When I was a noob and first posted there, I had an influx of people looking for particular games that were selling for high prices on G2A and places like that. Honestly, I'd check their G2A price. Know where you stand. People will try to trade you a low-value bundle game (because it's been bundled many times) but might have an equal price to yours on Steam, then turn around and make a €10 profit on the game they got from you. Steamtrades is full of low-ballers, so be careful.
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You've guessed it right, most of the giftlink buyouts of what is considered triple-A or well known and sought for indies are for reselling on g2a etc. But it isn't uncommon to be requested giftlink even from nonresellers as it's little bit safer (no risk of used key). In general, after cross region steam gifting ban it went a little south, there's a lot of people purely for profit instead of convenient game swap, it's almost impossible to get "priced" offers as everyone seems to try to flip bundles for at least double the direct buy price.
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Looks like you might have hit the nail on the head with g2a. Looking at the cost on g2a it seems like people are trying to get me to trade games that are $8 on g2a for games that are $2 on g2a.
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Pretty much. I was in the middle of a trade and the guy was like "actually, I think you're getting a better deal here, can you throw in another small game?" I said no. I pointed out to him that the game he was getting was selling for $8 dollars on G2A and the one I was getting was selling for $4. I was willing to give him this only because the other valuable games in the same trade were pretty even with him getting a slightly better deal with those as well. He was like "okay then." lol.
I stopped trading there for now though because I found the people there quite... meh. You are probably better off approaching newer traders who are more likely to be looking for games they can play. They are the ones most likely to go for fairer trades. ;)
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Agree, i trade over there and generally look for traders with less than 100 rep. if they have 1500, I don't even bother making an offer. I'm not looking to make a profit, just to trade for something else.
It was pretty good, when i first joined to get all the games i missed out on for the last few years, but now I'm lucky to make 2 trades a month.
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It's so hard to know what games are priced at that now I only look at those with price charts so that it's easier to know how much to offer. Gift links are much safer no matter who you're trading with and especially for those with low "steamtrade rep", so it might not be that they're reselling but to be sure that they're getting a good key. Of course for good/bigger titles, they can simply be resellers. If you just want to trade for games you want, barter vg is probably easier than steamtrades.
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Yea if someone asks for a giftlink it means they don't plan to redeem it right away and are probably planning to resell it.
If you want to trade games without thinking about grey-market prices then you'll have the best chances with new traders.
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some of them requesting gift links (implying they plan to retrade them)?
I just want to get rid of stuff I'm not that interested in.
You'll have to make a choice there: do you want to just get rid of stuff, or do you want to maximize "profits" while getting rid of stuff? If you just want to get rid of stuff, I'd say don't bother with that. If you want to maximize profits, I guess you'll have to look into "grey areas" that others already referred to. It's work, and perhaps more risky, so I guess that's why there are some margins involved... Personally, I can't be bothered so I just give my leftovers here, or sometimes I trade them on Steam forums if I can't afford the loss.
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Giftlink preference is normal as not only for reselling, but also if the trader plans on gifting it to a friend/here on steamgifts.
As for value, G2A is a pretty good indication as everyone else says. Also one thing anyone should realize as well is that if you wish to trade your bundled stuff for something that has never been bundled before in your wishlist, you will always expect to 'overpay' for the other trader's profit, as no one really will be willing to buy such games without some kind of profit to themselves.
Bundled game for bundled game, however, you can justify trade value equality with their G2A prices fine.
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Made a profile. Interface is super confusing to me. But I set myself to availavble. I'll mess with figuring out how to send offers later. Happy cake day btw.
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barter's match system is great, and there I don't have to deal with "Anything in my list for your game X [because I won't use the text compare tools you link to]?"
Barter is an eye sore, but it is pretty easy to use and no worse than craigslist IMO.
I'll still use ST for Humble Monthly games since sometimes that has yielded some fairer value-based trades that don't fixate on supply & demand regardless of grey market value.
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is funny how users talking about fairness and G2A prices to check, let's buy bundle for 10 bucks and trade or sell it for 60 bucks it's fair
no G2A price isn't fair, did you paid 60 dollars? No you paid 10 so asking 10 dollars just for one game from all isn't fair.
I don't really understand to logic of guys who telling you to check G2A? Fairness as long as it's good for them only.
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G2A actually pretty consistently plays by free market rules...
Can you try to sell a $10 bundle for $60? Sure you can.
Will you sell it for $60? Hell no! Because someone else will offer it for 55$. and the someone will offer it for $50. and so on, until it's sold for almost no profit for $15.
Now you'll say: How can you call it "no profit" if it's sold for $5 more than it was bought?! That's 50% profit right there!
Well, that's easy. Because the seller is not getting $15 the buyer pays. G2A takes 11% cut from every sale, that's $1.65 right there. And every time you post a key, that costs you 0.15 Euro. And if the key sells that's another 0.15 Euro. So if a seller bought a 10 game bundle, and is selling it on G2A, he pays $3.40 to G2A for placing & selling the keys. In addition to $1.65 G2A fee. So the seller only gets $9.95 for a $10 bundle. Even though the buyers paid $15 for it.
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I NEVER sell my games... but... someone openly mocked me for one of my earlier trades on ST. I don't use the G2A to ask for that amount, only to judge value of my game vs value of what game they are offering me. I think this is sensible to avoid assholes. That has no baring on final funds they get from G2A if they sell it.
I gave a one-time bundled game away for a many-time bundled game because at the time, I didn't understand bundles and just wanted that game. This other trader was like "you clearly didn't care about value there, did you?" If I had known that I would be laughed at for this, I would have held out for a better deal. I wasn't really a PC gamer until last year. I only had a few games on Steam and had previously played on PS4 and Xbox. Since that, I decided I would not get duped again. I have become aware of bundles and their value. Why do I care? Because, why should I let someone else take advantage of me and make a massive profit off of my idiocy? I'd rather give them away for free to people that will play them, than fund asshattery. If I wanted my games to be sold for a big profit on a grey market site, I'd sell them myself. Now, if I ever do trade for a game on ST, it will be because I want something in particular and they won't be making 10+ dollars profit off me. I check the grey market sites so that I am aware of what I'm doing.
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What the user above me tried to tell in much more pleasant terms, the meta of SteamTrades is who gets to be the bigger asshole who manages to out-asshole the other. Even if your trading partner is actually a very pleasant person and a good guy/gal otherwise, trading there is an asshole-off. Trading on SteamTrades is like playing DayZ in this regard.
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mostly useless, full with resellers who want to rip you off and very few real buyers or traders. barter.vg was better some time but its now full with resellerstoo, whose spamoffering tier1 crap or other low bundle games for your unwanted tier3 or expensive monthly game.
Sometimes still possible to get real offers tho, but if a game got bundles more than twice you probably can throw that game key out.
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pretty sure it's because I'm a noob but I don't really care for g2a and this "grey market", and instead just go visit isthereanydeal and check to see if a game has been bundled, and then check how much it is on steam for a regular price, and consider how high priority it is for me/how high demand on ST, and then decide on how much it really is worth, personally.
So overall it's more of a "personal worth" thing for me. must be because I'm a noob
oh, and also may be because there's no PayPal in my region so I don't care about PayPal prices/g2a prices...
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I read here some weird arguments. First of all I just can give you the advice to trade with reliable Traders with high +rep, too many of those new accounts are just made to try scamming noob Traders, so be careful. And if someone is only online with his mobile it´s safe to trade with giftlinks, because the Trader owns the link after clicking the link and can redeem it later and the 2nd thing why some prefer giftlinks is just because Humble gives you a Region lock warning if there is any, lock but doesn´t by revealing the key, so thats also safer. Ofc there are some Resellers, but it´s easy to find out just by Looking into their threads and reading some comments. Oh, and for the Price... yep g2a is a good place to check the Prices, but Overall if its ok for you and the other Trader and everyone gets something he/she wants everything is fine..
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Wouldn't even waste your time. Unless you want to be lowballed and offered games worth 1-2$ for games that are 10-20$
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I used the site ages ago but haven't in awhile. I just set up a new trade lists and have lots of people offering me trades for 7 days to die and outlast 2. And some of them requesting gift links (implying they plan to retrade them)?
Is there some sort of trade "meta" where these games are valuable? I know some people get really into min-maxing trades for ultimate value. I just want to get rid of stuff I'm not that interested in.
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