The first movie in the series is still by far the best one. Was extremely disappointed in the sequels and spin offs.
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Wasnt there two bro.. I ment sisters doing the Matrix series?
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Yes, I still haven't read any news or even speculation about why only one of them is involved so far.
I know they led very private lives since after the release of the first movie, as they very rarely agreed to interviews.
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how do you top Neo and Trinity dying to save all of mankind?
Their resurrection story, duh
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You top it with the Second Coming.
Say that after the end of the original trilogy, things went well between the humans and the machines for hundreds or even thousands of years, but then they started taking a turn for the worse. Neo's something between a legend and a myth now. Most people can't say for sure if he was even a real person. But there are those who still believe that in mankind's darkest hour, the One will return to save them all. So we'd have Neo, Trinity and (maybe, hopefully?) Morpheus returning as future incarnations of themselves.
idk, I like that better than trying to find some way for Keanu to have survived the end of the third movie.
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Stop dragging these corpses out of the woodwork and beat them over and over. Can't you make something original Hollywood?
Oh yeah, dumb question.
But yeah, I got zero faith in yet another 80s/90s movie dragged out of the woodworks.
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Sure, as a teen I was a fan of Matrix, Reeves is still an eye candy, and I absolutely loved what Wachovskis were doing lately (Sense8), but why continue a franchise that was only really good in the beginning (the original movie)?
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As with anything else, it comes down to money.
New ideas are risky -- studios run the risk of losing money, if the idea is not popular.
Sequels/reboots/remakes are typically very safe -- there is very little risk of losing money, and a good chance of making a LOT of money, because there is an automatic customer base.
As much as some people complain... most people are thrilled with sequels/reboots/remakes, and they will happily spend money on them, even if they are not very good.
Perfect example: Tom Cruise's ridiculous "The Mummy" (2017). That movie made over FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS worldwide.
So while it's easy to blame the movie industry, they are just giving us what we're telling them we want.
Humans... what can you do?
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It feels like the majority of media is targeted at the aging population and feeding our nostalgia.
More like targeted at the younger generations who haven't seen the originals countless times and are therefore more likely to be duped into spending money on a remake.
(See Canis39's response, above.)
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Reading the article and realising that the first movie is 20 years old made me feel old.
About the new movie itself I just hope it's more like the first one or the animatrix and less like the sequels, they're not bad but they were a big dip in quality. Also what about the other Wachowski... sister(?), I though this was a thing crated by both of them.
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If they're going to do it, I wonder what stories COULD work. What about one the early/original Matrices where they were "perfect" and the humans rejected it. and though the actions of our protagonists, caused them to shut it down. What about a prequel dealing with the war that Morpheus talks about in the first Movie?
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I've never seen any of the Matrix films but I do remember when it came out, a van full of old ladies from a church group pulled up to the local theater and protested it all week for being "satanic". None of them had actually seen the movie, of course. Sometimes I think people above a certain age are staying alive purely by the power of moral outrage.
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It's not about being above a certain age, I saw plenty young ones acting similarly after looking at long haired male teenagers with darker outfit. It's more about how many brain cells they have allocated for the task. Certainly some of the characters in the Matrix joined the dark side, so probably those respectable ladies had a point.
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I have vague memories of seeing something called Matrix 2 and 3 or something, but all I can remember is just Matrix indeed... I must have been dreaming. Well, nightmaring.
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Didn't watch Jupiter Ascending, but I agree about Reloaded and Revolution. Pretty sure the sequels were rushed out by the studio and visibly they were more focused to leapfrog "the groundbreaking visual effects" of the first, rather than giving more thought for the story. So there's still hope that they cooked up a better story in the time they had.
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As the title says, according to this article, a new, probably a sequel Matrix is on the way.
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