I highly suggest you leave if you haven't finished/watched but plan to. You've been warned...

I'll start off by saying I really liked it, but there are some pretty big things I really wish had been resolved and/or been made right...
There's also quite a few smaller things, but they don't bug me as much.

First off, Kamina and Yoko's kiss. This was one of the biggest, but easiest to avoid, reasons that Kamina died... And I can't stand how it got left practically untouched after it happened. Not only did it break Simon's heart when it happened, which led to him being unable to focus, but he never told anyone else about it, which bothers me even more. I feel like he should have told Kamina right after it happened, since he had a perfect opportunity, and/or told Yoko after he rescued her, when she told him she had a thing for Kamina. And I can't stand how Kamina's promise to Yoko ended, I feel like it should have still come true, just in a way different than they expected, but I'll get to that later.

Next, Yoko's "role switch" (I guess) after Kamina's death. Was I the only one bothered by how she pretty much got tossed away after Kamina died? I mean, she still had some important roles, but not only did Simon completely lose interest in her after Kamina's promise got left in the dust, but she hardly seemed to interact with Simon at all after that, especially at the friendly level they did before... Which also adds into a later point...

Third is Yoko again, but this time in regards to Kittan's kiss. It seriously ticks me off that Kittan wants to mimic Kamina in hurting Yoko. It drives me crazy how they can just kiss her an d then go die... It just makes me so sad how much Yoko is put through, especially to just end up alone...

The fourth big thing is Simon (and his relationships). I'll admit, Simon and Nia make a cute couple. But, again, it really bothers me how Simon just lost all his feelings for Yoko the moment Kamina died. And when Nia was awakened as the messenger, I thought there might be hope for Yoko. But, of course, now that Simon has become much more like Kamina, he's going to continue to completely blow off Yoko, and she doesn't even care? I feel like the part where Simon rescues Yoko should have been meaningful... She looks up at Simon, who has become badass like Kamina was, and says "You know, I kinda had a thing for Kamina." And Simon is just like, "Yep." Seriously!? I feel like if instead, Simon actually told her about when he saw them kiss and it broke his heart, leading to Kamina's death, Yoko would understand Simon more, further build their connection/her interest (which seems to be there, especially based on the setting of her statement), and prime them for a much more satisfying ending.

I'll make this a separate point, even though it's pretty much a continuation of the last, but the state of their relationships at the end really depress me... Simon rescues Nia, allowing them to finally be married, kind of. She disappears (which I still don't fully understand since she was born from Lordgenome, but somehow became 100% virtual? But that's one of the smaller points...), and the ring Simon gave her drops and rolls straight to Yoko (Gasp, could this be what I've been waiting for!?) and Simon says, "Yeah, I knew she would disappear, whatever". And starts walking away, leaving his core drill (his soul as we all know it) with Gimmy (I guess Simon's not the only one who can pilot Lagann anymore?)? Yoko calls out to him, while he's looking just like Kamina, and tosses him his ring back... Maybe it's just me, but if she ran and caught up to him, wearing the ring and confessed she starting having a thing for him since he rescued her (especially if the conversation I mentioned last point actually took place) I would have felt so much better, and Kamina's promise to Yoko could have been fulfilled (as Simon has become, if not surpassed, all that Kamina has believed he could be). And they could even build their life together on Yoko's island (so she didn't have to be alone) and he wouldn't end up being a hobo with a pig mole runt. Or as he says, nothing (I think, maybe he said no one?).

I don't know, the way it really ended has got me feeling pretty depressed again, just like with all the loose ends or whatever in Your Lie In April. But man, I feel like they could have wrapped it up nicer and it could have been so perfect... This is one of the problems I have with finishing Animes... :(

9 years ago*

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Were you satisfied with the ending?

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Not Really
I Need Better Closure
Poor Yoko... :'(

You only kiss once

They leave us to imagine the rest
Simon got old and retired, then the younger generation will continue his dream

Well tbh you just can't talk about anything logic in this anime
Physics just don't exist in this anime, that's for sure

You should watch happy/comedy anime
Don't think too much about it, don't be depressed
You really should watch something happy if you feel sad

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9 years ago*

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But didn't they repeat many times that Simon was the only one who was able to pilot Lagann? Idk, maybe Gimmy inherited Simon's spiral power... Somehow...

And yeah, I probably should watch more comedy stuff, but I still get kinda down when I finish any series... :/

9 years ago

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Also, after that first one, I watched the whole rest of the anime in pretty much one sitting (since I needed bathroom breaks). Hoping to get some closure/resolution to that... Needless to say, it didn't come... :(

9 years ago

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Mmmm Yoko

9 years ago

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I feel like my reason behind Yoko being my favorite is different than most. I really loved how encouraging and supportive and everything she was (not just her looks), especially to Simon... Which I guess is why it hurt me when she changed... :(

9 years ago

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