PETA have slammed the inclusion of whaling in Assassins Creed IV.

Obviously this isn't the sort of acceptable whaling that goes on nowadays (solely for scientific research), but the mean 18th century sort, that was all about cruelty and making money.

Where should the line of acceptability be drawn in games? Is it acceptable to kill rats? Or whales? Or civilians in an airport?

1 decade ago*

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Oh god.. are they serious? It's a freaking game! Games don't make people kill whales ! XD

1 decade ago

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People used to kill whales? My god! Is that true? My professors at PETA University told me that it was a myth. And there were laws in place to execute anyone who even mentioned whale killing.

1 decade ago

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Let's put PETA in a cage with leopards, let's see the fight :3

1 decade ago

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What about worms? One can kill virtual animals by controlling virtual animals. One can even blow up sheeeep!

You think it is wrong to kill virtual animals in games, but have no problem in killing virtual people? Hmmmm makes you think . . . I think: if it is virtual, I do not care.

1 decade ago

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If they think what happens to whales is bad, give them fifteen minutes with a Dwarf Fortress player. Just the things we do to cats alone, makes anything done in Assassins Creed look like child's play.

PETA seems to be more focused these days on perceived threats to VIRTUAL animals, than they are real animals. Then again, they never really helped animals in the first place.

What they really care about is their own self-centered world view. They want the world to be just like them, and they will try to bully, brainwash, and guilt people into their way of thinking. They don't want people to own animals as pets, they don't want animal assistance for the disabled, and they don't want animals to be used as food. It isn't out of reverence for these animals, PETA kills far more animals than they help, it is out of wanting to control people.

Why should you listen to a group who calls for the halting of medical testing on animals, which contains most of the medical research field, when their president is diabetic and would have likely been long dead had it not been for the advances in medicine that they oppose? Oh, and that insulin she takes contains-- last time I checked-- animal products which she is against using... but does so anyway. Seems like one massive, unfunny joke to me.

Personally, when I see a PETA ad or news story... it makes me want a hamburger.

1 decade ago

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Games has included animals and people getting killed since the dawn of gaming. Making accuses of example animal cruelty in games now is just silly and most likely only a publicity stunt.

1 decade ago

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I think they should turn their attentions to more.... Corporeal happenings. Trying to extend their influence over every animal related matter just makes them seem ridiculous. Were real whales harmed to make this game happen? I would think not. Did whaling actually happen in history? Oh yes, definitely. Does this game glorify whaling? I'm pretty sure we're safe to assume it does not. Doing this sort of thing only gives them bad press imo; when I first learned about PETA, it was news of this sort of rubbish shenanigans and not of what they're actually doing to remedy animal cruelty.

But yea, DonVino has a point too. It could all be douchebaggery in journalism.

1 decade ago

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they should change their name to PETP aka People for the Ethical Treatment of Pixels

1 decade ago

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This is the comment of the day, well done sir.

1 decade ago

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+1 for you!

1 decade ago

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hmmm whats worse killing whales in assaasins creed or shooting innocent bystanders in grand theft auto games. Hmmm I know nethier since there just games and no one is really dieing!

1 decade ago

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WTF does peta care? It's a video game. It's not like there are any REAL LIVING ANIMALS getting hurt, and nobody is going to run out and start slaying whales after playing the video game. All these politically correct jerkoffs are turning everyone into a bunch of pussies.

1 decade ago

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This is where you are wrong sir. I most certainly WILL be starting a motley crew of sailors to specifically start slaying whales. This goes without saying I am just kidding. But, I'm 99% sure the games focus is not whaling. Its just a side thing to do away from the main story. So I dont know what they are all up in arms about. People killed whales before PETA. Get over it.

1 decade ago

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PETA is right, some games are educating today's young people to hack and slash animals.
Why wouldn't they make the game story so that you need to protect animals instead of slaughtering them.

1 decade ago

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you was complete right friend, but that why we have ESRB , you see, when you are at some age, all of those violence, killing mean nothing, because you know it not real

1 decade ago

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You own Skyrim with 150+ hours.. I'm sure you never accidently shot an animal and let it run away and suffer. Or even use it for potions.

1 decade ago

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I quote from wikipedia: "Tu quoque (Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a LOGICAL FALLACY that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency, and not the position presented,[2] whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit their position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument.[3] To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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you rule!
that's the shit

1 decade ago

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In SOTMC you can also force your horse to trip over every obstacle, make him pull really heavy cart (without wheels) so thats definitely cruelty and this game should never be released...

1 decade ago

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Don't forget the horses that are on fire. I have somewhere a demotivator of the flaming horse pulling a heavy load and it's captioned "Animal Cruelty".

1 decade ago

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They will never stop my skyrim character from punching horses in the face. NEVER.

1 decade ago

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+1, I play Oblivion just for the thrill of boxing the local wildlife.

1 decade ago

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Pff, punching is for wussies. FIRE IS THE REAL DEAL!!!
And don't forget to raise it as a zombie and DO IT AGAIN!!! XD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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to me , it more like public stunt than markerting

1 decade ago

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It's just a damn game... animal violence is present in a lot of games but as always they'll just bite one of the games and start condemning it. Pathetic.

1 decade ago

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PETA needs to go after the real whale killers instead of crying about a game.
It's a game, nothing is real in it.
Just some pixels that are removed by other pixels.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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The whale killers should go after PETA. A mob of stupidity harassing people working to feed their families.

1 decade ago

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Its freaking video game violence.

Why haven't they complained about many other games with animal violence?

I love my pets and any animal I come across, but I know the difference between reality and virtual.

1 decade ago

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In Hotline Miami you kill dogs.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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If peta only knew how many skag's heads I've exploded with my trusty Jakobs sniper rifle...

1 decade ago

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I think it's not much different if you kill animals or people in games. Come on, it's virtual reality, nobody is getting hurt in real life. There are always these people who think playing violent games makes the player necessarily turn into a mass-murderer later, but that is not the case. The vast majority of gamers realize well games are just fiction, they allow you to do and experience things you wouldn't or couldn't otherwise do. The people who take great influence from games are usually children who are too young to understand life (and maybe should not be playing) or people who have mental issues. Healthy and sane people don't take games seriously.

1 decade ago

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Oh my god, i just kill bunch of police officer today (just check what i just play and you understand) i will grab a shotgun and rob a bank tomorrow, cuff me before it too late

1 decade ago

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gasp ban all video games, they turn people violent!! :O

1 decade ago

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What I say, Shut up PETA. Its a video game. Whats next? Your gunna hate on every game? They are a Game!!!

1 decade ago

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I don't want to hunt whales.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AtomicWoodchuck.