PETA have slammed the inclusion of whaling in Assassins Creed IV.

Obviously this isn't the sort of acceptable whaling that goes on nowadays (solely for scientific research), but the mean 18th century sort, that was all about cruelty and making money.

Where should the line of acceptability be drawn in games? Is it acceptable to kill rats? Or whales? Or civilians in an airport?

1 decade ago*

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Honestly, if I were to make a game the first people I would piss off is PETA for free marketing even though animals are awesome.

1 decade ago

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PETA should first stop mass-murdering thousands of adoptable pets in their so-called shelters and then talk about the representation of a historically documented activity in a video game. Damn hypocrites and money grabbers, that's all they are.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I dont give a f*ck about Animals in videogames. I kill all Animals with every Weapon. I dont care if they burn or they bleed to death! Why? Beause these "Animals" are made up of binary codes and graphics!!! PETA should do about animal cruelty in Real Life...

1 decade ago

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Uhm,... somebody didn't get the difference between real life and video game.... and it's not me :X

1 decade ago

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Far Cry 3 was bad with there animal killings I know it did show up gruesome and all but I thought to my self this isn't real so it didn't affect me that much because honestly whos going to blow up a rpg?

1 decade ago

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Animal cruelty is bad but killing people is fine.

It's just a game, fuck 'em.

1 decade ago

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Does anyone aside from PETA actually care what PETA does anymore? They've become such a joke.

1 decade ago

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From what I understand they have quite a bad name even in some vegetarian / vegan circles because of how ridiculous and outright deceitful some of their tactics and marketing is. Not to mention I have heard stories of how they would treat local animal rights organizations very badly.

1 decade ago

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really . ahhh hell , i never understand why the western world have a lot of hypocrisy and pointless organization like this and some Westboro Church or something. Too much freedom of speech ?

1 decade ago

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Oh yeah, I can see how I will play this game and then suddenly have the need to kill some whales in real life, so thanks PETA for rescuing the poor whales from me...löl ^^

1 decade ago

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+1 :D

1 decade ago

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I can agree that games like Cabela's Dangerous Hunt, which are focused strictly in killing animals, are messed up. But to condemn any kinda of animal slaughter, even if justifiable by the context of the game, it is just ideological fanatism.

1 decade ago

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Even that does not look like "cruelty" to me. I do not know about the entire game but in the scenario presented in that video it seems it was necessary to kill the animals in order for the humans to survive. That should always be valid, as the animals certainly would kill the humans to survive if they had to.

What's more, simply killing an animal does not make it "cruelty". PETA really needs to make a distinction between hunting, humane animal killing for food (and perhaps some other products), and necessary use of animals for drug testing on the one hand, and true cruelty like factory farming and animal testing of cosmetics on the other hand.

1 decade ago

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They see me whalin' they hatin'.

1 decade ago

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i remember a dog in one of the GTA V trailer.. did PETA said something about that?

for god sake.. this is just videogames..

1 decade ago

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And the populace loses another bunch of valuable brain cells... I prefer to think that everyone who blame games for anything stupid like this are secretly plotting to take over the world by turning everyone else into brainless husks with all the retarded accusation they throw around.

Actually, that's it! PETA are secretly part of the Templars! It all makes sense now! :D

1 decade ago

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PETA is known for creating extremely controversial (and equally stupid, brainless and without any argument) statements, that's the way i take anything that comes from said organization.

When Greenpeace or any other organization whose owners have at least 1 more brain cell bring something like this to the table, i may pay attention.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 decade ago

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I don't know, I just know that in Soldier of Fortune, I put the god mode cheat in when the dogs were attacking me, 'cause I couldn't shoot them. Then I turned it off again. I can watch people killing themselves on TV too, but I can't watch a lion chasing and eating a gazelle.

1 decade ago

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OMG there's whaling in asscreed 4. Must buy a boat and harpoon right away to try this irl, so much motivation to do it now!!! Then I'll carve the whale up and make whale armor and weapons to hunt even more whales. Soon I'll be hunting G rank whales and my hr will be over 9999. Nobody can stop me.

1 decade ago

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Fuck PETA and their constant complaints, video games are harmless, it's not as if every time I kill an animal in-game, somewhere on the world, an animal drops dead

1 decade ago

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How do you know, man? HOW DO YOU KNOW?!!

1 decade ago

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I guess I don't, He-Man, I just assume things, like the moral entrepreneur I am. kills another animal in-game, own goldfish dies Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

1 decade ago

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I LOVE animals, but I will punch a kitten in the face in a video game any day of the week...

1 decade ago

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PETA is as credible as the new wave of feminism.

1 decade ago

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Weeellll, guess we better stop reading Moby Dick.

Seriously, fiction should never be demonized for accurately depicting the world.

1 decade ago

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that whole book is about killing whales.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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more i hear about peta more i hate them, i don't know if either they want attention on them and make know that they exists and are ready to annoy everyone with their stupid things or if only are stupids. I can't believe they have to accuse games every time there is something related to animals, why they don't only look at reality where also their usefulness it's doubtful.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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PETA also did the same thing to Mario because of his costume

1 decade ago

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It's a game. All Im gonna say, The media are retarded -_-

1 decade ago

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Well, where is the problem. Better in games as in reallife... PETA overacts a bit I think. (I love animals also, but I don't care about pixel animals lol)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by AtomicWoodchuck.