Do you do a background check on your giveaway winners?
100s of hours with Hentai games.
Edit: Or clickers. May be worse ;)
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I have one clicker that I use as my "Too ill to concentrate but need something to do" or "Want to watch youtube but also need something else running to satisfy my lack of sustained concentration ability" or even "I'm going to do work in a little while and there isn't enough time for a proper game but am bored AF" game. And damn have I logged a large number of hours on it.
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Q: Why should I care about privacy?
A: You already do
(but just for the record, my Steam profile isn't fully private, it's partially private and partially friends-only ^^)
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in some cases a person should be called out... like when someone goes and calls out balance in a game and they played a few hours.. Like say Dead By Daylight, people used to play like 10 hours then go complain about stuff being overpowered.. If they did, you could call them on their lack of experience and show they the killer wasn't overpowered but they just lacked experience to stop what seemed overpowered to them.. I'm sure many other games with balance issues have the same situation.. now any Tom, Dick or Harry can post balance claims with out needing to back them up at all..
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I'm tempted to do the same. My mom thinks my hours in Fallout are super duper hilarious, but the jokes starting to get a little dry lol (my hours are over 1k. I just find the setting to be super relaxing on top of all the mods I can try out).
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What exactly did your mom find it funny? I have 800+hrs in Dont Starve Together, although I can pretty much survive in the Top world, I haven't really played the lower ruin worlds which are the main dangers are. There are also mods which allows you to sink more time with. For more than half that time, I was playing without mods. Games that have mods are just time sinkers. If you like what you can do in the game like for me, its just surviving, running around just repeating things tbh. Kind of relaxing and in the comfort zone, with the occasional unexpected danger the game throws at you.
Regards, Cruse~
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When she pictures "relaxing" games, she pictures her puzzle games and clickers lol I let her play F4, but she said it was too stressful to enjoy. So she thinks its really funny that the most stressful game (her opinion haha) is what I sunk 1k hours into and claim its relaxing.
And Dont Starve Together sounds pretty awesome actually. I almost picked it up last sale and now Im regretting it haha It sounds like itd be right up my alley
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Yep, DST is fun and getting updates as long as you're not put off by the graphics and not taking the game seriously like a survival you'll like the game. Some people simply prefer 1st person, human figures games and I do not like Blockey games like Minecraft.
DST does also have this stressful environment as it has a steep learning curve at the start. Also even if you've played the game for over 1000hrs, you might find yourself in a situation where you can't survive. Game is perma-death but you can build/use revivals. Certainly recommend if you enjoy survival games. I guess your mom fun the irony funny, I do find puzzles relaxing, however at times also frustrating recently, I was upset/burnout by a time strategy simulator also by DST too, I do play it from time to time however now its due to PC limitation. Cheers~
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I know the feeling! I'm so happy my Dragon Age: Origins or Oblivion hours weren't counted. And I plat Skyrim in offline mode, but I'm not sure if Steam will add the offline hours when I'm back online... Actually, I might want to check it, lol.
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Same reason i'm on private, don't want to be stalked by family !
And, i've almost 1700h on CS:GO too.
Stopped almost 1 year ago already, but it seems it's like an eternal scar (but it's also part of my memories, some cool memories).
Long time ago, during a trade, a nice guy told me "oh i'm surprised that all goes well, i thought all CS:GO players were shitty guys". It made me laugh... Well so immediately with that time i know i'm shitty for eternity. Not a complaint, i understand why CS:GO players are seen that way (in reality, there are nice players too... but i understand it's not obvious !).
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Owww hugs
It wasn't anything like that for me, I just felt uncomfortable that they were checking on me. Sometime, they used it to get me a gift but it happened that I was checking out a game that in the end I wasn't really impressed with and they got me something 'similar'. So I prefer they don't speculate, hehe.
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Personally, I'm helping out an indie game as a mod and other stuff in discord, but at some point i stopped playing the game though i would still like to support them outside of it...
I just felt bad letting the few hours i played show (as time goes,a few others in my friend list piled more hours into it), and for my played hours, it was like a silent statement that "your game isnt good" and i didnt want them to think that.
Of couse, i might be overthinking...but at least, thats my reason for hiding my play hours xD
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How should I proceed?
You can freely reroll on anyone who is suspended.
Anyone with rule infractions that have not been attended to will receive a suspension.
Ergo, you can always put in a reroll request on any winner with outstanding rule infractions, to see if they've received suspensions for them yet [meaning you'll have to send the game afterall] or not [resulting in staff processing your reroll].
Beyond that, you're expected to send the win out no matter what, though you can avoid issues altogether by using SGTools private giveaway filters or specialized groups for your giveaways (thereby benefiting from SGTool's automatic filtering options or from dedicated group moderation).
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You can report them and put the link to the non-activated wins from SGTools in your report. It could be that they have already served their time and the mods won't punish them again. But it could be that the mods never learnt about them and then the suspension will start. Btw, you won't get any response from the mods apart from Closed. The comments are disabled in that part of Help.
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Considering that you need to own a certain amount of purchased games to even have access to SteamGifts in the first place, it seems extremely unlikely that anyone would be here without having played anything. And with several hundred games on account, I think it should be fairly obvious that there is a different explanation (such as the privacy setting that was mentioned above).
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I only check winner's profile for rule violations (via sgtools), and that they don't have a game they won. I don't care if they play those games, I only care if they are happy to win it, and I can't check that.
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Report it and ask for reroll. If support says that user was already punished for this violation, I just send the gift to winner. I believe that rules have to be more strict for non-activations, but I follow existing rules.
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I always check with support just in case no one has reported them yet. So in this case, I would request a reroll, with the explanation of non activated gift, and then wait for support to check to see if they have already been punished for it.
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What Stuartalex said. Or a slightly different way of handling it:
You can send a user report ticket to support and see if they get suspended. Then either they'll get suspended or your ticket will get closed without action (they don't get suspended).
If they get suspended, you can ask for a reroll if you want. Alternatively, you can also just send the gift and wait for their return. That's completely your call.
If your ticket gets closed without action, that can mean essentially two things. Either support has already suspended them for it in the past, or it's a special case like one of those games that got keys revoked or something known for false positives (the Steam API has... issues). In that case, you should send the gift.
The way I understand suspensions to work, once you've been suspended for an action, even if it has lasting effects, it shouldn't affect your activity in SG unless you get suspended again (in which case it's likely to increase your suspension's duration, until eventually it becomes permanent, which is in effect kind of like a ban but not quite).
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Steam announced this feature with default opt-in, so if a person did not change this setting after this feature...
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Well over an year ago, long before Steam implemented the privacy features that let you hide your recently played games and playtime, I came across a user here who had won a couple of hundred games and had zero playtime - not only on their won games, but on every single game in their entire library - and that was well over 2000 games. I mean no recent games played at all, ever. Zilch, zero, null playtime total, on over 2K games. I couldn't comprehend this, it had me completely baffled. In fact, I found it creepy, even. There was something almost sinister about this profile with over 2000 games on it and with not a single one of them played once for even a second. I never found an explanation for this that made sense for me and I haven't forgotten about it. It was the weirdest profile I had ever seen.
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If you play in offline mode it doesn't record playtime or achievements, but it's definitely strange to have 2,000+ games with no playtime. The only thing I can think of that would explain it is if that person REALLY did not like being interrupted by messages and only played games in offline mode to avoid it.
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the purpose of this website is to make people happy and give away games for free, I definitely don't bother and I've never checked anyone before.. of course, since I'm the creator, I choose the public of my giveaways taking into account the game's value, if it's been bundled, its price, its genre and so on.. but really, I can't spend hours checking winners or whatever else, I just want to make giveaways and make winners happy in a light-hearted way =P
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Howdy, steamgifts! I recently hosted a giveaway and I went to the winners profile on steam and despite having 300+ games they show no hours logged for any of the games. Is this a privacy setting? Or is this person a hoarder?
Thanks for any info. Hope all of you are having a good day or night.
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