A good monthly (yearly) deal?
I really don't understand IGN's marketing. The only thing it does is loudly yelling that future HBs are doomed to be trash because of even less money going to devs, which in turn equals to worse quality games being put. It's a snowball effect of scamming gathering as many people as possible before everybody finds out that quality of monthly bundle gradually yet effectively decreases with each month.
Existing subscribers were screwed up so many times by now that I'm shocked people still support them, I guess it takes a really strong punch in the face for some people to wake up and notice that they vote with their wallets. And the best part is how people taking advantage of this deal do not realize that there is even better deal coming up next week, because snowball keeps rolling :3.
But hey, I'm not complaining, I love to trade $4 each month to get HB games I actually want instead of blindly going into the swamp :3.
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Agree with a lot of that. Just curious, when you say "trade $4 each month". Does that mean you buy the games you want on Groupbuys? Starting to feel like that is the way to go.
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Pretty much yes, but I'm also up for trading on SteamTrades, asking my friends or otherwise getting titles that I actually want and care about. Depending on whether it was standard unlock or early unlock, and whether it's good/bad game, prices usually go from $2 to $6. Compared to whole bundle you usually do pay more than the title would cost standalone if you bought entire bundle, but you're also not overpaying for titles you have not even a slightest interest about, so in the end you still save more money than getting the full bundle.
And the best part, you do not go into group buy/trade blindly. If on average you always get 1-2 monthly titles then very likely you should just get the monthly itself and trade the rest. But if like me you're getting those titles pretty rarely because you consider majority of the latest bundles to be utter trash, then you save a lot and get the titles you want anyway, because everybody trades them around. Especially early on they go very cheap, and there is no reason for me to pay $12 per bundle each month if I can spend $12 per half a year on 3-4 titles I actually care about.
HB's monthly biggest selling point is a naive hope that the games you get are good. I'm not depending on that naive hope, if they really create a bundle out of the space with every single title being top-notch, very likely I'll just buy the entire bundle from somebody for $15. Problem is, this has never happened to me before, and I can say that we're only more unlikely to see that happening in the future. At best I had 2-3 titles I wanted from a single bundle, nowadays even 1 is a huge deal. The more picky you are and the more games you skip, the more you gain from going this route. I'd probably still consider it even if I indeed grabbed good half of each bundle, just for the sake of knowing what I get and not gambling with a company that digs itself a grave with each month.
Of course there is always other side of this, where you can buy monthly and make some easy profit (most of the time) from trading with people like me, but you need to be aware that there is a huge competition, which is why the prices are pretty standarized and nobody experienced is going to overpay if he can just choose cheaper trader. This is mainly because people buy those bundles on massive scale, so you have a real surplus of trade offers, especially for games that are not the sole reason why people grabbed that bundle. I save so much on avoiding the swamp that I can afford paying a little extra while still very cheap for the games I actually want.
This is on top of the fact that this whole situation just screams big fat SCAM ALERT and eventually the bubble will blow up with IGN hoping that the frogs in the pot will not notice that they're getting cooked if you increase temperature gradually and not all at once. The money is not generated out of nowhere, every marketing step costs and eventually new customers will not be enough to pay for the quality that everybody expects. Whether it happens now, in a few months or in the next year is pretty irrelevant, but it will happen eventually, regardless of how much people want to believe otherwise and how much they're fooling themselves that this year sub for $99 is indeed of the quality of $132. Just because I'm selling used socks at $100 does not make $70 a great deal.
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Just because you have a very limited number of games you enjoy, does not make the Humble Bundle a "big fat scam alert". Jesus.
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The games I consider good have nothing to do with IGN's marketing and the grave they're digging. Monthly quality gradually decreases since their aggressive marketing, and I'm sitting here evaluating the situation, not complaining, because I was never a monthly customer to begin with (exactly because I have a very limited number of games that I enjoy).
So yes, I totally agree with you, just because I don't enjoy majority of their games do not make the HB a scam, a lot of other factors do.
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That's true, I considered subbing a few times by now just for the sake of giveaways, but in the end decided that $12 monthly can be spent on smaller amount of games that are ranked higher, and the ones I pick, rather than what I end up with. Plus I love to spend my GabeN monopoly money, it's much more enjoyable for me to grab a lot of titles during sales for friends from their wishlists rather than making giveaways of stuff that I'm not interested in. I still consider monthly very decent if you don't care about the games per-se but rather their price-to-discount ratio and a hope that they'll be decent enough - regardless if you intend to redeem them yourself or give them away, preferably both.
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Do you know how many monthlies I had basically free because I sold the games I didn't need? For me at least in most cases it would have been more expensive to buy the games I want via trading and key stores.
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oh yes i know i am doing the same, check my trade section. keep in mind though that most hb buyers don't do that and some may say reselling keys its not a nice thing to do.
I am already enjoying kingdom come deliverance from the hb promo. guess how i am going to get that money back.
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I still think that if one of the early reveals is something you really want, then it's a good deal. The rest of the games can be considered a bonus. Also, like it's already been mentioned, we're members of Steamgifts for a reason. So we can either trade or giveaway the unwanted games. Up to now, if ive purchased a monthly there has been at least 3 or 4 games I've been interested in playing. I guess that will change if the quality starts to drop off. Your comment has given me something to think about though :)
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HB is targeting the naive. Lurkers like me who hang out on forums now know better than to ever subscribe for a year, thanks to the knowledge shared here. :)
I like to think of what's happening right now being similar to the days when guys used to sell fish oil 'miracle cures' and made good money traveling from one town to the next, bamboozling each town in turn, since the towns lacked any way to quickly communicate with other towns & warn them of the 'miracle cure' scammer coming by. With the Internet, I still feel some of that is happening, when all people see is the deal on store webpages without any comments from people who were bamboozled before. Hmm, I bet someone could write a plug-in to fix that....
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Yea, quality of the monthly is all over the place these days. I skipped several months and finally unsubscribed last month.
Only game I care that I missed out on so far was Titan Quest (no one seems to want to trade it).
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I think there's a few things you're overlooking
Humbles bulk buying power is tied to subscriber count, the more unit's they are offering the dev/pub, the lower per unit price they can buy them at, so in a way they need new subscribers to offset cancellations and continue to get the lowest possible unit price.
The combination of games hidden until a later date and bundle of multiple games blur the real price the end user paid. This "lowest price ever" effect is typically why many dev's don't want to deep discount their games as it causes a strain on future sales to offer the same or greater discount. Devs can sell cheaper to be a part of the monthly because people who would've bought their game didn't know it was in the bundle until its too late. The exception to this would be traders, but I think that would be a minority.
I don't think the discount is really that big compared to the previous months, last September discount was $132 with $25 credit. Even in the most generous case the difference is $8.25~$11 a month.
Personally I bought the annual sub and I'm pretty happy with the games so far,
I don't really have time to keep up with game news nowadays, so I find the curation aspect convenient.
If I'm not happy with the preview I'll pause as that's usually the best game, but knowing I'll have 7~10 well reviewed gamed each month in exchange for about $10 is well worth it imo.
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You're also overlooking a few details:
I generally agree with you that the more subscribers the better the price, except until now everything that IGN showed us was people running away from monthly and not joining it. I don't want to be some kind of prophet and claim that what IGN is doing has to fail, because there is no any sort of guarantee that it will happen, but realistically I can analyze the situation across last few years and clearly say that people are not as enthusiastic as they were before. Whether it relates to sales, I can't say, because I don't know if IGN handles the monthly payments 1:1 for monthly content, or if they perhaps decided to cut it like in half in order to pay for their marketing, which would be pretty realistic considering how quality dropped by more or less the same. And this doesn't only relate to monthlies, normal bundles are pretty weak as well, to the point of fanatical doing better ones.
This in no way defines what you think of the bundle, or what I think of it. I already said above that the bundle might still be a great deal for people that want majority of the games inside, for one reason or another, but you can't just act like nothing is happening with people being outraged by what IGN is doing and in return providing the exact opposite of what IGN aims for. If you're happy with your purchase then who am I to tell you that you're wrong, I'm glad you consider the current way of things a "good" deal, it gives a small hope for all the people massively cancelling their subs that your annual sub will keep the snowball rolling :3.
I see absolutely no reason to pay $12 for blindly going into swamp of games that I'm not interested in, if I can grab any monthly game for bundle split price and avoid being screwed up like everybody else. I don't need to pay $12 monthly for "curation" of games, I can just, you know, look up what was bundled, pick what I actually like and get it for the same price, if not lower, either from one of the traders, or Steam during the next sale (which most of the time always follows considering people sell on gray markets and devs need to somehow catch up).
The only thing I like in monthlies is how people like you make it possible for me to grab Hearts of Iron IV for 2 TF2 keys. It's very unlikely I'd grab it that low otherwise, if it wasn't bundled in monthly together with other games I don't want :3. I already said that I'm not complaining, I'm pretty happy with the state of things, only asking myself when the snowball hits the wall.
Which is a bit sad because first monthlies didn't look like that. You paid $12 monthly and you got $12 of the content, now you pay $X monthly and you get half of that, because HB has to cover up for all the free money they offer to new subscribers in order to balance people running away exactly because of that happening. Answer yourself how much longer this can get going, and then what amount of people can get fooled to the point of subscribing again after being treated like this. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and it's a pretty normal thing that every week you see better offer for annual HB monthly, all for new subscribers, while monthly quality only goes downhill :3. I prefer to sit here and watch the world burn, while having my +$12 of monthly profit spent on games I actually want to get, not forcing myself to believe that I want the ones HB decided to bundle only to justify my own sanity.
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I think everyone will cancel their subs at the end of the 12 month period as they will wait until another promo and just create a separate account if they need to. I think humble knows about price-sensitive buyers and offers these deals not just to entice new subs but also to keep these buyers subbed one-way or another.
I agree with your notion that bundles will trend downhill if they drop the price.
I don't agree with your statement on dev preferences, but following the same logic mine is flawed too, as it's making a statement for a collection of people who value different things. But I still think your overblowing the issue of resellers. if you check g2a, they list how many sellers are offering the key and for past monthly's it's about 20~40 sellers (I checked metal gear, rise of the tomb raider, quantum break, and overwatch) and the newest release resident evil has about 55 sellers. It's doesn't show individual user stock, but I had trouble buying multiple copies of the same bundle, I can't imagine these guys are hoarding monthly bundles by the thousands especially when you can see the lifetime feedback score (number of transactions throughout g2a) isn't that impressive.
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I think everyone will cancel their subs at the end of the 12 month period as they will wait until another promo and just create a separate account if they need to. I think humble knows about price-sensitive buyers and offers these deals not just to entice new subs but also to keep these buyers subbed one-way or another.
And this will only further encourage people to never pay the full price, in result hurting the bundle quality. I think you're pretty well aware that nobody by now will buy monthly without a promo ever again. Just because you put $12 price tag there no longer means anything, and people intentionally skipping bundles to wait for a better deal will not contribute to the quality even if they double the amount of customers. This is exactly what happens with the bundles, you put your game in bundle for $1, it's bundled in $1 tier forever.
if you check g2a, they list how many sellers are offering the key and for past monthly's it's about 20~40 sellers (I checked metal gear, rise of the tomb raider, quantum break, and overwatch) and the newest release resident evil has about 55 sellers. It's doesn't show individual user stock, but I had trouble buying multiple copies of the same bundle, I can't imagine these guys are hoarding monthly bundles by the thousands especially when you can see the lifetime feedback score (number of transactions throughout g2a) isn't that impressive.
If you really think that it's only 20-40 sellers then you're underestimating the power of gray market. Check ST for just one example of the games you listed. Add to that all other gray markets, including ebays, kinguins, amazons, more shady sites, traders and everything else. No sorry, this is not my imagination. Ask any developer/publisher you want about his opinion of gray markets. If it's so "irrelevant" and so "little" people do it, then why you have a statements like those? I have so huge choice from where to get your Quantum Break that I don't even need to put effort in grabbing a copy, I could get a copy in mere seconds. Moreover, since it doesn't sell, the price usually goes down too.
You don't even have to really search too far. Look at me, I'm telling you right here that I'm not going to buy monthly because I can get any of their games at bundle split price, and I don't even need to worry about availability of those games post-bundled because of the surplus of them being available. Just because you have 20-40 offers on G2A doesn't mean that if you suddenly bought all of those 40 copies, another 20-40 wouldn't pop up - at bigger prices of course, because I already said that competition is strong enough in this segment to the point of me being crazy happy about the overall situation. Yes, people hoard on massive scale and this is not my statement, this is statement of a lot of developers/publishers that meet with the post-bundling fallout. Whether you want to actually check them out or act like it doesn't exist is your own choice though, same as whether you want to buy monthly or not. I can only try to explain to you that you're not right in your statements, with better or worse result.
All of that is the exact reason why I'm saying that it doesn't look good and at some point the smoke screen will end. Personally, considering my current situation I'd be very happy if it never happened because I'm only gaining by getting games I want even cheaper, but my brain claims inevitable. You don't have to listen to me, check opinion of all the users and make your own. I'm just one person, but the amount of people getting angry here is far bigger. Personally I hope that it'll last long, or even better, that my logic is entirely flawed and IGN's plan is actually working out. I like my cheap games.
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i like how they removed the unbundled word from monthly description
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I think it already happened a while ago. Although in this I have to agree that they're still trying and those bundles are not just rebundles of stuff that didn't sell. The problem is, future bundles are often rebundles of monthly titles, some receive heavy discounts, others are being given away for free shortly afterwards. I think that at least a good 33% of all monthly titles were rebundled or given away for free shortly afterwards, but this is pretty inevitable I guess, especially considering you already have a deal with those publishers/devs.
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Stupid question - Does this stack with the 10% off humble monthly coupons from bundles?
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Great, I can afford this 4 days after it ends. Fuck me.
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Wow, this is the first time when I actually think I'm really missing out on the deal, because of already being an annual subscriber o_O
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Because they want more customers like any business.
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Like many yearly subscription services like car insurance, gas and electricity, internet, mobile phone contracts etc, these companies don't care about loyalty and regular customers anymore. They only care about getting more customers on board. The only way to deal with them is if you are not happy is to vote with your wallet. They rely on people being lazy and staying in on their yearly subscription. The moment you start pausing your subscription or you leave, then they will make an effort to try and entice you to stay on board. its the way of the world unfortunately. Buying like you do month by month or waiting for a good deal like the 3 monthly kingdom come deliverance deal they had earlier is the way to go.
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You're right, and because they keep doing it (I mean all those companies) it keeps working or they'd stop it. (Course in most cases we can't choose Power Companies where I am - If Ever)
It's sad that the way people are so quick to protest the stupidest things, yet they fall right in line for their corporate masters.. (And yes, I voted last month with a cancel even though I had interest in Cities)
Side note: offering me like $3 after giving someone else a $60 game that's on my wishlist really feels like a second slap in the nuts. "Gee... He didn't take the couple bucks credit... Wonder why that didn't work?"
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not like its hard to create a new steam + humble account to be a new subscriber even with the same bank card, my annual expired but the way the pushing down prices and with actions like aaa games sometimes and free months it means less money to developers, for charity and the content of the monthly will be worse and worse, so not sure.
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Like any business, they are running this offer for a few days so most likely it is just a black Friday sale. Maybe people are trying to look too much into this.
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Is there a way to get this as a Gift so that this would first start with next months?
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I feel betrayed. I paid 132 euros and got the Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which has really bad reviews, not only about the game but also about their way of banning people from Discussions if their opinion is different to yours.
And now they introduce 99 euros for a year. I'd rather have that than the game. Of course the game was even for the old subscribers but what is this.
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Same, but I don't feel cheated, "Pathfinder: Kingmaker" when discounted in Europe, costs anything between 25 - 30 €, so it's almost equal in value to the 99 € deal, assuming you're interested in acquiring the game at some point, they could have offered an upgraded edition though.
Steam reviews are not "accurate" and should not be trusted, no matter the game, better read professional reviews from well-reputed gaming websites. The game was riddled with bugs, but the same could be said about many great RPGs, when the game is in a more stable state, it'll be the best C-RPG we've had in years.
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Just asking, why did you feel the best time to buy a year old sub is when they are giving a game with "really bad reviews, banning people from Discussions" as the sole reward while they had multiple rewards for different subscriptions multiple times?
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Just bought a gift for my cancelled main-account with a secondary email. Worked like a charm.
Too bad I forgot to use my referral link. That would've been another 4,50€, but whatever.
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It's really funny reading all of the comments with people crying about the price only being for new subscribers.
Do you people also cry cause spotify, amazon, hbo, netflix and every other streaming service keeps doing "try 1-3 months for free" or "pay for 1 month get 3 free" and it's only new subscribers?
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I pay for hbo nordic 4-6 months each year to watch game of thrones & west world.
Also even if humble did shitty stuff last year (what did they do? other than sell themselves to ign?), it really doesn't have much to do with people crying just cause a deal is for new subscribers only.
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I actually thought my cable company was pretty shitty for doing that until recently, when they called to tell me my introductory period was coming up for renewal and offered me the new subscriber price again.
It was costing me a lot more than an extra $33 a year though, lmao.
However, Humble could also offer the rate to current subscribers to keep them subbed for another year. That knife cuts both ways.
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No biggie, in Humble you can create a new account with new email, in any of "free for period of time" services you just need a new credit card, which nowadays is super easy to get. No biggie in any of them if they want "new customers" instead of keeping database nice and neat with less polluting traffic between bunch of "same same but different" people.
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Being eligible for this would have convinced me to resubscribe. Oh well...
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I got a few questions, hoping someone of you can answer them:
1, in their FAQ they say that a gifted monthly (1 month - no word regarding 1 year subscriptions) does not renew but simply ends after that one month. If I buy this annual subscription and redeem it myself with the same account I bought it with, will it also end automatically after 12 months?
2, in case that's an issue for 1, - would it be beneficial to buy it from a secondary account created to gift it to the main humble bundle account? Beneficial as in that the subscription will automatically end.
3, with subscriptions that you've received as a gift, can you still pause it?
4, do you have to start resuming a paused subscription when the new preview is out to receive these preview games or do you have to resume at least 7 days before? I'm a bit confused regarding at what time you have to resume to actually get the bundles that you want.
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If you buy the annual subscription as a gift instead of directly and redeem the giftlink they sent to you on yourself, it will tack 12 months of credit to the account it was redeemed to and unless you pause some months, means it will end automatically after 12 months with no fear of you getting auto charged for renewal. Of course if you pause, the time will be extended, just think you have 12 months of credit you can pause unpause whenever.
You can buy it as a gift on your main account just fine and then just redeem it to yourself to prevent autocharge upon renewal, but this offer is only for new subscribers so you wouldn't be getting this offer on your main account anyway unless you have never subscribed to the Humble monthly before.
Yes, see 1. However if you currently are not subscribed, it will automatically start, meaning the first month of said gift subscription will redeem MGS V & Cities Skyline + the rest of the monthly games on December 7. If you do not wish to get this, do not redeem your gift subscription yet.
When you pause right now, you pause for the current monthly, in this case, the MGS V & Cities skylines month, which is the December monthly. If you do not unpause before the rest of the monthly games are revealed on the 1st friday of December, you will not get it ever. However, when the new monthly games come out after this one (the January ones), your subscription will automatically unpause itself. You will then get January's monthly games when they reveal on the 1st friday of January.
7 days prior to the first friday of every month is called the auto-charge day, where anyone that has not paused their subscription will automatically unlock the preview games and the rest of the monthly once the month ends. This means nothing to someone who wants the monthly anyway but for those that didn't actually want it, it will be too late to pause now.
If my explanation on this isn't clear, here is a more helpful link straight fro Humble Bundle itself regarding when to pause: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000303608-Humble-Monthly-How-to-Pause-#when-to-pause
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Many thanks for all the information!
I already found the answer to a follow up question in the FAQ at the bottom of your link: To skip multiple months, one has to manually re-pause again as the pause gets automatically un-paused after a month.
Just to make sure I got it right:
To get a subscription that ends automatically I should get it as a gift and redeem it myself. To not get the current MGS V & Cities Skylines bundle I have to only redeem it the first time I see games in an early unlock that I actually want (which could be in December or in January... or is there a limit for how long a gift can stay un-redeemed?).
To only get those bundles that I want I simply pause the subscription and whenever there's games that I'd like to have in the early unlock I un-pause the subscription, get the early unlocks and pause it again right after revealing/redeeming the early unlocks. I'll still get the rest of the bundle once the bundle ends. And then I keep it manually paused on a monthly basis until there's again games that I'd like to have. I have to pause it though before the last Friday of a month at the latest or else I'll automatically get the next month's bundle.
Is that about right or are there any misconceptions?
According to their support page I can pause a month until its last Friday - but then how does the early unlock work? Do I have to click something like a "redeem early unlocks" to get them? Because if I automatically get the early unlocks, how would I be able to pause that same month if I don't like any of them? That's what's still confusing me. [EDIT: Found the answer to this question here]
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Yep just redeem the giftlink when you see early unlocks you want, a gift can stay un-redeemed indefinitely and should not have any expiry dates on when you want to use it.
You also got it right that you have to keep pausing it manually every month and just unpause if you like a month's early reveals. There is a button to redeem early unlocks to get them early than the autocharged date. When you click that button and get the games, pausing right after will instead pause you for January's games, not December. Here is a screenshot attached of mine when I try to pause (I already got the early unlocks). Edit: It uh sounds confusing when I read it lol so uh I think it's safer to just pause after a monthly has been released if you do not like the new reveals.
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That picture link of yours doesn't seem to work.
Anyways, once again thank you for taking the time answering all my questions! To thank you for that: Welcome on my Whitelist.
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I uploaded to imgur so hopefully it should work but tbh it will probably just confuse you haha: https://imgur.com/a/AU2T9yA
Oh and thank you for the heart <3
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Hmmm, I had bought single months 3 times. I HB finally got me with this deal, but I guess I'm not considered a new customer and the deal doesn't apply to me. I don't get the good value offer and they continue to just get about a month per year from me :)
It's a lose-lose situation...
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Don't see anyone putting up any mention of this here so might as well. It doesn't affect me as I'm not a new subscriber but it would be great to those that haven't subscribed before I guess.
P.S. Discount coupon shows up at checkout if you are eligible. It will show $132 until then. Also it works with gifting the yearly if you just want to get the promo but don't want the current month games.
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