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Learn respect. You don't need to believe in a religion but don't be a dick to others.
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Respect should come from both ways, think about that for a while.
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I'm not sure if you're saying that I'm being disrespectful for pointing out that saying that this thread is "religion bullshit" and that people are "sick" in a thread dedicated to those who believe in a religion is disrepectful? Or did I misinterpret your reply?
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Nope, I didn't mean to say you are disrespectful but I mean that muslims in general don't have much respect for the western way of living and other religions. And in the meantime demand us to respect their ideology. That's what I ment with respect should come from both ways.
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Ah, okay. Yes, definitely, respect should be a two-way road.
So far I've only met amazing and very respectful Muslims in my life, both online and offline, so I think this is mostly just based on generalization. Both sides always have their share of disrespectful people, it's sad that everyone can't just let each other live their life as they want. It would solve so many problems in the world.
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No need to chill, I know people don't like to read negative stuff about their ideology but it's the truth.
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My fucking hero. Made an account just so I can write this. Oh I hope that all people who believe in any religion die (Religion = mental illness). Now please everyone tell me how I will get banned from the site and how I'm a racist or something. LOL RACIST CUZ I TELL YOU YOUR RELIGION SUCKS AND ISN'T REAL HAHAHA FAGGOTS.
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That's why I switched to nihilism :)
Atheism contains worst things that I don't like in religions.
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Atheism just means you don't believe in any gods, that's it, nothing else. Anything else you believe is something separate. Most nihilists are also atheists.
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well about 9/10 of atheist imo are just anti christianity. the concept of atheism itself nowadays to me its just turned to be one of the many cog in the giant machine that globalization is
dont know man, im doubtfull even about about nihilism. not knowing how to recognize good from evil can led this society to a dead point :/
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Good and evil are rather bad as universal values. Especially because they are connected with faith/philosophy. Things are grey.
There are some rules though. We have to obey them if we want to live as a part of society. Most basically: one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated :)
I don't believe in god or any other powerful force that makes life worth living. I don't need it. But some people just need something like that in their lives. For some of them it's really important. Some are happy because of that. Who am I to judge them? Does it really matters?
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so if to pedophilia was not given a negative meaning you would accept it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
:v but yeah i got your point, much respect for it. +1
although I would not compare the concept of good and evil to the universal laws as theyr are only human related. humans are sentient beings, and above all emotional creatures. the only thing that distinguish us from wild animals
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tbh wild animals behave better in many cases xD And no - I wouldn't accept pedophilia, as it's something i wouldn't like to experience myself.
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yeah somehow, depends from case to case. its probably not that better under an humanist point of view tho :v
i like ants a lot. theyr sense of unity, theyr struggle for the only good of the entire colony. i think about this often. if we as humans would unite togheter under the guide of a mighty queen, making of progress and territorial expansion our only goals we would reach the outer space in no time
but that will never happen :v
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You photo while entertaining is not accurate.
I am an agnostic (like Neil DeGrasse Tyson) and I believe that is currently impossible to know whether there is a god or not. As in I am undecided. There could be a god just as easily as there could not be a god based on our current understanding of the cosmos. Faith is not a tangible measure of proof to sway the pendulum one way or another.
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of course. the same existence of whatever god might exist or not is not related to our understanding of what surrounds us. say that believing in a religion and in its own god its only to believe in and old bearded man living upon the cloud which spend his time decing to send mens up or down based on theyr deed during theyr life its a wrong oversemplification. religions gives you cultural identity , gives you roots, gives you values. to the straight and simple christian "do to others what you want them do for you", from the ebraic "thau shalt not kill, thau shalt not commet adultery, honor thy father and thy mother...", to the goods sharing inherent in the islam, to the pagan cult of the natural cycles. as you say faith just transcend all of that.
to me a person that believes in something "bigger than him", who has faith, rather than someone prising himself for how open minded and smart he is has an "higher gear" compared to the second ones. the worst atheist is not the one that believes in no god, is the one that see himself as god for whatever reason. at least agnostics have the benefit of the doubt
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dont worry your ban will come. we dont want racist people in steamgifts like you. respect all religion and be human
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It's not, but some people see it that way. Like some of the Serbians, for example.
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Well, actually, some countries, Greece included, use the word "racism" as a general term when someone considers a group as inferior. Like, if someone mocks fat people, he's racist. If someone mocks homosexuals, he's racist. Of course, it's not correct to use this word as a general term, but still, we use it.
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Eid Mubarak, may this special time be marked with joy and warmth for all those celebrating!
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