Additional Help
Art assets (2.16mb), this is a zip-file with the board and 8 suspect tokens. This is completely optional, but can serve as a help to keep track of your thoughts and deductions.
The way to play this puzzle is with the help of deduction, find out who the killer is, and why he killed the victim. To do so you need to:
Despite everything being written in english, not all suspects speak that language. They only speak the language they say they do in their testimonies. Testimonies can all be considered true, unless it's opinion based, such as "That man can't be trusted". If a person says he saw someone in the Dining Room, then it's a fact.
Ends: June 15th
This puzzle was heavily inspired by mystery board games such as Cluedo, Whodunnit and Orient Express. The mansion art was cropped, tweaked and pasted from the game Mansions of Madness.
Special thanks to revilheart for figuring out that . is not a # and for testing the mystery.
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Hint 1: It's not the first time the victim tried to pull this off. What other motive do you need than him doing it again? Who sent him that note to make him leave his room at that exact time? Everything depends on which languages they speak. Who could have spoke to whom?
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I'm almost off to bed so i'll check that tomorrow but you sneaky thing making another case so soon! Can't wait to try it :3
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I didn't even notice this. :O
Nordh is at it again! nice. :)
Did not find time for the last case, hopefully I might find a little bit for this one by the end....
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Hmmm once again I forgot... I just opened the link for the first time now... Seems like you did lots of work there (once again), so many rooms and people. Very nice, inspirational. Kinda feel guilty for not finding the time for this...
PS: It's not personal ofc, I just didn't spend time on any puzzles these last 2 months unfortunately.. And usually, yours are the only ones worth it, due to originality and attention to detail...
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In my case, just need to find some (quiet) time to sit down and work on it. It's on my to-do list!
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Yeah, I didn't bump. I tried and got lucky with the answer, and couldn't figure out why was it correct. Now that I got around reading the puzzle again, it seems so obvious...
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Um....the bottle was already empty when I found it. I swear!
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Killer Caught! \m/
I didn't enter any of the gibs, 'cos I was only in it for the sleuth, but I really enjoyed the mystery. This is wonderful, the art kit was really helpful! It worked wonderfully in Photoshop :)
Hope that you'll make more mysteries like this one some day, maybe something even harder? You can find more inspirations from places like Sleuth or from the Detective Conan anime (I still haven't caught up to the latest episode yet, it's been out for many years and still going strong xD).
Additional suggestions: maybe you should get Google Maps involved next time, i.e: Finding a specific house number or revealing a note from the clutches of the dead victim, within it, there's some numbers involved with a particular airline landing in a specific location, etc. Or maybe add a few difficulty options next time, getting the harder puzzles involved with time differences (you can also add in timezones and whatnot) between the culprits, i.e: Victim's body was discovered at 3PM, died of blood loss in the tub. He was lured in at 1PM, the initial suspected time of death (several alibis are rendered useless because of this trick), but he didn't die until 2PM. Some unfortunate person walked in into the bathroom and was frightened because of the scene. He then decided to run away because of his past involvement with crime (in which he thought that he would most likely be lynched into thinking he was the murderer), and he was caught on camera while someone else was taking a selfie or something, thus making him the ultimate suspect...
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Thanks for the amazing feedback!
Yes, there will most likely be more Murder Mysteries. I have material for 10 or so that I can tweak from a Swedish boardgame that I got today when my parents came to town. It's been lying around gathering dust since I was young and I asked them to bring it along since it was a huge inspiration for this puzzle.
The biggest constraint is ITH (or any method of collecting answers). Either you have one question for each bit, or you have one question where you need to write it all down like I did in this case. The main problem becomes format. I kind of wish I could have some sort of free-text answers. Perhaps using forms that goes to my e-mail, and if the person is correct I can send back a link. But it feels a bit too invasive.
If you, or anyone that reads this, has any good ideas on how it could be made better, let me know!
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Wow, can't wait to solve more mysteries ^_^
I think a free-text answer can be easily solved with Pastebin (You would get a shortened link for the ease of sharing after the creation of the paste, no accounts needed, but I think if the user didn't create an account, the paste would be deleted in 30 days?), ITH can be used to paste in the Pastebin link for it, so you wouldn't have to ask for an email to risk invasion of privacy. Whoever solved the mystery successfully can be added to a group once a "deadline" has been reached. And you can inform everyone by posting an announcement within the group to enter the gibs for successfully solving the case(s).
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Having to make Steam Groups and having to join them is something I want to avoid, it would also require me to add people on steam to invite them I believe since it would have to be a closed group.
You can't send links to me using ITH, if that is what you were suggesting. I don't see peoples answers.
Now that I think of it, didn't revilheart create a SG username login thing for his science puzzle? I wonder if that can be used.
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not sure were i went wrong, probably one little mistake :)
il go through it today again to see were i slipped up :P
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Never Mind, solved :D
I had everything right it was the motive that i didn't notice the first time round :P
anyway bump :)
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oh i never noticed the hint :P That would of helped alot,
Anyway great puzzle, really enjoyed it :)
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Story: The Murder Mystery
After meeting up with the very international team of agents at the airport, you all get into a small bus and drive off into the countryside. A few hours later you arrive at a big mansion. "Welcome to our new base of operation", Nordh proclaims and exits the bus. The agents unload their suitcases and enter the estate. Inside a butler collects all the bags and hurries off with them while a secretary divides everyone into different rooms and takes notes on sleeping arrangements.
Since you didn't get a chance to pack before leaving, Nordh has prepared a room with a stocked closet. You enter the room and crash onto the bed. Before you can process all that's happened, your brain shuts off and you fall deep asleep.
You suddenly wake up, as if someone had slapped you in the face. "Was that a gun shot?", you think to yourself. Rushing out of your room you can see all the agents arguing back and forth. Nordh calls you over and asks if you can help him solve what happened.
The Mansion
Catch the killer
Solution and story
Rewards (Level 2)
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty
Rocket League
Additional info
Hint 1
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