Honestly, that's the sort of microtransactions that I don't mind as long as it's for single player modes only and stuff that people can indeed obtain via normal gameplay. No one has to buy such things but they can be ideal for people who have more limited time to be able to play the game.
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yeah but then that leads to more stupid mico transactions
and it is a safe bet that it will unlock everything from the start online and offline kinda like the dlc did for Saints Row III it busted the game and to me having a dlc that unlock everything is just a way to charge for a cheat because now you could end up playing with someone who has everything unlocked
like i said how long will it before you need real money to throw fake money in the game??
DLC was meant too add real value to the game not unlock crap that is already there
how long before you buy a game and then you need to pay to enter the other half of it lol
Rage took about 10 hours to beat cost 59.99 that is 6 dollars for every hour of game play
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And I can tell you missed the whole point of my comment. Did you miss the "for single player modes only" and "can obtain via normal gameplay" parts? Everything you mention is not covered by what I agree with.
To give an example of what I agree with, one game I have 100%ed on my Vita is Conception II. That game has some DLC packs to get some classes and costumes. While the classes definitely are needed for a trophy, the DLC basically adds a quest to go hunt a monster that will always drop the item and the monster would be specially marked as a quest target. Basically it turned a quest that was somewhat annoying into one that was really easy. The game is single player only, no online components. The DLC for this was also held off from being put out until the weeks after release as well so that no one could use it to grab a top spot on online leaderboards on sites like truetrophies and such. That is a good way to do it because those DLC do shave off some hours of 100%ing the game without making it completely easy
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you say i missed your point and i guess you missed mine so we are even
as this is what i said ..
and it is a safe bet that it will unlock everything from the start online and offline kinda like the dlc did for Saints Row III it busted the game and to me having a dlc that unlock everything is just a way to charge for a cheat because now you could end up playing with someone who has everything unlocked
i said it is a safe bet that it will be for ONLINE AND OFFLINE so yes i did see what you said about offline only but i doubt it would be offline only so that was my point
the whole point was it unbalances the game ....as there is no need to play the game to earn the gear...sure you have the option to not buy it,but then you have to waste how many hours unlocking it while the others from day one have everything in short it is a cheat
everyone should have to earn what they get in game and not buy something to unlock everything just because there are lazy gamers with money because they have nothing better to do but waste all there money on stupid dlc and when they are retired the only thing they will have to show for there money is a pile of worth dlc for 10,000 games
like i said it will not be long and you will have to pay 5.99 for dlc to throw money in game to distract guards and stupid crap like that,this is worse then horse armor for Oblivion but at least at that time DLC was new and they did make it right by lowering the price of it,and you could get it through mods anyhow
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There's no multiplayer this year. Only CO-OP. So it will affect you positively if someone pays.
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There will be both PvP and co-op multiplayer modes in Unity.
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The last two games in the series have had PvP modes, and I would certainly be surprised if Ubisoft did anything that didn't follow the norm. That being said, I'm just hypothesizing.
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"how long before you buy a game and then you need to pay to enter the other half of it lol"
It's been around for a long time. Ever heard of Shareware?
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What he is saying is, Oh look, $60 to buy a game. After completing 60ish% Oh, Please pay $40 to access this super exclusive content (That was included with the game from day 1)
I really don't mind a DLC that helps people fast track their crap. Cool, they want to go about it the cheatsydoodle way. Whatever. Not my issue. But I can see how it easily can get out of hand.
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It was included in your CD, not in your code. You don't own what the CD gives, you own what you bought, the codes.
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I'd start wondering about that if Square/Enix started doing it because they are infamous for the stupidly rare shit that takes forever to find. Most other games are reasonably fair.
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never played to many Square/Enix games but i know FF can be one heck of a grind
and i know a lot people disliked Dead Island Epidemic i liked it as i thought it would make a nice quick in and out co-op game that was not to hard,but the real kicker is how many hours you have to log just to gain 1 level,or pay real money to unlock stuff .....pretty telling you that if you do not pay you do not play as i had logged 2 hours and still yet to unlock level 2 so i can make custom weapons
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Hey man, 95% of us pirate it anyways, might as well let them charge us.
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Right, well the "5%" who don't should have to pay more to make up for the piracy of everyone else. Sound logic.
Its even sillier because no one wants to pirate Ubisoft games anyways, they suck most of the time on PC.
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I know, but the COO, I think, of Ubisoft Montreal went on record saying the F2P is the way to go since 95% of gamers pirate games anyways.
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Yeah. Especially the people who are supposed to be smart, the business execs.
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Why would you not be able to? If anything they will be unlocked at start or through a command.
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Quite a few reasons. You still cheat, which means you will feel bad in the end. If you don't, then apparently you aren't a true gamer. (Fact) Also, it's an even more pathetic cheating. Not only do you NOT pay for the game, but you also dare to cheat... That makes you pathetic. (Fact & Logical)
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You really really need to look up the definition of Fact.
Because everything you say is truly an opinion, which is fine really....but its not a fact.
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lol... is this going to be the next "literally?" Where everyone starts using fact to mean "my incredibly important opinion that supersedes yours?"
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Actually its really common in the ghetto now, I live sorta close to those places, people now end sentences with fact when its an opinion, example: "This shit is the best, FACT". It sorta feels like when they end a comment with "No homo" if anyone recalls that.
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Fuck that. Not to be one of those language purists, but you can't entirely pervert the meaning of a word to mean the direct opposite.
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Eh, didn;t even get Black Flag yet, don't care really...
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Black Flag was actually really well done. It was the first AC game I ever played but I was hooked on it. Sailing that ship is tons of fun :)
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assassin's creed II and brotherhood still the best though
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Honestly I feel weird giving them money after I got boned on Watch_Dogs....gonna make getting Far Cry 4 and really self hating decision.
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Haha yeh, I can understand that. At least the AC games drop in price so fast once the next one is out you could likely grab it for $10 or less shortly after Unity comes out.
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Black Flag is a fun game, but the worst optimized ever.
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If you really didn't care, you wouldn't bother to post! You do care, and quite a lot I have to say! Ah well.. What do you expect.
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You got me!
I care dearly, some day I wish I can become an assassin in the past.
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That Ubisoft. Sometimes I wish we could rewind back 10-15 years and escape the micro-transactions and DLC altogether. I miss simple and straightforward expansion packs.
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Indeed. The simple expense of manufacturing a heap of boxed discs meant that any addition to the game was going to be significant, not just a scabby old Hawaiian shirt skin or a snivelling XP boost.
Digital distribution has been awesome in many ways, but the ease at which customers can now be nickel and dimed by unscrupulous companies is most definitely not one of them.
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I assume it'll just be like the previous game where you can buy the multiplayer iunlocks early. Wasn't much of a problem in black flag.
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I mind that there will be micro transactions.
FFS. It is almost like this AAA big budget title that has been in development for a long time suddenly decided to go the way of mobile games you find on the app store. "PAY US THIS AMOUNT OF MONEY SO YOU CAN SKIP THIS LEVEL." WOW. SHELLING OUT MORE MONEY SO I DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME I BOUGHT TO PLAY THE DAMN GAME. JEEZ.
Yes. I needed it to be in caps. Imagine me yelling my lungs out on that one.
It is almost like they want us to hate them.
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Not a problem for me as long as it really doesn't impact gameplay.
Nothing tells us that the game is no different from if it didn't have micro-transactions.
I fear as usual that the unlocks would become harder to reach than with a game without micro-transactions, just for the sake of making those appealing, now matter how small the grin is.
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+1, Piratebay,Zamunda,Kickass ... Fuck EA, Fuck Ubisoft.
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"Fuck EA, Fuck Ubisoft"
Then don't play their games. That's like saying that if your boos doesn't give you the salary after a month of hard working everything is ok.
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Assassin's Creed Unity is not interesting me really, overpriced, useless expensive Season Pass as usually in games latest years, location is Europe again, I'm really tired of seeing Europe in Assassin's Creed games, even AC 3 was Europe related, it's just getting boring, they also released 2 non story related AC games this year, to make franchise dying sooner seems, by this way AC franchise gonna die, when Ubisoft decides to make something "new"(stupid) like they did with Prince Of Persia "4" and the franchise just went to hell.
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Unity costs as much as any AAA game, so it's not overpriced at all. The Season Pass costs just like any game's Season Pass too, and it's also on a discount if you pre-order it. If you don't pre-order it, you can get it after a couple of months for ~10% cheaper. AC3 wasn't Europe related at all. Europe is not used much in the gaming industries either, and each country has a unique building type. I see no reason to bother about that. If they went in Asia, you would STILL whine.
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Not really "as much as any AAA game" the PC games price used to be 50€, but now when greedy EA, Ubisoft, Activision and others come, seems it will be 60€. Seems every year price of video games(full price) continue increasing, not only by the base game, but by Season Pass, non Season Pass DLCs, Gold Editions, etc.
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Have you thought that all the world is related to Europe? Like it is to all major continents?
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Ubisoft might not be popular, but they are catching onto the market. For better or worse, the PC gaming money is in micro-transactions. However, most of those games are (theoretically) free to play. A lot of them are hobbleled to unplayability unless you pay, but that's neither here nor there.
In this case, the Ubisoft's problem is they're basically trying to charge people twice for the same content.
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Now this Ubisoft criticizing LoL for monetization is even more funny. Yeah Ubisoft is a "good" example of what is correct.
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I see so many stupid comments that I want to vomit... First of all, what's the connection between DLCs and Microtransactions? Just he fact that you relate them (the ones that do that) show that you are not really smart. And since you are getting ridiculous, let me explain you something. Do you remember the time you had to buy a game for 40 Euros, and then an expansion for another 40 Euros? Now you pay a game for 40 - 60 Euros and you pay 30 - 40 Euros for the Season Pass, aka expansion, which can be bought in pieces. If you call Unity overpriced, then you are calling EVERY AAA overpriced... And don't tell me that 60 Euros for The Witcher 3 is not overpowered, but for Unity it is, because you'll get even more ridiculous. Also, do you remember the good old times when you could buy a game without the need of a serial key, but if a new edition of the game came out (director's cut, for example), you had to buy it again? Yup, now all you have to do is buy a damn DLC. Oh, and when you buy a game that has a serial key, you own what the key provides, not what the CD has. The CD is just a mass-produced CD that has all the content available on Day 1 for install. Whether you own these content is up to the key provided for the game. Otherwise you could download the game, burn it on a CD and whine that you can't play the game even though the CD has the content of the game.
Now for the microtransactions. They weren't bad in Black Flag. The worst thing possible to happen was someone that unlocked every ability by level 1. I'm not sure if you could craft them for money, but it doesn't matter. Disguise, Smoke, Bodyguard, and some other useful abilities and perks could be already unlocked by level 20, if you didn't buy any costumes, or if you bought the packs that unlocked abilities and perks as well. As for the time savers, why would anybody be bothered by that? It's like getting bothered that someone can download a 50 level save for Skyrim... So, as long as the microtransactions DON'T provide stuff you can't get, OR provide stuff you can't get but are purely cosmetic, then it's a proven fact that it WON'T affect you damn game by a single bit. Also, do you freakin' forget there's no multiplayer? There's only CO-OP... So yeah, we already know that microtransactions WON'T be a problem.
TL:DR No multiplayer this year, only CO-OP. Don't bother about things that don't affect you.
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I'm gonna buy the game, but i won't get any DLC or microtransactioned stuff.
I usually likes to enjoy the game, step by step, at my rhytmth and receive rewards from my own playing.
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So far Ubisoft has called us dirty pirates, said Riot was being too nice to the people putting food on their table, releasing PC games that don't run on the PC and then putting micro-transactions in AAA title. Did I mention that the gold edition's description on steam says you get the full experience when you buy it? Wait I thought paying $60 for the game gets me the whole experience. So now I have I pay $80 or more for a game that has little to no replay value, will most likely not run on any computer and be asked to pay more money for stuff already in the game? Honestly go fuck yourselves. You have no right to publish or create video games. Ubisoft is scum end of story.
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Here's the thing:
Why would I care if it didn't affect me anyways? Ubisoft is just trying to integrate f2p tactics to their game. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them, but what doesn't affect shouldn't bother me.
Fast tracking is already integrated in the previous AC iterations, get a map to view all chests, feathers, and etc by buying it on special shops.
Hell, they could even sell animus hacks a.k.a. cheats, outfits, hats, swag, etc.
And if they did make AC more grindy, then that is actually a plus since they are bringing difficulty back! Notice that you can buy the strongest sword in the game before half the storyline if you roam around? Notice that you rack up thousand of unusuable currency because you are just waiting for upgrades to be unlocked in stores by progressing in storyline?
Finally, If you think that you got turned off on Assassin's Creed because of Microtransactions, then I'm sure that you're one of the people that won't be buying the game anyways in the first place.
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12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
Microtransactions are an effective monetization tool in large part because they seem so innocuous. A dollar here, a dollar there—tiny amounts that nobody's going to miss, but they add up, sometimes alarmingly quickly. The free-to-play model is built almost entirely upon microtransactions and it's starting to turn up in major triple-A releases too, including Assassin's Creed Unity, which will allow players to "fast track" unlocks instead of earning them through gameplay.
Ubisoft confirmed the presence of microtransactions in Assassin's Creed Unity during a presentation at Gamescom. It didn't go into detail about how the system will work but according to Total Xbox, it seems like a fairly straightforward system of paying for immediate access to in-game gear. Senior Producer Vincent Pontbriand acknowledged that evolving industry trends have had an influence on the development of the game, but added that they won't "fundamentally change what we're trying to do."
"If we think it fits the gameplay, or the brand itself, the core values, we're willing to take those risks," he said. "If not, then not. We're not going to make any compromises."
For a closer look at the co-operative gameplay of Assassin's Creed Unity, check out our hands-on heist from Gamescom.
I wonder how long until they make the tossing coins to distract guards ability actually require YOUR own money
and here i thought EA was bad...man first they call us filthy pirates and now they want us to pay to unlock shit ahead of time
what i am wondering is who here is buying this game??
i was thinking about it some time ago but pretty much turned off now
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