no idea. Im experienced in online shooters but some of those people use supernatural powers or just hacks, unbelievable skilled/virgin people you gonna meet there.
I paid 30 bucks for this game...Wish that I had took those 30 bucks and gave them to a stranger srsly.
You wonder why so many people and mainly students run amok? Im sure they played Black Ops 2 before.
I feel so angry right now from playing a video game, pathethic. I wish those BL2 players out there nothing but the worst.
Peace out, hexor.
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