hey guys i play games on hard, is hard challenging enough but fair?
i also saw you can use SURVIVAL options, are those recommended too?

i love DX1, System shock 1 and 2 so i got experience :) thx

4 years ago

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I tried on hard and it was just shit, it wasn't challenging, it was just a massive pain to play, after 40 minutes or an hour I gave up and stopped playing.

I play all fps games on the hardest difficulties they come in but Prey was different because of the horror element, it makes it TO much...
Just my opinion but yeah...

4 years ago

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I haven't tried Survival, so take this with a grain of salt (though I did play Mooncrash), but I'd recommend starting the game with regular difficulty just to get the hang of key mechanics, and then you can easily restart it on hard plus whatever options and self-limitations you deem necessary.

Glad to see you like SS1, people seem to forget about it these days (some even think BioShock is anywhere close — I wouldn't even put it in the same genre), and I found that navigating spaces in Prey reminded me of the System Shock 1 the most, there's an incredible freedom of movement. It's a great game (Mooncrash is awesome too).

4 years ago

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yeah system shock 1 is unique still, even compared to the sequel :). i didnt play through bioshock yet but played some hours and it is very nice game but definitely not on system shock level.... too streamlined (but not bad!)

4 years ago

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Fingers crossed the remake won't be too terrible. Did you play their limited demo a couple of months ago? I quite enjoyed getting lost in it again, and then starting to build a mental map of the initial level. I'd love to go back!

4 years ago

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no i wanted to wait for the full one :D!
but had a really hard push in my heart when i read about the recent SS3 news :/ man it broke my heart..... the teaser looked so promising....

4 years ago

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I've learnt not to trust teasers. At least try to. Warren Spector created a couple of great experiences back in the day, but he hasn't really done anything half-good in decades now. It just seems that whoever takes these projects doesn't understand why they “worked”, and those who do (e.g. Arkane) for whatever reason don't get good financial returns even on their best works (e.g. Prey). Perhaps now is not the time to try to revive the genre.

That's why I have higher hopes for a simple faithful remake, than anything new.

4 years ago

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do some of the modifiers like traumas (adds a new layer to immersion) and weapon degradation if you are into that but i wouldnt recommend the oxygen leaks as it will stifle exploration and just be an annoyance. raising difficulty in general is also something i wouldnt recomend. It is plenty tough on its own and the difficulty curve starts out difficult and get slightly easier

4 years ago

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Enemies kind of respawn. Each time more powerful type, till all are available. So it's not possible to have "safe zone".

It takes few shotgun rounds to kill bigger enemies on easy. It is harder on normal, not to mention hard. Plus ammo is scarce, you deal less damage and enemies do more. There is limited number of resources in game, so it's not possible to make infinite amount of ammo or medkits. So I would also not recommend starting on hard.

You can always beat game on normal, and start new game+ on hard or nightmare with modifiers. Or if you'd play Prey as Alien: Isolation - sneak game where enemies are to be avoided at all cost. It is not that hard after you invest enough into sneak and learn map.

4 years ago

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I found Hard to be perfectly doable. Just keep in mind that evading enemies is a perfectly valid option, especially early in the game.

The Survival options are harsh. You will learn to avoid direct confrontations if you have those active.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Hard was cool but anything above that is terribly unbalanced.

4 years ago

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