Thank you.
Game | Bundle | Achievement |
DOOM Eternal | Humble Choice January 2023 | The Once and Future Slayer |
Five Dates | Humble Choice February 2023 | Completed |
ScourgeBringer | Humble Choice February 2023 | The New Vessel / The end of the cycle |
Street Fighter V | Humble Choice January 2020 | The 16 Trials |
TOHU | Humble Choice December 2021 | Happy end |
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine | Humble Choice December 2022 | Storyteller |
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Entering challenge again, thanks for organising <3
And chosen format seems lovely ^-^/ It is nice to have some months for longer games indeed.
Game | Bundle | Status | Proof | Comments |
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island | December 2020 | Started: July 19th / Finished: July 19th | ANSWERED THE CALL.Okay this is the end, right? 100% | Will be gone for part of the upcoming week so adding a shorter game to make the challenger easier for me. Derpy, cute and funny little game. |
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard | December 2020 | Started: July 21st / Finished: July 21st | EXPERT INVESTIGATOR. Complete your notebook. 100% | Switching this one in to replace Bendy. Played the first one, so might as well also play the second one :D |
Remnant: From the Ashes | June 2023 | Started: July 5th / Finished: July 22nd | Dark Awakening. Defeat the Dreamer | Usually do not really play games with the tags "souls-like" and "difficult". As I usually go for games with a more relax experience. So will be interesting to see how it goes. So far I am really enjoying the game though. ^0^/ Final thoughts: Absolutely loving this game.Gameplay is fun, challenging at times but not too difficult. Fun to strategize and build your setup around a boss. Some aspects can be a bit confusing and know there is still a a lot more to explore with reruns etc, but I am happy with what I achieved. Had a blast. End screen pic. |
Lara Croft GO | April 2018 | Started: July 14th / Finished: July 15th | Back to Reality | Ties into my Tomb Raider theme of last month :D |
I Am Fish | June 2022 | Started: July 15th / Finished: July 17th | Free At Last! | Screen was freaking out mid-game and thought I would have to find another game, but seems fixed (let's hope). Chomp chomp fish (Piranha) is my fav so far, he is best boy. Also has the most varied gameplay mechanics. Also liked the Pufferfish and Goldfish ones. Hated the flying fish one, frustrating and mostly the same mechanic. Cute game and had fun though. |
A Case of Distrust | August 2020 | Started: July 9th / Finished: July 9th | Master Sleuth. 100% | Short little game, I like the colors and font chosen for the game. Like the overall look. Extra proof, img of end credits |
Will finish game outside of the challenge and swap in a shorter game. As I am really enjoying Remnant From the Ashes and Remnant II is coming out soon, so want to focus on Remnant From the Ashes for now and not have to hurry to finish it. |
May still change the games around, but motivates me to state a few to get started.
List of might still be switched in games: | ||||
Metro Exodus | Forgive me Father | Before We Leave | Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice | Hollow Knight |
BIOMUTANT | Blue Flame | Tacoma | Kona | SOMA |
Othercide | Moonlighter | Evan's Remains | Carto | Kathy Rain |
Roki | Monster Prom 2 | Blasphemous | Epistory - Typing Chronicles | Before We Leave |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided | Jotun: Valhalla Edition | METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES | Fran Bow | Hitman 2 |
Voidigo | The Ascent | Beyond Eyes | The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day | Paradise Lost |
Going Under | Eternal Threads | Nex Machina | Revita | DOOM Eternal |
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Ack! The extended monthly will be too late for me. I'm going on vacations in July this year because I drew the short straw at work so I won't have time to play 6 games this month.
The alternate format is a good idea though. Gives you a break from the frenetic pace and allows for longer plays a few times.
Oh what the hell, you know what? I'll give it a go with a few games and we'll see if I manage before I leave!
Starting with Eternal Threads because it looks cool and not too stressful. It's not to bad. I guess I had high expectations so they didn't all pan out but it's an original take on the genre.
As far as the "choices matter" tag goes, I'd say it's probably one of the rare games I played with the tags where choices actually have massive consequences even when you don't realize it right away. They don't matter like you know... Detroit Become Human choices, but they definitely have an impact on the game.
The voice acting is horrendous though and it was tempting to let some characters die just so I wouldn't have to listen to them anymore :P but I'll probably replay it (on mute with subs) to finish the achievements.
Speaking of relaxing... MGSV: Ground Zero is definitely not that. My blood pressure skyrocketed XD but it was pretty cool. Played the main mission in stealth and I'll probably try to get some of the side missions done before the end of the month. Since next event will be a longer one, I plan on playing The Phantom Pain next. Perfect timing.
ETA: I tried the side missions and they're a bit lacking. Same base. Again and again. I really don't know how they sold this as a standalone game. It's more like proof of concept or something. Looking forward to Phantom Pain though.
I spent 20 mn trying to figure out how controls worked on A Fistful of Gun then got killed 10 times in the next 5 mn... yeah I get why this game has such a low level of completion. I'll pass for now. Anyone played this one?
I don't know why I put off playing Nex Machina for so long. I enjoyed it a lot. Played a few levels co-op with one of my work buddies and I ended up unlocking ridiculous achievements just because he kept playing while I had to work XD but then I guess that's really the only way you can finish a level without moving or firing your weapon? or there's something I missed. Anyway I will return to this one to try different difficulty levels because Rookie was almost too easy, in a fun way though.
Tools Up! was alright. It's kinda repetitive though. But if you're not playing in stress timer mode, it's kinda relaxing. I struggled toward the end because I was a little bored. I may play it with my nephew during my vacation to get some of the co-op achievements although it looks like the game is impossible to 100% anyway since the devs added a huge boatload of cheevos with the DLC (ugh!) and then abandoned the game before fixing the bugged ones (oops)
An old buddy of mine gave me keys for Coteries of New York and Shadows because he remembered I used to play the Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop a lifetime ago so I decided to give them a go. I'm not really into visual novels in general but I have been pleasantly surprised a few times (Eliza is a great example of VN done right) but Coteries was a mixed experience. On the one hand the writing is not bad and they managed to really get the ambiance right with the gorgeous art. On the other hand it really feels like your choices make no difference at all, something that becomes clear with the rushed ending.
I ended up making a second run with a different character to see if anything changed in the end but it was only a confirmation that choices didn't matter at all, which is disappointing.
Still giving Shadows a chance since I have it and I probably won't play it if I don't play it now.
So I'm done with Shadows of NY. The writing was good but the ending again... meh. I was shocked when I saw the "Good Ending" achievement pop up because until that I thought for sure I had painted myself into a corner and I was getting the "bad" ending. Well, if that's the "good ending", I don't really want to see what the bad ending is. At least this one had several endings unlike Coteries, which railroaded you into the same ending no matter how you played and which character you picked at the beginning.
I was hoping for more of a follow up to the previous story tbh and while there were connections, mostly the same cast of supporting characters, it all felt very loose and never really made any effort to tie up loose ends from Coteries.
Still, I'm done just in time to go on vacations so I guess it wasn't a bad month.
Game | Date | Playtime | Achievements | Status |
Eternal Threads | June 2023 | 8h / HLTB (7h) | 5 / 10 | Beaten (Achievement: Beam Me Up Scotty) |
METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES | December 2018 | 6h / HLTB (2h) | 8 / 16 | Beaten (Achievement: Downfall) |
Nex Machina | December 2017 | 3h / HLTB (1.5h) | 17 / 39 | Beaten (Achievement: Rookie) |
Tools Up! | October 2021 | 11h / HLTB (6h) | 25 / 64 | Beaten (Achievement: All-Star Player) |
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York | September 2020 | 8h / HLTB (6h) | 17 / 28 | Beaten (Achievement: ...Damned If You Do) |
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York | January 2021 | 6h / HLTB (5h) | 11 / 14 | Beaten (Achievement: Good Ending) |
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Hmmm, I'm usually not a big fan of competetive fighter games being utterly ass at them to begin with and not having a ton of time or skill to master all the movesets, but from what I've heard SF6 has a solid, wacky open world RPG-ish singleplayer campaign that looks pretty interesting. I'll have a look see if I can find 6 games to play this month for the event.
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Name | Month | Status | Achievement |
Life is Strange 2 | April 2023 | Finished | Wolf Pack |
I Am Fish | June 2022 | Finished | Free At Last! |
Kathy Rain | November 2016 | Finished | Been there, done that |
911 Operator | June 2019 | Finished | Medal of Honor |
Chicken Police | April 2022 | Finished | Chicken Police is back together?! |
Supraland | June 2020 | Finished | Win! |
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Game | Monthly | Status | Proof |
Revita | Apr. '23 | Finished | Tower Dweller |
DOOM Eternal | Jan. '23 | Finished | The Once and Future Slayer |
Maid of Sker | Oct. '22 | Finished | Perfect Harmony! |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning | Nov. '22 | Finished | Destiny Dominated |
Super Magbot | Dec. '22 | Finished | R MAGgedon |
Little Misfortune | Nov. '20 | Finished | Somewhere Else |
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This month will be tough for me to schedule any gaming, but I'll make a manly attempt!
Game Status | Impressions |
⭐DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR'S CUT / April 2023 bundle / Started on July 8th - Finished✔ on July 24th Thanks for everything | Before playing: A game from Hideo Kojima... To be honest I don't really know what it means. It's both presented as recommendation and a certain warning. After playing: Not going dive into what's working or not in Death Stranding, I'll just say: it's a unique author's game and to encounter such thing not on indie level is worth alone to try it. Personally, I very liked this game. |
Still There / December 2020 bundle / Started on July 21st - Finished✔ on July 28th Still There | Before playing: I suspect Death Stranding will take me a lot of time, I'm not a completionist but I always get lost in side quests and all other "extra". So I choose Still There blindly and mainly for its shortness. After playing: The plot is a well well-trodden road but I'm glad it was there. The new thing for me here was the structure of puzzles. 75% of effort is going into understanding the rules of a puzzle that are authentically presented in the tech manual for the space station. Once you get how it works the solution is usually in two to three clicks away. Nice. |
The Banner Saga / September 2016 bundle / Started on July 24th - Finished✔ on July 27th Normal Difficulty | Before playing: I was interested in Banner Saga when it came out. But unfortunately at that period of my life I thought I was done with gaming (turned out I just needed to upgrade my PC to reinvigorate my gamer's passion), so I just let this now acclaimed classic to pass by me. Time to amend old mistakes. After playing: I always imagined Banner Saga to be about vikings. Turns out, It's only viking-ish, but mainly it's dark fantasy. Intriguing epic with apocalyptic atmosphere and only an introduction into the story (I guess, "saga" in the name implies multiple entries) |
Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island / December 2020 bundle / Started on July 19th - Finished✔ on July 19th ANSWERED THE CALL | Before playing: Despite presenting myself to the world as a cynic, I must admit that cute cartoonish silliness usually wins me over. After playing: Wow, it took me 85min to finish the game, but only because I took accidental 1h nap. Nevertheless silly in a good way and totally wholesome. |
🤬I Am Fish / June 2022 bundle / Started on July 28th - Finished✔ on July 27th Free at Last! | Before playing: It looks like it was inspired by "Finding Nemo" but I doubt, it went beyond its visuals and into Pixar's usual mature themes. Nevertheless I suspect, the game is fun, even though it's probably too kiddy for me. After playing: Behind children cartoon's exterior the rage-inducing-3d-distorted-depth-incencetive-help-me-god-trial-and-error platforming was hiding. Actually it is the case only with one segment involving a flying fish. The rest was considerably less torturous and actually enjoyable. It's okey overall, but I'm glad it's over. |
Tacoma / February 2018 bundle / Started on July 29th - Finished✔ on July 30th Employee of the Month | Before playing: Usually I mix up settings and genres in my month picks, but "Still There" was pretty short and kinda made me want another space sci-fi. After playing: Probably the first game ever where I found several joke achievements on my own, because the game is very compact, maybe even limited, but I didn't mind it. |
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It's been a while since I've tried this. Time for another round!
Game | Monthly | Status | Proof |
The Henry Stickmin Collection | Jan 22 | Completed | 82/82 |
Vane | May 21 | Beaten | 12/17 see Migration |
Paradise Lost | Feb 22 | Completed | 12/12 |
Morkredd | May 21 | Beaten | 6/22 see Lone Wolf |
Evan's Remains | Mar 22 | Completed | 17/17 |
The Messenger | Jun 20 | Beaten | 35/48 see The Fake Ending Was Better |
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Bump for visibility!
also a quick question - What achievement do you need for Curse of the Dead Gods to be considered 'beaten' for the event?
I assume I'd need the Deception achievement, yeah?
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Copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta of copy pasta.
Hello and welcome to the madness!
The challenge is simple: Play and beat any 6 games, starting today, that have been featured in any given Humble Monthly/Choice bundle in one month.
The prize: Street Fighter™ 6
Game length does not matter and I'm not looking for 100% achievement runs. So long as you play and beat 6 games, I'm happy. You can go easy mode and play a bunch of 1h games or go crazy and play 6 +30h games. So long as they were in a monthly at a given point, it is all good.
Just post a comment with either screenshots/ achievements showing that you fulfilled the criteria and I'll add you on Steam and give you the link. Feel free to share your thoughts on the games you've played, but it is not required.
Why you doing this?
I hate money. That and I realized I've been subbed to the monthly for over seven years (yes it has been that long, I checked) and it occurred to me that I've barely touched the games I've gotten from it, let alone played them. Figured the same would be true for a few others, so I figured this is a good way to change that. A sensible person would probably unsub in this situation, but please refer to the beginning as to why that will not happen.
I've played the first X minutes of a game, can I pick it for the event?
No. You cannot have any play time or achievements prior to the start of the event. The only exception is idle time from farming Steam cards.
Can I play a MP only game?
No. It needs to have an "end" in order for me to count it as beaten, so it needs to have a campaign/story mode.
If a game was sold as a non-Steam copy in a bundle (origin/uplay/drm-free/etc), can I pick it as a choice if I own a Steam copy?
No. The reason being that those who own a Steam copy would have an extra option that would not be available to everyone who bought the same bundle. If the game was originally sold as a non-Steam copy, but Humble later provided steam keys to everyone who bought the bundle, then the game would be allowed.
Why six games?
The first few monthlies had 6/7 games in them so I went with that.
How long are you going to do this?
Until my credit card statements gives me nightmares.
This event "ends" on August 1st when the next next HB Choice releases, though the giveaway itself will end the next day. If you manage to finish game number six in between that time, feel free to post, but know that I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to give you the link in time.
Good luck, have fun and stay safe.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to throw the first punch >:D..
List of eligible games:
Credit goes to PapaSmok
Looking over the poll from last month, the majority wanted extended months in some form. I've decided on alternating cycles (1-2-1-...) with some adjustments. The next few months will be as follows: current cycle 1 month, extended for August/September, followed by 1 month cycles for October and November, and finishing the year with an extended December/January. After this point, it will follow the 1-2-1-2-etc. unless adjustments are needed. The reason for the 1-2-1-1-2 is because I want December to be in an extended cycle due to the holidays, and this seemed to be the best fit.
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