Imagine this: On each giveaway there is a button that says, "Thank this giveaway's creator!" At the top of the comments section, aside the X Comments, Y New, Z Entries and Stats links, there is now a Q Thanks link. Clicking this link would show the names of all the users who thanked the post. Additionally, comments that say "Thanks" on giveaways without any additional information would be made against the rules (unless the giveaway creator specifically allows it, maybe?).


  • Cleaner, more legible and more relevant comments section
  • Posts:Entries ratios can matter because a click of the thanks button would not count as a post (Are these even a thing anymore? I haven't looked at joining a private giveaway group in a while, but I remember this was a big thing at one point. I guess it's probably all CV now? I dunno)
  • Those occasional posts bitching about people just saying thanks on giveaways will mostly go away

I just kinda had this idea while browsing the forums and entering giveaways and figured I'd post it since a site redesign is being worked on anyway.

EDIT: I get it, you think this is a bad idea. Closing this because I'm tired of seeing it in my replies.

11 years ago*

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There's data on the ratio of Thankers to Non-Thankers, and if you really wanted to figure it out, you could compared individual comments, but in the end, it really doesn't matter. Most of the time, non-thankers will win, just as has been the case, since most entries are by non-thankers. But that's okay. I don't think most giveaway creators care that much. I don't thank unless it's a special request one, such as "Say your favorite food instead of thanking me," because after the 20th giveaway entry in a row, I feel very disingenuous saying thank you and trying to be original with it, as I am one of those people who prizes originality. I doubt most giveaway creators read the comments section on their giveaways unless it has one of those special requests; I know I never do. Am I wrong? Should I start thanking again?

11 years ago

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Whether or not you should thank is in my experience a somewhat contested question here on Steamgifts. Some people feel it's cool and should be done, some people feel it's spam. The idea behind this was to allow people to give thanks without clogging up the comments section with posts purely dedicated to thanking the giveaway creator. This could reserve the comments section for more thought out posts and maybe encourage users to create those more thought out posts themselves.

11 years ago

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If they take the time to actually write up an unique and interesting description I usually give them a somewhat original thank you message back and have made a couple friends because of it. I assume people that can't even be arsed to even write a description wouldn't bother to read 5 pages of thank yous to look for actual comments.

11 years ago

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I am probably the exception to the rule. I thank the creator of every giveaway for which I try. Since I'm not interested in most of the games that wind up on SteamGifts (or I own them already), I rarely have a lot of giveaways I want to enter. I don't worry too much about being "original" because I'm taking the time to type out a message of thanks, not just "ty" or something similar. I read every comment of every one of my private or group giveaways, and I often respond to them. As for public giveaways, where there are thousands of entries and hundreds of comments, I scan the comments section for anything that isn't just "thanks."

11 years ago

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Who knows, it might already be included in the new release! It has been mentioned many times before, so they are well aware of the choice of implementing it.

11 years ago

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"I just kinda had this idea while browsing the forums and entering giveaways and figured I'd post it since a site redesign is being worked on anyway."

I know. :P As for it being mentioned before, I searched thanks and skimmed the list and didn't see anything about a button. I must have missed it. Oh well.

11 years ago

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I understand your logic and agree it would be better that way but people as a whole are dumber than rocks and will still spam thanks in the comments so it probably won't clean up the comment section.

11 years ago

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Make comments containing solely "Thanks!" "Thank you!" "Thanks for the game!" etc. suspendable offenses, or valid reasons for a reroll maybe?

11 years ago

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That puts a lot of extra work and headaches on the support members though.

11 years ago

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Well it's also a little pointless and needlessly harsh to punish people for wanting to comment some form of "thanks", wouldn't you say? What woofrikinhaw's trying to accomplish isn't to punish bad behaviour, it's to discourage an unwanted behaviour, to keep the comments section clean and keep these "thanks" neatly filed under the suggested new "thanks box" (as many private torrent trackers, for example, do).

See my reply to him below. You should simply make unwanted behaviours unavailable through site design, not threaten punishment for something that isn't inherently "bad" in some way.

11 years ago

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It would be enough to put a 10 character minimum limit on comments and do a script that won't allow you to submit a comment when it's only "thanks", "thank you" and the more popular variations (quite easy using RegExp). The amount of people trying to workaround it would be easy to manage.

11 years ago

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Whoooaaa now, that's a little too harsh, wouldn't you say? Maybe have a site feature that dis-allows a list of potential posts, such as "thanks" or "thanks :)", or any comment below a certain character threshold, but actually punish users for saying a form of "thanks"? Yeah, how about no.. Just make it so when someone tries to post a comment that's too short, or is only the word "thanks" with no more than, say, 4 or 5 more characters after that (wild cards), that the site throws up a red text that says "This comment is either too short, or is on the list of filtered comments. Thanks can be given through the button under 'Enter this giveaway'." You could even have 2 separate messages for triggering each separate condition > "Comment below character threshold." // "Thanks can be given through the button under 'Enter this giveaway'." On a separate note - private / group giveaways shouldn't have the minimum character threshold, as often people do stuff like link a smiley to an image or something similar, and this kind of banter among friends should always be available in smaller giveaways. Only public giveaways should have a hard minimum character threshold to meet before you can post anything, to help prevent needless spam on public giveaways, thus keeping things neater, and minimising bandwidth / storage needed.

Other than that, I think this is a decent idea, mainly due to the whole "cleaning up comments" thing. What's the difference whether someone copy pastes "Thanks :)" on anything they enter, or clicks a button that does so for him, and files his "thanks" away under a separate, neat header? Either way, there's some effort involved to thank someone, and with my idea, people can always still type out more elaborate comments if they so choose (especially if the giveaway description is in some way unique, too).

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Nooo button ?

11 years ago

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I am sure there are people who thank for the post count, they'll say something else instead like "I express my gratitude, so and so person"

11 years ago

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There's no post count.

11 years ago

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There is.. it's called "comments" in your profile.

11 years ago

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This was suggested before. There are no plans to implement it at the moment, and it's doubtful that it'll be ever be planned.

11 years ago

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It's a less personal way of thanking the gifter. I don't see any benefit of having it.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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The person was talking about keeping away the 'thanks' from the comments section.. not add a comment by clicking it ._.

11 years ago

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We already have that too: thank filter

11 years ago

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i hand-type all of my thanks

11 years ago

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Do you feel them?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I think I get the reason but not the point, it would definitely clear up all the comments on an entry but I would guess most entry times go so quickly that this isn't much of a problem, and that most people don't actually read the comments much for it to be a super huge problem? The biggest problem I see with it though is that I can see people start wanting the Thanks button to mean something, and we'll start seeing plz gyz lyk me giveaway. Its also feels less personal to me.

Although on the other hand I would more likely press a button then type out a thanks since it is simpler for me, I would imagine that a lot of private giveaways would prefer it as well as they may actually use the comment part of an entry for actual comments?

Also may be good and bad, people may start using the Thanks amount to rate how good or bad a profile is and whether it should be included in the private group stuff.

11 years ago

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Funny/sad thing that happened to me: ive won a giveaway but because i didn't said thanks before it ended(only after) he re-rolled it.

Yeah. Considering my luck(lack of it) that pissed me even more. People have weird ideas, guess a ctrl+v from a stranger without second tought make them feel better, who knows?

11 years ago

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If it wasn't a rule approved by support it shouldn't have happened. If it was approved it should have been in the description of the Giveaway and if you didn't notice... well, you can't blame others than yourself.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Who really cares?

The only real difference, is that this way would be a lot easier to automate and you're creating more work for support by making "Thanks" a reportable offence.

Great plan!

11 years ago

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I don't understand why people typing thanks is being deemed as untidy or something that needs cleaning up. What's wrong with it?
Wouldn't mind a thanks button and if people would prefer it then cool, but I don't see the need to try and stop people typing it in a comment.

11 years ago

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They clutter the page potentially concealing something useful or interesting.

11 years ago

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Fair dos although I'd argue I've yet to see something interesting in the comments section. :p

Useful yes, interesting no. Most of the useful ones I've come across seem to be by people who chain it off the first example of "thanks" so it's at the top. Maybe I missed others in the exact way you're talking about so it could be a false perception.

11 years ago

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There is nothing even remotely interesting or useful in the giveaway comments, not that I've seen anyway. I believe that is the case because they are not tracked in replies and it is too cumbersome to check or even to remember where you wrote what. That's why I said potentially.

11 years ago

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I can think of two examples of useful ones I've seen although that's not too many.

First, when a giveaway is for a pack or group of games and somebody asks if they own a certain number of gmaes within the pack if the giveaway maker would mind if they entered. I don't believe there's anything stopping somebody entering according to site rules in such circumstances but if the GA maker replied that they'd rather someone didn't enter and I also owned part of the pack then personally I'd stay away. Yes, the GA maker could put the info in the description, but they could easily forget.

Second would be when a person new to the site, having not entered any (or many) giveaways makes one for a AAA title. They type nothing in the description and they don't own many games on Steam including the one they're giving away. I've seen people ask them if they understand how SG works and if they understand that they're actually supposed to be giving away the game. I find someone asking the question useful as if they answer in the affirmative I'll enter the GA, if there's no answer I might begin to doubt whether the GA maker did understand how things work and I may avoid the GA.

Other than that though, there doesn't tend to be too much out there if usefulness is the criteria with which we're assessing GA comments.

Sorry for the long post.

11 years ago

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[...] I don't believe there's anything stopping somebody entering according to site rules [...]

True, if someone is giving away a collection of games or a GOTY version (game + DLCs) anyone can enter, even if they own most games of the collection or the base game of the GOTY giveaway.

However the giveaway creator can ask for a re-roll in such cases, even if he did not specify that you should not enter. Source: some mod post on the forum.

11 years ago

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Or just stop allowing comments on giveaways from increasing your comment count.

11 years ago

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I hand-type every one of my thanks / thank you / spanks / thanks a bunch / ...

there are only so many ways to express my gratitude towards the giveaway creator.

and my room is just too small to invite everyone over for blackjack and hookers.

on the other hand, if the GA creator takes the time to nicely ask what my current favorite movie is, I will gladly answer that instead of posting yet another form of "thanks"

anyway, as others already pointed out, this has been suggested before and it will not be implemented.

11 years ago

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I always aim to have my "thanks response" about as involved as the giveaway description. Ask a question, get an answer. Request a pic, post a pic. "Will mail key" = thanks.

The only automatic exception is if its a wishlist item giveaway. I do love seeing that purple box! Although, I wish it would be followed by a green bar.

11 years ago

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A thank you should never be as impersonal as pushing a general button, it is more fun say thank you in your own way

11 years ago

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Why do you need a thank you at all? I'm almost certain EVERYONE that enters the giveaway is thankful for it...? am i wrong?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Random thought: search function?

Imagine this: People using it to find old/closed topics with the same suggestions they wanted to make and more or less see what people/mods think about the idea.

Also "no thanking giveaway creator for the game in comment section" would be the most ridiculous idea. Imagine support ticket:

  • But I want to thank them with something more personal than a button
  • No! You are not allowed to do that
  • But my customs/OCD/whatever else require me to thank someone for giving me the chance to win this
  • NO! Do not do this or you will get banned (because of reasons?). Just use the damn button, will you?

Makes sense right? Right???

Not a benefit:

  • (almost) empty public giveaway comment sections
  • posts:entries ratios would be kind of pointless considering it was enough to write thanks on every giveaway entered to keep it 1:1 (and some people don't do this for many reasons), without this it would be a requirement that you are a very chatty person or enter hardly any giveaways
  • people bitching about "thanks" comments would be replaced by those who want to give/get "thanks" comments or those allowing this kind of comments but getting hardly any because they would get used to not writing their thanks; this probably leading to disappointment and for some lack of satisfaction leading to feeling not appreciated
  • killing personalized gratitude; sure there are people who might copy-paste their thanks but there are also users who not only type every thanks separately but also mean it so why would we rob giveaway creators from this genuine gratitude not just for the game or in fact a chance to win one but also for their generosity
11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MosesXIII.