How come people are so harsh on kids on the internet? It's not like it's their fault that they have high pitched voices just because they haven't reached puberty yet. Why do people got to be so insensitive?

12 years ago*

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Because most kids rage. Like, URRGGGHHH STOP KILLING ME YOU FAGGOT PYRO or someshit. I"M TELLING GRANDMA Etcetera.
That, and there are a few trollers that mike spam kiddy voices. Personally, if you have high pitch, just talk. It hurts people's ears.

12 years ago

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This. I understand they're still kids, but it's not that hard to act 'normal'.

12 years ago

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Pretty much all of what you said.

And to add to that they are usually immature/stupid/flat out annoying.

The worst is when some say "trololo" and shit similar to that. It just makes them look even more like a kid.

12 years ago

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I was about to show myself compassionate... But it's gonna end up with +1.

Had quite a few bad experiences I shortened with "you can babble as much as you want, scream and rage quit,'till then you are muted", very painful when they have a mic.

12 years ago

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Because kids.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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because we all forget that we were kids, too :3

12 years ago

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Because they think they're untouchable on the interent.

Because they can "get away" with swearing and pointlessly arguing with other people.

Their parents don't care, and neither do they.

12 years ago

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"Their parents don't care"

When your child who is under the age of 12 is cussing like a sailor, you have done something very during your parenting.

And besides them cussing like crazy most the time. I think it's also really bad that they buy/let their kid use a mic to talk to complete strangers over the internet. Just so damn responsible...

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I don't like hearing 7 year olds playing blops and screaming at me to open doors. Other than that who cares, and mute is a wonderful thing.

12 years ago

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Well since I want to rephrase a saying in the most obtuse way possible:
Children should be seen and not heard - not: heard but not seem.

12 years ago

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At least you didn't say touched.

12 years ago

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You sound like my parole officer.

12 years ago

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People are harsh towards children because of near total anonymity. However sometimes, if not most of the time, children act out for the same reason and deserve the way they get treated.

12 years ago

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Every response in this thread will be subjective and therefore not up for debate. Parenting is a very sensitive topic and differs on a per person basis.

12 years ago

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True, i rarely play with random people on the net like on skype/vent/ts but it has happened and some kids behave better than aults

12 years ago

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Parenting is a very sensitive topic, eh? Stop being so damn sensitive and take a parenting class. Or just slap the little turds when they step out of line, damn the consequences.

12 years ago

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People who are dicks to kids on TTT and other games for no reason other then their age make me angry.
They are acting more immature then the kids by doing so.

12 years ago

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Because kids these days are bunch of BLEEP

12 years ago

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Sorry guys I will stop breathing helium while playing TF2 from now on

12 years ago

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because majority of kids have no right to play the game they are playing (only way they get access to some of the games is the lack of understanding by the parents) or won't understand when to shut up... its not the annoying high-pitched voice that pisses people off, its the constant swearing and lack of tact shown by the owner's of the voice. I have never seen an undeserved hate towards kids although I'm sure it exists since this IS the internet after all.

12 years ago

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It's not just kids that troll or rage on the internet or in games. I don't have a problem with kids who have high pitched voices, my problem lies in people feeling like they can do whatever they want because it's the internet.

12 years ago

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I'm a kid and no one ever notices. I don't ever use my mic unless I'm talking to an irl friend.

I hate most kids on MP games like Chivalry and TF2. They're irritating as FUCK.

I happen to be somewhat good at TF2 and apparently people don't expect that from a kid.

EDIT: Kids need to stop using text talk and such to communicate. I use full grammar unless I'm playing a fast-paced game.

12 years ago

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It's their behavior

12 years ago

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People that say all kids are immature, or all they do is curse, etc; 5 years ago I used to play games on XBL, I was 12 at the time and so of course my voice hadn't broke. But I was mature, and never swore, I was respectful to everyone. You know what happened to me? I had people of all ages, my own, 18/19, even people who were probably 30, swearing at me, taking the mick, just giving me shit in general. People need to give some kids a break. We were all young once, and not everyone who is 11, 12, 13, etc, is a douchbag.

12 years ago

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Because they create the worst forum posts.

12 years ago

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because majority of the kids these days are just jack asses

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by huntercopper.