Cancel the giveaways and keep the gifts to yourself.
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And the winner does not have to add you either.
You just send them to the email address provided to you by SG. SEE HERE. How much simpler could this be?
If you are too stupid to send your damn gifts, it's your own fault.
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He's not stupid.
When I created my giveaway, I added the winner. Had he not accepted, I would have re-rolled. Why?
People are giving stuff for free. The LEAST the winner can do is to thank the giver personally on chat.
EDIT: Apart from that, if you send it by email the winner can redeem it on any other account, not only his, and even sell the gift (considering the giver hasn't revoked it). That'd suck.
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But if you're going to give stuff out on a public raffle you have to accept that not everyone will do that, of course this site in no way forces you to give out the gift but if you don't well then you also have to accept that people will be honest and say they never got it. And of course if you repeatedly fail at this then your ability to create giveaways is removed, simple.
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Also, if you gift a game to someone via email, both gifter and recipent are added to each other's friendlists automatically. so the winner can thank the gifter afterwards. It does not have to be before. And THANKING THE GIFTER IS NOT A REQUIREMENT to be eligible to win. You are not allowed to make such requirements on a public giveaway. If you aren't sending your gifts for a reason as stupid as that, you deserve to have your ability to create giveaways removed.
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I just like to make the experience more personal. I'm not giving stuff that I paid with my hard-earned money for free to someone I haven't even talked, or who is going to ignore me after receiving the game.
By the way, GIVING THE GAME is also not a requirement. You can always ask for a re-roll if you have your own reasons and don't want some specific person to win. In what world do you live in, where people should be stopped from giving games for free?
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I'm not stopping anyone giving away games for free, I want people to stop NOT giving the gifts to the winner without a proper reason. Not liking the winner or not being thanked is not a proper reason, and asking for a re-roll for this is just a dick move.
Giving the game is not a requirement but not giving it is the (not-)gifters fault and should leave a negative rating (at least).
From the giveaway creation page: "Once the giveaway is created, it can no longer be modified or deleted.[...] Creating a fake giveaway, or not sending gifts will result in negative feedback, and your inability to use the site in the future." It nails down precisely why the OP cannot make more giveaways and why it should stay so.
If you don't want to give away the games to strangers you never talked to, use PRIVATE giveaways.
From the FAQ and Guidelines: "No extraneous/special rules for public giveaways, please."
PS: to make an analogy: A guy wins in the lottery, but the lottery hosts say "nah, you're not grateful enough. We're making a reroll." Who should be punished: The (now ex-)winner or the host?
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hardly makes a difference.
bottom line: this site is a platform through which one can give away games to others. But theres rules and guidelines to follow, and if OP (or anyone else) thinks he's so special he doesn't have to follow them like everyone else, he's got to give them away someplace else.
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Yes I do the same thing. If you look at my profile you will see that there is still one awaiting feedback. I decided to use the email provided. The gift was redeem by a secondary account. Believe it or not by an account that had more than 600 games. From that point on I simply add the winner. If they do not accept my friend request in a week I will ask for giveaway to be removed.
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Why removed? They can re-roll it to select a new winner.
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You can't, if you gift it to a specific steam account (which can be done, if it's one of your friends).
You can, if you gift it to an email address. The email will contain an steam:// URL, which can be opened (and redeemed) by any steam account, even if it's not the one attached to the email the gifter sent.
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as far as i know, gifting to a friend's steam account also automatically sends an e-mail to his steam-registered account. whether or not he can use that to forward the gift, I don't know though.
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U don´t need to add them into steam, just send them the keys via email
And why at your status said that 2 of your gifts were not received?
That means the winner after a month don´t received his gift
And if the winner said "NOT RECEIVED" that means they were expecting their award but you didn´t send the prizes
I'm right?
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Wait, I thought it was recommended for the gifter to e-mail the gift? I know that was back when winners had their names displayed at the end of the giveaway, but I didn't read anything saying differently.
What is the most appropriate way to deliver a gift: e-mail or steam?
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still e-mail, since no previous steps are required except for looking the email address up. Sending through steam is also possible, but it requires that both parties add each other to the friendlist first. that is not a requirement, it brings more delay than necessary and some peoples' friendlists are full enough as it is, so it's generally the better option to use e-mail.
A third "option" would be steam trading system, but this also requires friendlist and also invites for unruly behavior such as (actual) trading, or the winner selling/trading the gift he won for something else, so this option is greatly discouraged.
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I have 3 giveaways without "sent gift", but they never acepted me to steam, and looks like never will do. I want to make more giveaways, but i cant.
I want to send these gifts, but it's imposible.
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