All steam keys obviously,as written in the pages,all available worldwide except for kane and lynch collection which,as written in the page is not available in germany. Also this is an EU only price bug,as you can see by the fact that i used (€) as a price symbolism,but it still won't work for Kane And Lynch COLLECTION if you are from FRANCE and GERMANY... so feel free to check anyways ! you can use a vpn to try access the price bugs if you really want to do it.

Kane & Lynch Collection = 1.00€

Tomb Raider Legend = 0.44€

EDIT: Apparently there are no more steam keys available for deus ex goty (2000).
EDIT2: DEUS EX GOTY (2000) for 0.35€ WAS FIXED
EDIT3: Everything was fixed around +24 hours later... someone will get fired.

8 years ago*

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Also tomb raider legend and deus ex goty (2000) bugged for less than 1 euro each , so it's not the same thread.

8 years ago

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Oh okay, my misstake then ! :)

8 years ago

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non of them work for me - sorry

8 years ago

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It's in the EU STORE only.

8 years ago

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yeah - I know - neither worked :) - also see below - germany not working and they are in the EU also - hell, they are the EU :) - Guess I will wait for the giveaways that all you nice people will make now for those of us who cannot get the deal - go on, you know you want to :)

8 years ago*

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Yep,didn't said it here cause it was said in the website,but people sometimes don't check that so i've added that. By checking reddit,i saw that germany and france were having troubles exploiting this bug,so i've added them,thanks for the feedback.

8 years ago

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Dont work in Germany for me, tested with Tor-Browser and get linked to the shop.
Was sure about that because of "Kane & Lynch", they are banned in Germany ;D
Maybe your Region is banned for the Shop too :P

8 years ago

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could be, could be :) - yeah I tried the other links from the post below by devotee - just to see if I was maybe just being a bit dense as they implied - but no, they just take me to the shop and no bugged price :) - so perhaps if I use a vpn it might be different :)

8 years ago*

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A lot of shops don't work for me while trying Tor, even grey market ones.

8 years ago

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Yeah, sure. (`_´)ゞ

8 years ago

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the THREAD only contains an url to the kane and lynch collection,i added the rest here, making a complete price bug list , a comment doesn't make a thread afaik.

8 years ago

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Oh, let's make a NEW thread for every informative comment in every other thread, then! Seems legit, when you're an attention whore.

Usually, the right thing to do is to update the OP with relevant information from comments. The author might be more or less quick to do it, but it's the best way to keep things ON TOPIC.

8 years ago

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Why are we all TYPING some random words in CAPS?

8 years ago

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i HAVE my cat NEXT to my KEYBOARD and she likes TO press THE CAPSlock key from TIME TO time.

8 years ago

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You need to write in caps to catch more attention to be a good attention whore , maybe they didn't teach you,it's first sign to spot them.

8 years ago

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Okay. But you were doing it as well. :P

8 years ago

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I was the one starting it dude... it was sarcasm to reply to the "attention whore" comment :)

8 years ago

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Oh, sorry. I didn't really read the thread at all, I just noticed the USE of randomly capped WORDS. ^^

8 years ago

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it's ok dude.. IT'S FINE REALLY.

8 years ago

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I'm not SURE. Is it FINE really? I think you AREN'T being HONEST.

8 years ago

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I'm getting ....


By all this CAPS

8 years ago

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I knew SOMETHING was wrong.
Then maybe I should stop using caps and instead bold a few words here and there.

8 years ago

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well i must say i like it ... i think i'm almost done being triggered

8 years ago

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Awesome. That means I can still emphasize my words without triggering you. This is the perfect solution.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm an attention whore when all you're doing is posting flame comments with nothing relevant written in it? I'm helping the community by posting deals and you're trying to insult me while doing so , what a fucking spoiled kid. I made a more complete thread with more infos in it,if the other thread gets updated i will close this,if not shut the fuck up and deal with it.

8 years ago

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This is not informative at all, since you didn't talk about all the problems people are having when placing an order, you don't even mention if it's s Steam key or a download. The other thread is way more informative than your "helping new hijacking thread omitting everything that has been or is being discussed in the original thread".

8 years ago

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It's written in the page,it's a steam key for all 3. Also , i have already said in a comment that the bug is for EU stores only,and kane and lynch it's not available for germany... that's it.

8 years ago

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Hey, whatever you say. You just created a new thread where people are asking the same frecking questions that have been already discussed in the other thread.

8 years ago

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Questions were answered i guess, 1 more rant?

8 years ago

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Why the hostility? Not everybody reads every comment in every thread, so OP's just bringing attention to the other glitched games to those who're interested in square enix games but wouldn't read through the Kane & Lynch thread (which I'd imagine is a pretty significant chunk of people here).

8 years ago

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+1 to this - not so sure where the amount of hostility came from in this thread - aren't we all just trying to get cheap games here :)

8 years ago

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hey I click on the links in the thread you posted and they don't work - sorry - just letting the op know - they simply lead me to the shop - no bugged price - also I am not the only one ?!

8 years ago

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Yes,i answered you above,it's an even more restrict bug then EU / UK it seems.

8 years ago

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hey AntiHiko - yeah the reply was not for you - it was for devotee - as they seem to be implying I was just being dense - but the lines obviously got crossed - glad to help though - as everyone seems to be hijacking the threads for insults for some reason :)

8 years ago

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You were not dense. The links on this thread are exactly the same that were posted on the other thread. That's why none of them will work for you and you're redirected to the homepage, which was already pointed out on the other thread (try doing a manual search as suggested by that user).

8 years ago

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I did - it did not work - don't know why - but not too bothered :)

8 years ago

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How do you know it's a BUG? Maybe it's just a low price.

8 years ago

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Those games have never been this low,the normal price should be the price that is proposed as " discounted " kane and lynch 1 or 2 costs more than the collection.

8 years ago

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It's clear because the supposed full prices, are coincidentally equal to their historical lowest.
So the bug is that the discount is applied twice (like with Shadow of Mordor on Steam last month).

8 years ago

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Well, considering the age of the games and the fact that they've been bundled before, even if it is a bug, it's really in line with what they are worth. If this is a mistaken price then they need to let it stand.

8 years ago

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^ i actually agree here, i see alot of people always claiming it was a price glitch, but how does anyone really know? all 3x of these "glitches" have been bundled and discounted heavily several times. in fact this is quite common of enix to do just a short time prior to a squenix hb release.. so i wouldnt be to surprised for all those buying this now, they'll slap themselves later when it shows in a bundle again.

8 years ago

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Also, Square Enix is one of the few larger game companies that will occasionally give away an older title for free or sell it very cheap (usually for charity or another special reason), so it's not unheard of for them to throw people a bone once in awhile.

8 years ago*

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yes, this too =)

i remb everyone rushing over to nuveem when life is strange episode 1 was less then $1, then only about 2week later it was in the $1 tier humble, and in less then a years time the first episode turned totally free =)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes,but those deals are bugs since on other regions the price is higher than EU.

8 years ago

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yep, Don't know for others but at least on my french page it's a lot more for sure + no summer sale


8 years ago

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Yep,bug doesn't work on french and germany.

8 years ago

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yes i bought it for 4 euro and in steam there stands DE. i think we in germany have the normal price tag

8 years ago

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Strange, I'm from France, I have the Summer sale, and the price glitch (1€).

8 years ago

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Doesn't look like a bug or glitch to me. Games are 10+ years old and ditigal downloads.. less than a dollar seems pretty standard to me.

8 years ago

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On other regions there's a higher price for them... so yep.

8 years ago

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great prices thx

8 years ago

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These aren't Steam keys, right? :/

8 years ago

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they are steam keys

8 years ago

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Woah! :O
Let me get my wallet! :D

8 years ago

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It says there are no keys left. :/

8 years ago

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Sorry, your order cannot be completed. There is no stock anymore for this product.

For Deus Ex GotY

8 years ago

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Looks like pretty standard sale pricing. 75% off for two and 80% off for the third one. I highly doubt that is a bug or glitch. Lots of websites offer 75% and 80% off, especially during a big sale, and especially on older, less desirable games.

8 years ago

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Kane and lynch collection is 19.99 Euros on steam, here's 1 euro (95% off if my math skill doesn't suck) , so i'm guessing it's a bug.

8 years ago

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Regular price on the website is listed as 4.99 Euros. So it's 80% off. As I said, that is EXTREMELY common sale pricing, especially for older games. The Steam price is always higher for older games because Steam doesn't discount older games as much as 3rd party sites do.

It's just a sale. Sorry to ruin your excitement. :)

8 years ago

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But here in italy and other EU countries is listed as 1€ , which is a price bug.... as i said,the price bug is only for EU countries ( except for french and germany)

8 years ago

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Discount is being applied twice, for some reason.
Like last month on Steam with Shadow of Mordor.

8 years ago

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Steam doesn't discount older games as much as 3rd party sites do

The publishers / devs set the Steam prices, not Valve.

8 years ago

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K&L Collection is 4€ for me (Germany), TL:L and Deus Ex GOTY prices are as advertised by the OP :p

8 years ago

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Sad, that they are out of Deus Ex GOTY keys. :(

8 years ago

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Uuugh I only wanted Deus Ex!

8 years ago

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2 countries it might work are Romania and Spain ,i noticed them in my address boxes.

8 years ago

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Works here in italy too !

8 years ago

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tomb raider and deus ex works fine in france. only kane doesnt work.

8 years ago

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Fixed , thanks !

EDIT: Btw deus ex is still out of stock.

8 years ago

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Romania here
Bought Kane pack in main account with paypal, it gives pending order even if they already charged me.
Made a new account, got it with CC, registered as "Kane and Lynch Collection (ROW)"
Already have the other games so I won't buy them.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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You need to use a vpn... i suggest FlyVPN.

Install FlyVPN from their official website and open it,it will ask you for username and password, you can find them in the "free trial" section (choose one of the 2) of the website... once you insert it in the username/password section you will be prompted into the program and there you can select any region not greyed out,select a region outside of france and germany,doubleclick and enjoy.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the reply, but I missed that there was a Paypal option - I just used that.

About 60 seconds from submitting the Paypal payment to SMS verifying to getting the link to the code in my email. Easy peasy.

$1 is about what Kane and Lynch is worth to me given the reviews...

8 years ago

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Nice !

8 years ago

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View attached image.
View attached image.
8 years ago

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rip :/

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thank you for sharing :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

8 years ago

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looks like Deus EX is back at normal price of 1.75

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Too bad the other older Tomb Raiders arent as cheap. Missing IV, V and Anniversary

8 years ago

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The Tomb Raider and Lynch ale still available for the same price despite hours from the start of the promotion. So excuse me but I think that Square Enix actually has employees. That means that they would take the bug down if that was the case. To sum up: not a price bug

8 years ago

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Deus ex was fixed just 30 minutes ago.... it is a price bug , if not,why kane and lynch 1 or 2 is more expensive than the collection?

8 years ago

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or it was taken off of sale because they sold the 10k keys they were willing to sell at that price & they were not interested in selling kane and lynch 1 or 2 at a discounted price because the combo discounted still costs more then an individual license discounted.

either way, its a sale and worth the PSA, but you don't definitively know for a fact that it is actually indeed a bug.

8 years ago

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a night later, and both Tomb Raider and Kane & Lynch got fixed .... longest price glitch so far? lol

8 years ago

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or they sold the amount of licenses they were willing to sell at said discounted rate.

8 years ago

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if you actually checked the price before and now, you'd notice that it was discounted twice ;)

as for Kane & Lynch .... now it's normal price ~20€, 80% off for 4€
before it was normal 4€, with 80% off it was 1€

8 years ago

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very strange, but still could be deliberate. or it could indeed be a bug. we'll never know =)

8 years ago

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lol maybe the promotion keys were limited. if it was a bug why are Tomb Raider and kane still up lol; there were cases even on steam when a pack of games during sale was cheaper than separate games, nothing weird.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Try here.. if you don't wanna get temporarely banned,create a thread there and delete this comment :)

8 years ago

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I know lol, im not new here, but i've seen people do this before, thanks anyways :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I got Deus Ex for 0.35 Euro not knowing it was a bug. I'm kind of new to these price glitches. Can the company cancel the sale after I've already bought and activated it? Has it happened before?

8 years ago

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once you paid for the game they cannot cancel anything

8 years ago

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At worst, they could contact you, and ask you to pay the difference or cancel your order.
But I never heard that happening with mispriced game keys.

8 years ago

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I see. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by antiHiko.