Hey guys, I recently started posting videos on Youtube, Sonic games Analysis. Check them out if you're interested, and let me know what you think!

7 years ago

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But the real question is: Can you compete with Sammy Classic Sonic Fan?

As to the videos themselves.. I personally find it hard to comprehend a semi-heavy accent. While in the first one, people who are fine with it can still understand you if they keenly listen, the second and third one have a noticeable sound quality drop. It makes some sections unintelligible for me and it's just hard to keep up. You talked so quickly sometimes that when I was trying to figure out what you were saying in the last 5 seconds, you've already said a whole paragraph of text.
TL;DR I'd slow down the pace at which you're talking, because of your strong accent. Also, your later videos lowered in audio quality. Fix that, otherwise it's even harder, sometimes impossible to understand.

7 years ago*

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No, he's the best fan. Nยฐ1.

7 years ago

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Sorry about the audio quality loss, I think it's because I tried using a filter to remove the buzz noise the mic usually does. Also, there's subtitles because I'm aware of the bad pronunciation, and I'm trying to talk slowly in my own language too, since that's an issue I have.
Thanks for checking them out though!

7 years ago

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Bump with new video. Sonic Generations!

7 years ago

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