sometimes i ask myself "god , do you hate me "
although i never got a formal answer from God, the answer has certainly come w/ the sale price of ARMA II
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yes, Darma II Z.. i agree 100 percent and dont get me started,lol..
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Wow, would have thought that you were a lot younger. Anyway, since you have a daughter, its a good thing that you limited yourself to a game or two. Best to spend time with your daughter instead.
I hope the above statement came out in a positive way. English isn't my first language.
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Yes, society sucks ass, and therefore my temper has been cut drastically because of everyone's ignorance and stupidity
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absolutely, it can get out of hand.. like .. well like a wildfire.. "eh, jus a match" flick
2 hours later in a city 75 miles away " AGGGHHHHH run for your fckn lives, out of the WAYYYYY"
starts off with one bite, next thing you know your finishing your girlfriends dish too.. It can be an expensive habbit, only a hobby when its enjoyable and sometimes stress w/ sales , spending too much, too little, not having enough can suck the "fun" right out of it.. My pal told me its not a hobby but rather a luxury and hes right to a degree because to game on a competitive and up to date/current manner, it can be expensive..
a man only needs one kidney, thats why theres 2 in case one shts the bed.. So rather than growing old, into a grumpy old man w/ 2 useless kidneys, i used a hassle free blackmarket service and 123 my kidney was ebayed . and was able to buy most of what i wanted this year in the sale and feel good knowing that my ex-kidney maybe helped a kidneyless person out.. So + 1 Moral + 1 games - 10 years life but im too busy to think of my health when playing co-op and plus my other kidney is all in tip top shape. wont find a better kidney around.
But its good that you are able to prioritize whats important, what comes first.. some cant do this very easily, so good for you.. Family b4 everything .. WHO said that? yes this applies to adopted scenerios as well..
but seriously you can always get the game later, time is unforgiving.. So your family and time w/ then anything you can find digital/virtual . (except for maybe diablo II and half life) :}
the game will come again, next sale.
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LOL, everyone knows about summer sale, he couldnt just wait and see if it will be on sale? :D
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If it makes you feel any better: I would like to buy Vampire too.. but in germany we only get the cencored version (a Vampire-game without blood! xD). So even though I have the money, I cant buy it, because I dont play censored shit. Same goes for Fallout and alot of other games.
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Depends on the game.. sometimes there is no blood, sometimes it is green or white, sometimes the humans get swapped for robots or aliens.. sometimes even the story gets changed to take place in an alternative universe where robots fight wars (Command&Conquer: Generals, Soldier of Fortune 2 etc) sometimes they cut out pieces of the game-mechanics (Bulletstorm, GTA etc..).. not sure what was changed in Vampire, but I know that it is censored in some way or another.
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It realy does.. but I have to add that things got better over the last few years.. more and more games are released uncut in germany. For example: Gears of War 1+2 werent even released here, because they where too brutal and Epic did not want to make a cut-version.. but with the release of Gears of War 3 we finaly got a version in Germany and it is completely uncut. So at least the future now is looking much better for gamers here :)
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If I were to ever make a cut version like that, I'd make a farce of it, like Alien Homninid did (had the option of replacing blood with tons of flowers flying out of people).
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They made something like that with TF2 ^^ Sparkles and confetti instead of blood and if a character explodes, there are all kind of things flying around like tricicles, rubber ducks, hamburgers etc.. so in Germany we were in Pyroland all along ;) I got the uncut-version though by ordering the orange box from UK ^^ But the censored German version kind of had a charme of its own, because it fits the overall looks of the game.
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HOOT I didn't know about that one. I'm not into TF2 personally, but that sounds friggin hilarious. Leave it to Valve.
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I know that, but thanks anyway :) I don´t know any specific person to go to, but I often do trades with TF2-Items or other Games to get uncut-versions, but it takes a lot of time and I cant always spare that or get the deal in time, before the sale ends. But I´m thankfull for Steam-Trading, even though I realy would prefer an agecheck-method to download uncut games (that would be legal in germany).
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AFAIK the only difference between the uncut and the cut version is a rolling head in the beginning sequence. German version had a few more bugs than US,but you should install the unofficial patches for the game anyway.
TL;DR: Buy the game,its not really cut but one of the best RPGs out there
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Hey Signneo, I have around $5 left in my wallet and like to make people happy (:
Accept my invite, you'll be getting a gift soon :3
Edit: Steam is super slow right now, but I'll send it to you as soon as I can.
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Could you actually add me? For some reason it's so laggy right now that I'm still in the process of adding it to my cart. Much appreciated!
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The element of generosity right there. You, sir, are awesome.
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Thanks for all the kind words--these are just the little things I like to do. Happiness is always good, yes? :D
(Plus I just got paid today, so...)
Update: Game sent, I love all you guys for giving me the chance to feel proud every once in a while. :')
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You have much to feel proud for, sir.
People like you convince me that there is some hope left for humanity yet.
Thank you.
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:D ... So there is nice people out there in the anonymous internets.
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If it makes you feel any better, I ended up buying the F.E.A.R. Collection on impulse and when the Carpe Fulgur Series went on sale I was $3 short. I got paid 3 hours after the sale for it ended.
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I was 3 cents short, 6.24.. Who ever heard of such a price tag.. had 6.21.. So i dont use credit cards due to the lack of faith i have in my luck, cant buy steam card of 3 cents.. So not 5 bucks, not 10 but 20 or 50 which is not uncommon.. So i get the 20 and next thing i know im spending more than 3 cents and end of story, sale pops up and im 6 cents short.. happened today. Evochron mercenary was the game... actually its still there,lol.. 6.24.. 50 mins and it goes bye bye and better yet i cant get rid of the visual
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Hahaha, this is my second summer sale, and I made the exact same mistake =( Twice.
I bought Mirror's Edge thinking, there's no way it'd go on sale any further. The next day it went on sale...
Same with Fortune Summoners, I was thinking they probably wouldn't get a sale, and yet I was wrong again, the Carpe Fulgur sale.
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What about all the recycled offers? I wanted different deals everyday but instead they just recycled the flash sales into the daily deals so they're giving me two chances to get the same games for no reason lol. This summer sale felt more like what steam wanted to sell more of rather than what the community wanted to buy. Which wasn't the case last summer (in my opinion).
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Even though I knew I had limited funds, I still managed to blow a heap on games that looked kind of cool just because of the discount. Then last night $40 disappeared from my account (foreign currency fees most likely.) Today there were 4 games I wanted and could only afford one. And the sale is still not over. Ah well, there will be other sales.
Also, EmpyreiaRising, that was a cool thing to do.
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steam royale (you guys did all the good ones..)
The Sale is Not Enough
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This is the first summer sale I have taken part in. And I have very little spending money after all the bills. So I saved up $10 for myself. I was really really hoping to snag Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 or Vampire the Masquerade. But they were just a bit over my price range. Yesterday I saw Fallout 3 GOTY and thought, wow, that's a great deal... And the two titles I want are older titles, they probably won't drop.... I better jump on that. So I grabbed it up with Time Gentlemen Please and Poker Night at the Inventory. Roughly $9. And now I see that Vampire is on flash sale.... And I hate myself for not holding out that tiny bit longer.... Disappointment.
Edit: Thanks to a saint of generosity.... I am smiling from ear to ear, you know who you are
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