Hello, I'm bored and I've been trying to use a different font for my username. I've been messing around with the character map. However when I try to change my username the font is still the same. I've seen people with different fonts as their username before. Could anyone offer me some insight?

P.S I'm talking about steam not this site.


8 years ago

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steam supports only Unicode font.
use this web page, chnage "hello" to anything you want.
every text you see there will be accepted by steam as you see it

8 years ago

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Thank you.

8 years ago

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you can't changee the font used, you change the characters. you can use this guide or this one. there are probably more if you google it.

8 years ago

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Ah, thank you. I was just trying to change my font. I wasn't using any special characters. I'll check that out thanks!

8 years ago

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