I'm playing Nuclear Throne right now and holy heck the game is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!#)$#)$(@)($. You'll die a lot tho, so prepare for that :P
The thing is if you want to get Nuclear Throne, go to some trade sections because it was in Humble Monthly before so the price would not be as pricey as Steam right now.
I haven't played Enter the Gungeon to give you any opinions on that :P
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Nuclear Throne is fine, though pretty hard to be honest, and even as I'm good at these kinds of games, maybe a little too hard. But it's definitely fun.
But don't get it at full price, it was discounted heavily so many times, I don't get why it doesn't have any discount - it was already in a humble monthly, so maybe you can get a copy for cheaper than store's price. If you want to buy from Steam, I would suggest Enter the Gungeon, if NT won't get discounted.
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Nuclear Throne is a notch easier than Gungeon because the N. Throne enemies are one hit kills or take less hits to kill than Gungeon enemies. Also your monster character can regen health and ammo through skills that are given every few levels. Nuclear Throne is a choice I would go for if you are just starting roguelites because the game is not hard to demoralize your mood, but still fun in a challenging way. Plus, you can get the game cheaper than Enter the Gungeon right now.
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Consider wishlisting NeuroVoider too :)
I only own Enter the Gungeon out of the two, but it's solid, though quite difficult to get good at. It's definitely far more difficult than Binding of Isaac. Still...quite fun, and you can tell from just about everywhere that it's pretty damn well-made :)
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A mod called "Nuclear Throne Together" has been recently released for Nuclear Throne (duh), adding Steam-based online multiplayer and a replay function, also improves the coop and fixes some bugs.
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I own both, I love both, I've played +250h of Nuclear Throne and almost 100h of Enter the Gungeon. If you like that kind of game, you should get both.
Enter the Gungeon is more "polished." It has so many more details in every room, characters, sidequests, weapons and items and gives more motivation to play over and over again. On the other side, just like Binding of Isaac, your runs are more dependent of luck. Depending on what weapons and pickups you randomly get, it can get almost impossible to beat, or be a walk in the park.
For that reason, I like Nuclear Throne more. It has less guns, less levels and variety, but it's almost purely skill-based. The RNG isn't as much of a factor, and the way to progress is not to hope to get a badass gun in one of the first levels, but to just "git gud" at it.
Still, they're pretty close to each other.
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I got them both. They are both very good games but the big difference of both games are:
They are both difficult and you will die, die a lot. :)
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Can't say a word about both of 'em but give Dungeon of the Endless a try
Also with rogue-lite roots but with tower defense / rts elements mixed into. A strange but very convincing mix for me. Could be come cheap if you go for trades as it was featured in the last HumbleMonthly. Also to be had on the usual key selling sites for little coin. Similiary as with NuclearThrone.
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One of the main appeal of Nuclear Throne is that even if you suck badly at action games (like I do) each characters basically turn the game into a new variant, depending on your current mood.
Want to play cautious and plan your every moves? Try Eyes or Crystal. Want to go for a power build? Here comes Robot and Yung Venus.
Want a mindless shooter of pure adrenaline? Pick Steroid.
It's an incredible game, that is still awesome even despite it's numerous crippling bugs. Not a day go without me playing it even just to chill. And the game is so feel good I never ragequitted it either.
Can't recommend it enough.
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I haven't played Nuclear Throne yet, but I sunk over 200 hours into Enter The Gungeon and I gotta tell you... It's the game of the year for me. It brought back the joy of gaming for me. Seriously. My favorite game of the last decade.
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Ever since you mentioned it I've been debating if I should get it when I get paid. It's £8 here but I've never played the genre so idk D:
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Seriously, get it. Do it. I've played a bunch of rogue-likes, but Gungeon is different from all of them. It has little quests and lots of stuff to discover. Progression really has a meaning here except than just getting achievements. The sense of discovery remind me of games like zelda and such, where you didn't have a wiki to answer everything you don't understand.
It is challenging at first and other than Isaac it does reward skill over getting overpowered items. Like for example you get extra health if you beat a boss without taking damage, whereas you have like a 70% (feels like that to me) chance to get a HP upgrade in Isaac for beating a boss, no matter how much damage you take. :D
Ssseeerrrrriooooouuusssslllyyyy this game is so good! :3
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Ah you are convincing me! I was a little itimidated by the difficult tag which made me want to get Isaac to introduce me to the genre. But it does sound like the better option. Since you have played other rogue-likes I think I'll just need to trust you!
Ah fuck it I'll get it xD
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It is hard, but you just have to pay attention to the different enemy types and their attack patterns. I remember how intimidated I was when I made it to the second chamber and now it's the easiest thing to do. :D
ISaac would indeed be easier, but I played Vanilla Isaac and when I recently begun playing Rebirth (Which has a lot of the same content as Vanilla Isaac) it felt like a breeze.
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Damn you, I'm destroying my wallet this summer :3
Yeah I think once I learn the ins and outs I'll be fine! I'm sure once I sink some hours into it I'll be breezing through those chambers also :D
I thought about just playing Rebirth, if I have extra cash I may just pick up a copy of it also in case I want to feel better abut my skill ;-;
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Hello gamers. I really like both of this games and roguelikes at all. Can you give me your thoughts about these games?
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