Well it seems like KISS are back. Whatchu gonna get?
If you didn't already enter: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ea33W/pixel-puzzles-2-space :)
I bough 8 games I didn't have and two for giveaways. Should have picked Solarix for for a GA though, but IsThereAnyDeal listed the prices a bit wonky which I didn't realize at the time (I was tired).
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Splits of individual games where only a few cents is the price are surprisingly rare. There is one KISS split there, but it had the expected more popular games picked, and there is a good chance the splitter will have the remaining stock unsold. I have also tried to do a Bundle Stars split once, it failed (0 replies). Not many people are attempting these. The only time I see Bundle Stars there is when an expectedly popular bundle is put up, like a new Killer bundle.
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Ah okay... so i managed to deal with the "problem" in another way: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/F5Wzl/bundlestars-kiss-pick-mix-bundle-build-your-own-bundle#2Mez1Rj ;)
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hmm... I'm only into Solarix because and maybe Fist of Jesus... Not sure if I just should take some games for bundles or try to win the games...
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Hum, I whitelisted you in the RaChart script, but the highlighting isn't working. Something that you're doing is different. Could you remove that carat (^) from the BUNDLED column header? Not sure if that is the problem.
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Hum, I reloaded the page and still no highlighting. Let me try something else.
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Let me know if you figure out what's the cause. As zyzzyzus suggested above it could be the game names not being bolded, though removing that condition didn't seem to make it work. As soon as I get back to a computer I'll try to fiddle around with the script settings myself.
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Definitely try to do things exactly as they have been done before so we can figure this out.
The thread by KingMKA works, so I don't know why yours doesn't.
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Thank you K3W3L.
The 10% discount code received by email from BundleStars works and brings the bundle price from 2.69€ to 2.42€.
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you can buy 2 versions of each game if you add them manualy to the cart (if you don't want to fill up with games you don't like).
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for me as well, USD prices are not so great, if they would be 1 USD = 1 EUR ... that's bad, but this? good that there are no pounds, you'll have to pay 5 GBP for 20 keys with this logic
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Code for the chart with links to ITAD and SCE, and marked free games:
:- | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
**[AX:EL - Air XenoDawn](http://store.steampowered.com/app/319830/)** | 65% of *38 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-319830) | [2](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=morphshiftwars) | $12.99
**[Bedlam](http://store.steampowered.com/app/261490/)** | 79% of *192 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-261490) | [6](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=bedlam) | $12.99
**[Between Me and The Night](http://store.steampowered.com/app/285070/)** | 88% of *36 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-285070) | [2](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=betweenmeandnight) | $14.99
**[Blackbay Asylum](http://store.steampowered.com/app/313140/)** | 79% of *122 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-313140) | [5](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=blackbayasylum) | $19.99
**[Bloop Reloaded](http://store.steampowered.com/app/315060/)** | 63% of *11 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-315060) | [4](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=bloopreloaded) | $9.99
**[Darkout](http://store.steampowered.com/app/257050/)** | 56% of *638 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-257050) | [7](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=darkout) | $14.99
**[Defend The Highlands](http://store.steampowered.com/app/374830/)** | 95% of *22 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-374830) | [2](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=defendhighlands) | $9.99
**[Fist of Jesus](http://store.steampowered.com/app/321110/)** | 75% of *492 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-321110) | [4](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=fistofjesus) | $9.99
**[Fly in the House](http://store.steampowered.com/app/350500/)** | 55% of *93 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-350500) | 0 | $9.99
**[Gold Rush! Anniversary](http://store.steampowered.com/app/319230/)** | 71% of *38 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-319230) | [4](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=goldrushanniversary) | $12.99
**[Gun Metal](http://store.steampowered.com/app/267920/) (✝)** | 77% of *258 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-267920) | [11](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=gunmetal) (✝) | $9.99
**[Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi](http://store.steampowered.com/app/283290/) (✝)** | 85% of *1,485 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-283290) | [10](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=nosferatuwrathofmalachi) (✝) | $9.99
**[One Hundred Ways](http://store.steampowered.com/app/404630/)** | 60% of *15 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-404630) | [1](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=onehundredways) | $9.99
**[Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ](http://store.steampowered.com/app/285010/) (✝)** | 74% of *188 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-285010) | [6](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=pixelpuzzlesundeadz) (✝) | $6.99
**[Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime](http://store.steampowered.com/app/350810/)** | 83% of *133 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-350810) | [4](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=pixelpuzzlesiianime) | $9.99
**[Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds](http://store.steampowered.com/app/344230/)** | 76% of *50 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-344230) | [2](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=pixelpuzzlesiibirds) | $9.99
**[Pixel Puzzles 2: Space](http://store.steampowered.com/app/355920/)** | 86% of *23 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-355920) | 0 | $9.99
**[Platypus](http://store.steampowered.com/app/307340/)** | 90% of *165 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-307340) | [6](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=platypus) | $6.99
**[Selfie : Sisters of the Amniotic Lens](http://store.steampowered.com/app/287140/)** | 76% of *71 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-287140) | [4](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=selfiesistersofamnioticlens) | $4.99
**[Space Farmers](http://store.steampowered.com/app/271570/) (✝)** | 75% of *618 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-271570) | [9](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=spacefarmers) (✝) | $9.99
**[Solarix](http://store.steampowered.com/app/284990/)** | 70% of *172 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-284990) | [1](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=solarix) | $19.99
**[The 39 Steps](http://store.steampowered.com/app/234940/) (✝)** | 77% of *641 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-234940) | [11](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=iiiixsteps) (✝) | $14.99
**[The Story Goes On](http://store.steampowered.com/app/369560/)** | 93% of *45 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-369560) | [2](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=storygoeson) | $4.99
**[Unrest](http://store.steampowered.com/app/292400/)** | 69% of *110 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-292400) | [4](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=unrest) | $14.99
**[Z](http://store.steampowered.com/app/275530/)** | 72% of *433 Reviews* | [❤](http://www.steamcardexchange.net/index.php?gamepage-appid-275510) | [7](https://isthereanydeal.com/#/page:game/info?plain=z) | $6.99
Fly in the House and Pixel Puzzles 2: Space are available in the HRK Make Bundle.
If you're interested in making bundle threads you might want to check this thread.
just add my username to the script whitelist.
I think Sighery is going to remove the "whitelist" feature in his script so it works for anyone.
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Yeah, I'll keep an eye on the thread and see how things go. I'm only really interested in covering any bundles that have slipped by the wayside, if no one else has done them, like in this case - more like a 'I can help once-in-a-while if something slips through the cracks'.
Don't think I have Python unfortunately, but I don't usually have any problem with doing the charts by hand. Though it didn't exactly turn out as well as you can see. :P
Nuked the old chart and replaced it with yours - cheers :)
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just a thought... why don't you guys create a group and add members that can/will share this task?
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I see... well that's the best "lets do it together" solution.
I prefer the creation of a master eternal thread where anyone can contribute in the comments... that's, by far, the most automatic long term solution.
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Thanks for the good work. I personally edited line 486, so that it now is " return true;" to fit my needs.
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FYI, the line number may change depending on which version of the script someone is using, so you may want to point out the code itself.
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Oh ... does the Tampermonkey update feature work? I thought, everyone has the latest version through it ... thanks for your info
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If this would be something like otakumaker bundle with 10 bundles for 5.99 then why not :)
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As a few others here, only Solarix looks halfway interesting. Mayybe that Scottish tower defense thing if you're really drunk.
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Awesome post - Thanks for sharing. I've been seeing giveaways for the Pixel Puzzles and asking on them where they were coming from, lol. I could not find a bundle with them in it, but now I know!
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I'm skipping this one as well.
(Only missing Pixel Puzzles 2: Space & One Hundred Ways myself.)
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FYI, I'm doing an HRK split where you can get those two games:
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Why aren't there any more bundle splits for this bundle? :( There are a few good games in here.
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43 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by MyrXIII
45 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by elysium1988
291 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by JX8
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795 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by FranckCastle
364 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Zepy
44 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by IronKnightAquila
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93 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by grcemeise
541 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Vampus
603 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Mostack
135 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Mikurden
Before I start off, here's a small bunch of soppy stuff regarding rachellove's departure:
I'm quite saddened by her decision to leave. I know I don't speak for everyone, but I always appreciated her helpful and nicely-formatted charts whenever a new bundle drops. I'm going to miss her being around - I respect her decision to put SG aside, but I do hope that if she ever feels like returning eventually, she'll always be more than welcome to. <3
Anywho, this isn't what you're here for.
KISS Pick & Mix Bundle
10 keys for $2.49 ($0.25-ish per key)
15 keys for $3.49 ($0.23-ish per key)
20 keys for $3.99 ($0.20-ish per key)
If you purchase in Euros, the respective prices are €2.69, €3.79, €4.39 (thanks, Pilda)
Now works with RaChart Enhancer
thanks to feedback from zyzzyzus and SickTeddyBear - just add my username to the script whitelist, or change line 486 (thanks, sicksystem!).Now works by default, no need to edit the script. Thanks Sighery!
Further tweaked with enhancements thanks to devotee.
UPDATE: I got a 10% off VIP discount code in my email. I'm not entirely sure who gets the code - previous buyers? Newsletter subscribers? But, the discount code is email-bound and will give you 10% off on this bundle (and others).
WARNING: Gun Metal, Nosferatu, Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ, Space Farmers and The 39 Steps were free. Giveaways can NOT be made for these games.
Feel free to suggest any additions/alterations; just be forewarned that I may be busy and won't have the time to update it immediately.
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