A used one... maybe. For example where I live a new PS3 still costs ~230 € at the cheapest seller.
Granted that's the current price and does not take in account limited offers.
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A used one sure... The price I was quoting was for a new one.
But if we're talking 2nd hand I agree. You'll probably get a used PS4 for 100€ in 2, 3 years top.
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If U think this games R great U should buy it now.
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It's just like XB1. There's subscription for 1,3 and 12 months, so you don't have to pay every month.
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now it its, but im sellin it to get a tower gaming pc XD, you can get very cheap now with some games.
For example before it was the version of 500 GB and now you can get for less $$ 1 TB + 2 controllers + X games.
PD: and you will need 1 TB really XD
But if i have to choose between pc and ps4 i would choose pc XD
I made a mistake buying ps4 :C
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True that man, but you know. PCs will never kill Consoles in terms of couch comfort, they're just made for that with the ease. Sometimes you just really wanna go away from PC.
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eh but you can just get long hdmi cable and do the same with pc
I would only bother with ps4 if I had old PC and couldn't afford new one, even then, you would have to pay for psplus to play online, imo not worth it unless you really really want to play those couple exclusive games, otherwise just better to use the money to upgrade pc if needed
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I found that the real couch comfort died with the PS2. With the PS3 you got an operating system menu, and the process of initiating the game wasn't so instant as before. Same with ps4, you have to log with your user account, wander through some menus, wait for the game to load... where is my insta-play? >:(
But, yes it is somehow comfortable, but truly not so much, specially now that consoles need to connect to internet and download updates, etc. I hate to go to a friend's house to play some ps4 and bam, you need to download 3gb of updates :/
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PCs will never kill Consoles in terms of couch comfort
lol such peasantry, what if i told you, you can hook up a PC to a 90000000000000000000000001" TV in your living room, and you can also hook up any potatostation or potatobox controllers too? (even the non-wired ones)? You will get much better resolution and framerate.
Only masochist people get consoles who loves 30 and sub 20 FPS, and likes watching high quality pixels in 720p on their 1080p TV.
edit: also let me guess, consoles are plug and play, and they never crash, right?
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I have a nice PC, which is my main gaming platform. I use my PS4 only for Netflix. Enough said.
I bought it for the exclusives. There aren't many good exclusives this generation. I'm not willing yet to repay for the games I already owned in PS3.
The ones exclusives I got didn't hook me so I never finished them (except for Until Dawn, what a great game!).
So, in my opinion; no, it hasn't been quite worth it.
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Barely, if you have a good PC. The PS4 has too few exclusives to make it a must have imho. But if you find 3-4 unique exclusives that you consider to be worth that investment, why not? The hardware certainly isn't bad.
Edit: If you should get a PS4 and create a PSN account, create one in the USA. Sales in Europe are terrible, so most people end up creating alt US accounts for purchases anyway. And it is better to have them on your main account.
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The PS4 has no exclusives I'm interested for... I'd spend the money on the PC or anything else instead.
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There will likely be a price drop by end of year, so I'd wait
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Find a list of PS4 exclusives and see how many of them you'd like to play.
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Uncharted, Last of Us, Resistance: Fall of Man, console-exclusive RPGs (and VNs, Fighting Games, and more)..
If you have the money, and are into the games the console offers that PC and 360 don't, it's a great console to have.
Otherwise, these days PCs both mimic console gaming quite well and have an extensive game selection to choose from, so paying a couple hundred dollars for the privilege of accessing a few additional games can be hard to justify.
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I think its worth it, a lot of the PlayStation exclusives are really good (Uncharted being one, Infamous games are also REALLY awesome) but if you don't mind just watching them on YouTube or something like that then I guess it gets a little less worth it but I still think the PS4 is pretty good. Especially for those who have a really crappy laptop like me and thus cant play the newest games. Plus ive always played PlayStation games since the PS1 so I'm kind of obligated to buy all the PlayStation related consoles.
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Answering op question, I found that ps4 isn't so attractive. I would prefer an xbox1 maybe (just because of Forza, and Horizon, which they're coming for pc anyways.... )
I would recommend you a pcmasterrace. If you buy a good setup you could in the future even play ps3/xbox360 emulated games :o
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i would almost say its worth it just for "the last of us" alone,then you have the uncharted games and infamous, killzone etc. if you have the money for it no reason not to go for it,i switched from xbox to a ps4 myself was on xbox for over 10 years and im glad i switched microsoft was getting to greedy for my tastes,i still buy most my games on steam and exclusives on ps4 and sometimes some coop games to play with some of my ps4 buddys:)
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Depends how bad you wanna play those exclusive titles. I've also been debating having the PC/PS4 combo for a while now. For me, it all depends on how this one game I'm really excited about turns out called Horizon:Zero Dawn. After seeing the demo for the upcoming God of War for extra temptation, I think I myself will definitely get one if Horizon turns out well. But in all honesty if you have a lot of unplayed pc games you really want to try I would just save my money.
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Absolutely. Not sure if just for the exclusives though as I haven't played enough of them yet to tell but there are other huge advantages such as being able to borrow games from your friends, trying out games before you buy by picking them up from the video rental store and not having to worry about if your hardware is strong enough to play a game properly.
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RDR, oh boy I played so much of it on Xbox 360. If I still had my DVD Rom work I would replay that luv <3
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I still have Undead Nightmare to look forward to. I was roughly at 25% when I got distracted but it's been so long ago I'll probably start over again. It's on top of my to play list when I set up my 360 again :D
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So, I've been Xbox360 owner, but over past 2 years I haven't played with it because I managed to get a proper PC. Lately I've felt trying out some exclusives on what PlayStation has to offer, but not sure if it is really worth it.
What do you guys think? If some of you own PS4, was it really worth it?
Edit: Uh-oh. I made quite an uproar. It seems like saving money is somewhat in favor.
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